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Microsoft 365

Protect Exchange Online, Groups, Teams, and more
192 articles
Release Notes - Druva for Microsoft 365Find new features, updates, and bug fixes date-wise based on Cloud Updates
Govcloud Release Notes - Microsoft 365
Archived Release Notes - inSync GovCloudProvides information of previous GovCloud releases (January -December 2024)
Microsoft 365 Backup Express Overview
Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Graph APIs Overview
Protect Microsoft 365 Data using Microsoft 365 Backup Express
Protect Exchange Online using Microsoft 365 Backup Express
Protect SharePoint Online using Microsoft 365 Backup Express
Protect OneDrive using Microsoft 365 Backup Express
Manage and Monitor Microsoft 365 Backup using Microsoft 365 Backup Express
Permissions for Microsoft 365 Backup Express
Microsoft 365 Backup Express FAQs
Limitations, Known Issues, and Workarounds of Microsoft 365 Backup Express
Sign in to Druva Management ConsoleDescribes the steps to sign in to Druva Management Console.
Microsoft 365 Overview pageThis topic provides details about the Overview page for Microsoft 365.
Support for Microsoft 365 GCC High (Government Community Cloud High)This article describes the requirements to configure GCCH.
How the active and preserve license is consumed?
Prerequisites to back up SaaS Apps data
SaaS Apps architecture
Support for Azure Active Directory (AD) Conditional Access policies
Supported Cloud Apps Editions
Microsoft 365 Permissions for Druva AppPermissions required to backup and restore Microsoft 365 data.
Configure Azure AD Conditional Access to exclude inSync
Configure Druva inSync for Microsoft 365
Verify configuration
Reinstall Microsoft 365
Tenant Registration FAQsQuick answers related to global admin creds, app, permissions, KMS, and user deployment.
Backup Configuration FAQsQuick answers related to backing up selective users and profiles.
Saas Apps | Exchange Online backup continues even after the user is deleted in M365