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Migrate customers to MSC
Updated over 10 months ago


You can migrate your externally managed customers as discrete tenants in the Managed Services Center (MSC). Customers with the following workloads can now be migrated -

  • Hybrid Workloads (Phoenix)

  • SaaS Apps and Endpoints

    • Microsoft 365

    • Google Workspace

    • Endpoints (Devices)


The migration of customers requires you to work with Druva Support closely.

The migration is driven from the new MSC Migration console:

During each stage of the migration, you receive an email notification with the required action.

Here’s an overview of the various stages of the process.


The following table discusses the steps in detail:

After migrating SaaS Apps andEndpoints customers to MSC:

  • The expiry date of the tenant with the longer duration will apply toSaaS Apps (Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace)and Endpoints.

  • The Microsoft365, Google Workspace, and Endpoints license expiration dates will be set to three years if the license expiration date exceeds three years.


Action required


A Druva representative will notify you about the tenants that need to be migrated.

You need to:

  • Nominate a Druva Cloud platform administrator (who administers the customer account) and an MSP administrator to handle the migration process.

  • Create a new or decide from an existing service plan you want to assign to the customer after migration to MSC.

❗ Important

If a customer is using all the supported workloads, you need to migrate both products at the same time.

Also, review the FAQs for Migration.


The customer’s Druva Cloud administrator receives an email to approve the migration.

The following screen appears in the MSC Migration console:


Druva MSP administrator receives an email with a verification token for authenticating and initiating the migration.

At this stage, you must also select a service plan for the customer.

You will see the following screen in the MSC Migration console:


The verification token is valid for 30 days. Ensure that you complete the step before the token expires. If the token expires, contact Druva support to trigger the approval process again.

If no Service Plans are available in the dropdown, create a new plan matching the customer's license edition and features. Check details in DCP Console > Account Details or use developer tools for checking product license configurations.


Two migration workflows: Workflow 1 for customers with hybrid workloads or a combination of hybrid workloads, SaaS and Endpoints in their license. Workflow 2 for customers with only SaaS and Endpoints in their license.

Workflow 1:Notify Druva after verifying the migration with the token, and Druva will proceed with the next steps to finalize the migration.

Workflow 2:You should see the successful completion of the migration.


📝 Note
To check the status of customer migration, open the verification link shared with MSP admin via email.


The Druva MSP administrator receives an email after the migration is complete.

To validate:

  1. Login to MSC.

  2. Go to Customers.

  3. Search for the customer you have migrated.

  4. Select the customer and click Access Tenant Console.

  5. Accept the Cloud Services Agreement.

You should now be able to edit the customer. The customer details for the migrated products will be reflected in the MSC console.

Known Issues




Customer migration fails if the customer's name contains Unicode characters. In such cases, do not migrate the customers to MSC.

FAQs for Migration

How to check product license configuration?

To check the product configuration added to your customer account, you can inspect the webpage source code. This method allows you to review the service plans you've created for both the hybrid workload and SaaS Apps in case you are unable to view the service plans during the customer migration process.


  1. When a customer migration request is raised, you receive an email with a verification link to start the migration.

  2. Click the verification link in the email to open the customer migration page.

  3. Open the webpage source code for the customer migration page.

  4. Go to the Network tab in the source code ,type “ getdetails ” in the filter, and then refresh the customer migration page.

  5. Click getDetails and go to Preview of licensed products.

  6. Check the product license details that are required.

  7. Create a new service plan incorporating these details and proceed with the migration again.

What activities are restricted during the migration?

During the migration period, customer update activities such as adding users and updating licenses in inSync are restricted. However, none of the backup or restore activities are restricted.

Will there be downtime during the migration?

There will be no downtime during migration.

What kind of sanity should be performed before going ahead with migration?

Ensure the following

  • The email IDs you provide are valid.

  • The customer is not in a suspended state.

Is customer involvement required to troubleshoot migration issues?

The Druva team will internally resolve migration issues.

After how much time will the customer see information in the MSC reports?

Typically, it takes approx. 3 weeks to populate the customer data in the reports.

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