This article explains how to resolve issue when the administrator is not able to receive Reset Password emails from inSync.
SMTP username and password are not set in the inSync SMTP settings, which are used for sending anonymous emails.
If SMTP username is not configured in the inSync SMTP settings, inSync picks up the sender " alerts-noreply@druva.com ", by default, when resetting the Administrator's password. Changing the Reply to:field does not help.
If the sender is set in the Reply to:field under Email Message Customization ( Manage >Settings>Email ), inSync picks up the sender address from the CFG file. This happens only when resetting an Administrator’s password. When resetting user’s password, inSync picks up the email ID from the Reply to:field.
📝 Note
This is applicable when SMTP username and SMTP password are left blank.
This error is logged when the druva.com domain is blocked on the Exchange Server. When using Exchange, you may find the following error:
550 5.1.8 Access denied. Bad outbound sender
You may get a different error on another mail server.
Verify if the Exchange is blocking emails from the druva.com domain using Microsoft Exchange Troubleshooting Assistant > Message Tracking Results.
Filter the search with recipient's email ID and look for the error in the RecipientStatus column as shown in the following screenshot.