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Microsoft 365 Storage Consumption Report

View workload specific storage consumption details and its summary.

Updated over 4 months ago


This report provides valuable insights into how your organization is utilizing storage within Microsoft 365. It enables you to make informed decisions about storage allocation and identify areas for potential optimization.

The following screenshot depicts a sample Storage Consumption Report.




Quick Filters

Workload: Select the desired workload from the drop-down menu.


  • Total Storage Consumed (GB): The total Storage consumed by enabled and disabled workloads

  • Storage Consumed by Enabled Workloads (GB): The total storage used by active Microsoft 365 workloads such as OneDrive and Teams.

  • Storage Consumed by Disabled Workloads (GB): The total storage used by inactive/disabled Microsoft 365 workloads such as OneDrive and Teams.

Storage Consumption

Displays a visual view of storage consumption by Enabled and Disabled workloads.

Storage Consumption Details

  • Workload: Name the workload, such as SharePoint and Groups.

  • Resource Count: Number of users, sites, devices, teams, public folders, or groups mapped with the workload.

  • Total backup Data (GB): Total data backed up for Enabled and Disabled workloads.


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