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Restore SharePoint Online Data
Updated over 5 months ago

License editions: To understand the applicable license editions, see Plans & Pricing.


Restore of data ensures that the data is available for future reference and business continuity and can be retrieved in case of accidental deletion or malicious activities.

This feature helps administrators in the following scenarios:

  • If a site is in a Purged state, administrators can either restore this site with the same Title and URL or restore it as a completely new site with a new title.

  • Administrators can recover the backed-up site contents to another existing or new site.

Restore of SharePoint Online data using inSync Management Console depends on the following SharePoint site attributes:

πŸ“ Note

To perform a SharePoint site restore, the App status of that site should be in the Enabled state. If you perform restore on a disabled site, then you will get an error β€œUnable to trigger restore request as site collection is disabled". For more information about enabling a disabled SharePoint site, see Manage Site Collections for SharePoint Online.

  • Restore of Team Site or a Private Channel Site which are either permanently deleted or moved to Microsoft 365 tenant recycle bin is not supported.

An administrator can restore SharePoint Online data using the inSync Management Console at the following locations based on the selection for restore:

  • Restore to the same Site: Restore data to the same site from which it was backed up.

    • In-place Restore: To the same site collection from where the data was backed up.

    • Restore as a Copy: A new subsite is created within the same site collection and the data is restored in this new subsite.

    Full site_restore to same site_overlap.png

    • ​

      Full site_restore to same site_overlap.png
  • Restore to a different Site: Restore one site's data to another existing Site.

    • Restore as a Subsite: Creates a subsite with the same title and restores data to this subsite.

  • Restore to a new Site: Create a new site with a new URL and restore data to this new site.



Support matrix for restore

Here's a matrix that lists the supported restore location and options for SharePoint Online data using inSync.

SharePoint site component selected in inSync

Site Template

Site State

Restore Location

Restore Options

Full Site



Same Site

Restore as a Copy


Same Site

Restore as a new site


Same Site

Not Supported



Different Site

Restore as a Subsite



New Site

Restore as a new Site

Full Site



Same Site


Restore as a Copy


Same Site

Not Supported


Same Site

Not Supported



Different Site

Restore as a Subsite

New Site

Not Supported

Subsite, Document Library, List, Files, and Folders



Same Site


Restore as a Copy


Same Site

Restore as a new site


Same Site

Not Supported



Different Site

Restore as a Subsite



New Site

Restore as a new Site

Subsite, Document Library, List, Files, and Folders



Same Site


Restore as a Copy


Same Site

Not Supported


Same Site

Not Supported



Different Site

Restore as a Subsite

New Site

Not Supported

Only Settings



Same Site



Same Site

Not Applicable


Same Site

Not Applicable

Different Site

Not Applicable

New Site

Not Applicable

Only Settings



Same Site



Same Site

Not Applicable


Same Site

Not Applicable

Different Site

Not Applicable

New Site

Not Supported

Things to consider:

  • The In-Place Restore and Restore as Copy options will fail if subsite creation is disabled in SharePoint when restoring data.

  • You cannot restore a subsite if the subsite creation is disabled in SharePoint. For example:

    • Restoring a site with a subsite will complete with errors as the subsite restore fails.

    • Restoring a specific subsite will fail as the subsite creation setting is disabled in SharePoint.

    • At present, we don't support restore of empty files or 0 KB files in Sharepoint.

Restore SharePoint data using the inSync Management Console

❗ Important

  • Due to a Microsoft API limitation, all team sites (hidden sites for Microsoft 365 Groups, Teams Web App) are restored with the classic template when restored as a copy.

  • The add a new site and restore purged site (to the same site by creating a new site) functionalities are available only for Teams Sites, Communication Sites, and Group Sites.

  • Group Sites (Modern Sites) are restored as Teams Sites.

An administrator can restore SharePoint data using the inSync Management Console as mentioned below.

Scenario: Full or complete site restore


Restore Location (Site State)

Restore Options

Same Site (Active)

In-placeRestore: Replaces and overwrites the existing data within the site collection with the data selected for restore.

πŸ“ Note

If Skip option is selected for Settings Behaviour, then, settings will not be restored.

Restore as a Copy: The restored site is available as a subsite with the name <inSync Restore datetimestamp>.

πŸ“ Note

If Skip option is selected for Settings Behaviour, then, settings will not be restored. If Overwrite option is selected for Settings Behaviour, then, settings will be restored only if complete data is selected.

Same Site (Purged)

πŸ“ Note

Supported only for Modern site template.

Restore as a new Site: A new site is created with the same URL and title, and the data is restored to this new site.

πŸ“ Note

If Skip option is selected for Settings Behaviour, then, the data is restored with default settings. If Overwrite option is selected for Settings Behaviour, then, settings will be restored only if complete data is selected.

Different Site

Restore as a Subsite: A Subsite <inSync Restore datetimestamp> is created under the selected site. Another subsite with the same title as the source site is created under the above subsite and the data is restored to this subsite.

Example: Let’s say you have:

Source site Title: Marketing (Site from which data is to be restored)

Destination Site Title: Finance (Different site where the source site data has to be restored)

Now, when you perform a restore, a subsite <inSync Restore datetimestamp> is created under the Finance site. Another subsite with the source site title (Marketing) is created under <inSync Restore datetimestamp> and the data is restored here.

πŸ“ Note

  • If Skip option is selected for Settings Behaviour, then, settings will not be restored.

  • If Apply option is selected for Settings Behaviour, then settings of the selected site will be applied.

New Site

πŸ“ Note

Supported only for Modern site template.

Restore as a new Site: A new site with the provided title is created with the data and settings selected for restore.

Restore full Site of Teams and Private Channel sites (Modern or Classic template)

Full site_Teams and Private channel.png

Restore Location (Site State)

Restore Options

Same Site (Active)

In-placeRestore: Replaces and overwrites the existing data within the site collection with the data selected for restore.

πŸ“ Note

If Skip option is selected for Settings Behaviour, then, settings will not be restored.

Restore as a Copy: The restored site is available as a subsite with the name <inSync Restore datetimestamp>.

πŸ“ Note

If Skip option is selected for Settings Behaviour, then, settings will not be restored. If the Overwrite option is selected for Settings Behaviour, then, settings will be restored only if complete data is selected.

Scenario: Only SharePoint Data (Document Libraries, List, Site, Files, Folders) restore

Sharepoint data-SubsiteDL,Files Folders_infographic.png

❗ Important

If the URL length of the file or folder you want to restore is close to or exceeds 400 characters, restore may fail using "Restore as a Copy" option due to Microsoft limitation. Instead, you can use either the "In-place Restore" or "Restore as a New Site" option to perform the restore.

Restore Location (Site State)

Restore Options

Same Site (Active)

In-placeRestore: Replaces and overwrites the existing data within the site collection with the data selected for restore.

Restore as a Copy: A new subsite with name <inSync Restore datetimestamp> folder is created within the restored site and the data is restored to this subsite.

Same Site (Purged)

πŸ“ Note

Supported only for Modern site template.

Restore as a new Site: A new site is created with the same URL and title with the data and settings selected for restore.

Different Site

Restore as a Subsite:

A Subsite <inSync Restore datetimestamp> is created under the selected site and the data is restored to this subsite.

Example: Let’s say you have:

Source site Title: Marketing (Site from which data is to be restored)

Destination Site Title: Finance (Different site where the source site data has to be restored)

Now, when you perform a restore, a subsite <inSync Restore datetimestamp> is created under the Finance site and the data is restored here.

πŸ“ Note

  • If Skip option is selected for Settings Behaviour, then, settings will not be restored.

  • If Apply option is selected for Settings Behaviour, then settings of the selected site will be applied.

New Site

πŸ“ Note

Supported only for Modern site template

Restore as a new Site: A new site with the provided title is created with the data and settings selected for restore.

Restore Subsite, Document Library, Lists of Teams and Private Channel sites (Modern or Classic template)

DL_Subsite_Teams and Private Channel site.png

Restore Location (Site State)

Restore Options

Same Site (Active)

In-placeRestore: Replaces and overwrites the existing data within the site collection with the data selected for restore.

πŸ“ Note

If Skip option is selected for Settings Behaviour, then, settings will not be restored.

Restore as a Copy: The restored site is available as a subsite with the name <inSync Restore datetimestamp>.

πŸ“ Note

If Skip option is selected for Settings Behaviour, then, settings will not be restored. If Overwrite option is selected for Settings Behaviour, then, settings will be restored only if complete data is selected.

Support for hierarchical restore of SharePoint Online data

❗ Important

  • This also applies to the files selected for restore from the Federated Search wizard.

  • In case of file and folder restore, if you want to restore the Site Contents along with its backed up settings, you must select the corresponding settings.json file from the backup snapshot. For example, if you want to restore Document Library (DL1) along with its backed up settings, you must select DL1 settings.json file from the backup snapshot.

Hierarchical restore means you can restore SharePoint Online data with the same and complete hierarchy structure (Subsite, Document Library, Folder, etc] as the original site data.

The hierarchical restore workflow is based on the following parameters:

  • Data selected for restore - File or folder. For file selection restore, file parent id logic is applied. For folder selection restore, path logic is applied. This is applicable for In-Place restore.

  • Type of restore

    • In-Place

    • Restore as a Copy

    • Restore to a different site

    • Restore to a new site

Let's say you have the following scenario:

If a parent hierarchy is deleted, when you initiate restore for a file or folder, inSync creates the missing hierarchy (for In-Place restore) for the item selected for restore and restores the selected item inside it.

Here's an example.

You have the following hierarchy: site1/sub1/sub2/DL1/Folder1/file1.txt. The path for sub1 is deleted. The hierarchy is restored as follows based on the data selected for restore and the type of restore.

Scenario: If file1.txt is selected for restore, data is restored as follows:

  • In-place restore: site1 /sub1/sub2/DL1/Folder1/file1.txt

  • Restore as a Copy: site1/<inSync Restore datetimestamp>/sub1/sub2/DL1/Folder1/file1.txt

  • Restore to a different site: existing_site1/<inSync Restore datetimestamp>/sub1/sub2/DL1/Folder1/file1.txt

  • Restore to a new site: new_site1/sub1/sub2/DL1/Folder1/file1.txt

πŸ“ Note

In the above example, as sub1 path is deleted, in case of In-Place restore of file.txt selection, inSync creates the missing hierarchy i.e. sub1/sub2/DL1/Folder1/file1.txt.

Scenario: If Folder1 is selected for restore, data is restored as follows:

  • In-place restore: site1/ sub1 / sub2 / DL1 / Folder1

  • Restore as a Copy: site1/<inSync Restore datetimestamp>/sub1/sub2/DL1/Folder1

  • Restore to a different site: existing_site1/<inSync Restore datetimestamp>/sub1/sub2/DL1/Folder1

  • Restore to a new site: new_site1/sub1/sub2/DL1/Folder1

Scenario: If DL1 is selected for restore, data is restored as follows:

  • In-place restore: site1/ sub1 / sub2 / DL1/<All Files and Folders within DL1>

  • Restore as a Copy: site1/<inSync Restore datetimestamp>/sub1/sub2/DL1

  • Restore to a different site: existing_site1/<inSync Restore datetimestamp>/sub1/sub2/DL1

  • Restore to a new site: new_site1/sub1/sub2/DL1

Scenario: If sub 2 is selected for restore, data is restored as follows:

  • In-place restore: site1/ sub1 / sub2

  • Restore as a Copy: site1/<inSync Restore datetimestamp>/sub1/sub2

  • Restore to a different site: existing_site1/<inSync Restore datetimestamp>/sub1/sub2

  • Restore to a new site: new_site1/sub1/sub2

Things to consider for In-Place restore for files and folders

  • If a parent hierarchy is present and the folder within it is renamed and you perform In-Place restore by selecting a file, inSync restores only the selected file based on the parent id of the file.

For example, you have the following hierarchy: site/DL1/f1/f2/f3/f4/samplefile.txt

The folder f2 is renamed to f2new (site/DL1/f1/f2new/f3/f4/). Now, you select samplefile.txt and perform In-Place restore. As the parent hierarchy for the selected file which is f4 is already present, inSync will restore only samplefile.txt as follows:

Folder rename_file restore.png
  • If a parent hierarchy is present and the folder within it is renamed and you perform In-Place restore by selecting a folder, ##############{{insync restores only the selected folder based on the path of the folder.

For example, you have the following hierarchy: site/DL1/f1/f2/f3/f4/samplefile.txt

The folder f2 is renamed to f2new (site/DL1/f1/f2new/f3/f4/). Now, you select f4 and perform In-Place restore. As the path for the selected folder is already present, inSync restores data as follows:

folder_rename_folder selected1.png

Scenario: Only Sharepoint Settings restore

Only Settings_infographic.png

Restore Location (Site State)

Restore Options

Same Site (Active)

In-placeRestore: Replaces and overwrites the existing data within the site collection with the data selected for restore.


  1. Sign in to Druva Cloud Platform Console and navigate to Microsoft 365 > SharePoint.
    A page that lists all the discovered sites appears.

  2. Click the site name that you want to restore. The site page appears if you select a site for which the backup has been enabled.

  3. Click Backup page to view the snapshots.

    πŸ“ Note

    The quarantined snapshot is marked with a padlock icon, and the latest unquarantined(clean) snapshot is marked with a n exclamation point icon that you cannot delete. For more information, see Ransomware Recovery for M365.

  4. On the Summary page, click Restore Data.

  5. On the Snapshot Viewer page, use the snapshot selector to select the snapshot from which you want to restore data.

    πŸ“ Note

    The quarantined snapshot is marked with a red dot icon and you cannot restore or download data from the quarantined snapshot.

  6. From all the listed backup site collections, browse and select the sites and subsites that you want to restore. Alternatively, you can use Search, located at the top for files across your backed-up SharePoint Online sites and subsites.

  7. Enter the name of the file that you are looking for in the search box. Alternatively, you can search files using SHA1 checksums.

  8. Use the following filters to refine your search criteria:

    • File Extensions - Select the file type of the document.

    • Time Modified - Select the time range to get the list of files modified during a particular time range.

    • Time created - Select the time range to get the list of files created during a particular time range.

    • File Size - Specify the file size range to get the list of files within the particular file size range.

  9. Click Search. A list of files matching your search criteria is displayed.

  10. Select the desired files.

  11. Use the snapshot selector to select the snapshot from which you want to restore data.

    ❗ Important

    • If the SharePoint Online sites, subsites, lists, and document libraries have a β€œ/” (forward slash) character in their name, the snapshot displays a β€œ_β€œ (underscore)character instead of the β€œ/” (forward slash).

    • If the Federated Search feature is enabled for your organization, you can filter your search results using different metadata attributes or by typing the name of the specific backed up sites and subsites. For more information, see Search backed up data to restore.

12. Click Restore. The Restore window appears. The Restore Location and Restore Options are displayed based on the selected SharePoint Site component (Full Team, Only SharePoint Data, or Only Settings) and the associated site template.

13. Select the desired restore location and option and proceed with the restore action. A confirmation message appears after a restore action is initiated successfully.

πŸ’‘ Tip

If you want to restore a deleted site collection (with Classic site template), create a new site collection with the same URL as the deleted site collection. Restore the data of the deleted site in the newly created site collection.

πŸ“ Note

  • No content backed upset message is displayed in the following scenarios:

    • If the selected site collection is enabled for backup, but, backup is not initiated for that site collection

    • If the first backup for the selected site collection fails.

  • Due to Microsoft API limitations, the SharePoint data pertaining to Rating Settings and Regional Settings cannot be restored.

  • In case of Restore as a Copy for SharePoint data (without Settings), the files/folders data gets restored to the Site Contents folder.

  • You can perform only I n-Place restore for the following SharePoint site data:

    • List Template

    • Theme Gallery

    • Web Parts

    • Device Channel

    • Solution Gallery

  • Due to Microsoft API limitations, you cannot search a Site Title with a suffix string as a search parameter. However, you can search a Site Title with prefix strings that start with β€˜ ’, β€˜_’, β€˜+’,’/’,’\’,’-’,double and single inverted commas.

  • When creating a completely new site or a new site from an existing purged site, by default, global administrator is assigned the role of site owner for the new site.

Scenario: Restore a specific version of a file

If the file that you are searching for has multiple versions in the snapshots, the search results will list these versions. You can restore or download a specific version of a file.



  1. Click on the listed version indicator for the file you want to restore or download. The version history for the file appears.


2. Select a specific version that you want to restore or download.

3. Click Restore or Download.

SharePoint Restore Considerations

Before you initiate SharePoint restore, review the following considerations.

  • In-place restore partially completes for ASPX, JS, and HTML file types if the SharePoint site URL contains two or more continuous dots (..).

  • Draft site pages restore considerations:

    • If the site pages are published once and then moved to the draft state, the site pages get published after restore.

    • If the site pages are never published and are in draft state, then the site pages remain in the draft state after restore.

  • Classic site - Publishing portal template restore considerations:

    • Default .aspx files are not restored.

    • Published site pages are restored in draft state.

    • If only site pages are restored, the restored pages are not accessible on the SharePoint site.

  • Quick Launch restore is not supported in the following scenarios:

    • For a new site restore, site collection level Quick Launch is not supported.

    • Quick Launch for unpublished site pages is not supported.

  • Audit properties for wiki pages are not restored.

  • The page author (in the page heading) for the site page is not restored when you are restoring to a different site.

  • The β€˜Modified’ and β€˜Modified By’ fields are not restored for published site pages.

  • Task List restore is not supported.

  • The layout of the SharePoint site is not restored.

  • User-created homepage of the site is not set as the default homepage on the restored site.

  • In-place restore of .js files is not supported for the Publishing portal and Enterprise wiki.

  • The restore of comments added on the site pages is not supported.

  • Site owners are restored with limited access when restored to a different site.

  • Restore of Web Parts is not supported.

  • Syntex license is not supported for restoring content type hub.

  • The 'About me' field from a custom SharePoint group is not restored.

  • Custom column in managed metadata cannot be restored in the below cases:

    • If the system failed to restore.

    • If the admin does not select β€œ site settings ” for the deleted term store while restoring it.

    • If the term store or term set is not attached when the column is created in the global term store and in the site store it is deleted.

  • Restoring SharePoint site content can significantly increase storage usage. This is primarily due to the behavior of Microsoft 365 Document Libraries: every file modification generates a new version, resulting in storage consumption growth by a factor of 1x each time the file is updated. The restoration process involves three steps: file restore, metadata restore, and audit properties restore, which collectively increase storage consumption by 3X.

    To mitigate the storage impact during the restore, versioning is temporarily disabled for the new sites and automatically re-enabled once the restore process is complete.

    However, versioning is not disabled for in-place restores involving an existing Document Library, leading to regular storage usage.

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