Problem description
The devices activated with inSync Client, get marked as inactive frequently and randomly, despite the devices being regularly connected with the internet.
The following errors are observed in the inSync Client logs:
βLog file:inSyncClient.xxxx-xxx.log
Log Location:C:\ProgramData\Druva\inSync4\users\<UserName>\logs
[ERROR] Error <class 'socket.error'>:[Errno 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. Traceback
This error is observed in various scenarios out of which, the following are the most common scenarios:
The connection is sending malformed data to the application.
The network link between the inSync Client and server is going down for some reason.
Something has triggered a bug in the application that caused it to crash.
The application has exhausted system resources.
The aforementioned 4 issues may also have various reasons to occur, however, the following reasons are common:
Data packets dropped due to network adapter issues. Mostly due to non-updated network drivers.
Network data transfer monitoring software.
Antivirus programs.
Restrictions on the network to which the device is connected.
Lack of resources on the device.
We strongly recommend you to implementantivirus exclusions for inSync Client.
You verify and modify theCPU Priority Configurations in inSync Admin Console
You can alsomanage the network bandwidthallotted to the devices.
We suggest you consult with your networking team or Windows team to check for network-level interruptions for your devices.
Check for any missing updates for the network drivers on the devices. Consult with your Windows or Networking team about this.
Since the devices are in the inactive state, the persistent connection between the device and the inSync Cloud is lost.
Thus, inSync Administrators will no longer be able to trigger a backup from the inSync Management Console.
To make the devices active once again, Initiate a manual backup job from the inSync Client on the Device.
If the information provided in this article does not address the issue, then kindly submit a support ticket from the Druva Support Portal for further investigation.