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Backup SharePoint Online data
Updated over 2 months ago

License editions: To understand the applicable license editions, see Plans & Pricing.


As an inSync Cloud administrator, you can schedule either automatic backups or perform an on-demand backup which is manual.

πŸ’‘ Tip

If you have the Posture & Observability license, with the Data Anamolies feature, you can detect suspicious data modifications of your backed-up SharePoint data and take corrective action to ensure data security.

Before you begin

Before you initiate a backup operation for Microsoft 365 app data, ensure the following:

Schedule automatic discovery of site collections, backup, and data retention policies

You can schedule an automatic discovery and backup of site collections while configuring SharePoint Online. For more information, see Configuring SharePoint Online.

πŸ’‘ Tip

When a particular SharePoint site is deleted from Microsoft 365, the App Status of that site changes to Disabled in inSync. ESITENOTFOUND error is displayed in Status Details when you initiate a backup for this site. The discovery and scheduled backups for these sites are excluded in the subsequent discovery and backup cycle. However, you can perform a restore of these sites.

Manual backup of SharePoint Online data

As an inSync Cloud administrator, you can start an unscheduled backup of a site collection as and when necessary.


  1. Sign in to Druva Cloud Platform Console and navigate to Microsoft 365 > SharePoint.
    A page that lists all the discovered sites appears.

  2. Click the site collection name you want to backup. The site page appears if you select an enabled site. If the site is not configured, you need to configure the site settings first and then trigger the backup activity.

  3. On the Summary tab, click Backup Now to trigger the backup. After the backup activity is completed, the Backup Status on the SharePoint page will change to Backed Up Successfully.

πŸ“ Note

  • If the SharePoint Online sites, subsites, lists, and document libraries have a '/' (forward slash) character present in their title, the β€œ/” is replaced with an β€œ_” (underscore) character before backing up the data.

  • Syntex license is not supported for backing up content type hub.

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