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Configure password policy for users and administrators
Configure password policy for users and administrators
Updated over 7 months ago

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❗ Important

  • Only a Druva Cloud Administrator can set a Password Policy for all the administrator accounts.

  • A Druva Cloud Administrator can configure the Password Policy from either the Druva Cloud Platform Console or the inSync Management Console.

  • A Password Policy configured on the Druva Cloud Platform Console is replicated automatically over the inSync Management Console. A Password Policy configured on the inSync Management Console is replicated automatically over the Druva Cloud Platform Console.

  • Access the Global Navigation Panel > Home to launch the Druva Cloud Platform Console. For more information, see Create a Password Policy.

A Password Policy is a set of rules that encourage the use of strong passwords to ensure added data security. inSync supports password policies for the users and administrators. You can define a Password Policy such that:

  • Strong passwords are mandated. A password is strong if it is 12 characters long and contains at least one alphabet [a-z, A-Z], one numeric character [0-9], and one special character.

  • A given number of preceding passwords used to login cannot be reused

  • The number of login attempts is defined. When this limit is reached, inSync locks the account for an hour.

  • Mandate password changes at regular intervals.

Enable Password Policy for administrators

Password Policy for administrators can be configured only from the Druva Cloud Platform Console. To enable Password Policy for administrators, see Configure Password Policy for administrators.

Enable Password Policy for users

To enable a Password Policy for users

  1. On the inSync Management Console menu bar, click Settings > inSync Settings.

  2. Click the Password Policy tab.

  3. Under the Password Policy Settings For Users area, click Edit. The Password Policy Settings For Users window appears.

  4. Provide the appropriate information for each field and click Save.



Enable Password Policy

If you want to enable the Password Policy for the users, select this check box. Additional fields appear.

Enforce Strong Password

If you want to enforce a strong Password Policy, select this check box.

A strong password contains:

  • Minimum 12 and maximum 32 characters

  • A combination of alphanumeric and special characters

  • Alphanumeric characters include numbers and upper-case and lower-case letters

A strong password is hard to guess for people with malicious intent and secures the login experience.

📝 Note

Enforce strong Password Policy is, by default, enabled in the inSync GovCloud environment.

Cannot reset password to last

Type the number of previous passwords that the administrator cannot use.

For example, if you enter 3, the administrators cannot set their new password to the current and previous passwords.

To allow the administrators to use any of their last passwords except the current password, type 0.

📝 Note

In the inSync GovCloud environment, the user cannot reset their password to the last 24 passwords by default.

Minimum lifetime for password

(Applicable in inSync GovCloud environment only)

Type the number of days that you want a password to be used before the user can change it.

The possible value range is between 1-60 days.


Set the Minimum lifetime for password age to 1 day. Setting the number of days to 0 allows immediate password changes.

Max. invalid login attempts

Type the maximum number of login attempts.

An administrator's account is locked after invalid login attempts exceed the number you specify here.

Passwords expire after every

Type the number of days after which the administrator must reset the password.

The recommended value range is 1 to 60 days.

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