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Updated over a week ago

License editions: To understand the applicable license editions, see Plans & Pricing.


Alerts are the notifications generated to provide pertinent information about an event or an exceptional situation. For example, if your product license has expired, an alert is generated. The Alerts page displays all alerts generated for the sources and provides additional information, such as severity type, alert type, and the summary of the alert.

❗ Important

Alert checks are executed once a day.


Severity of alerts

The alerts that MSC portal generates can assume either of these levels of severity: Critical, Warning, or Information. The severity of the alerts usually indicates the priority for a resolution of the underlying event or exception.

The following table provides details about the severity of the alerts:




Indicates a state that requires immediate resolution.


Indicates a state that requires resolution as soon as possible. However, the priority of alert resolution is lower than that of the critical alert.


Indicates that the event may not require administrator-assisted resolution. Alerts of this severity are only informative.

❗ Important

When the calculated consumption exceeds the assigned quota limit, an alert gets generated. If the consumption reaches the 80% threshold, you will receive the Warning alert. If the consumption is 90% and beyond, you will receive the Critical alert.

Alert type

The Managed Services Center portal generates the following alerts:

πŸ“ Note
​ If you want to receive alert notifications via Email, you need to subscribe to them.

Alert Type

Severity Type

Alert Details


Commercial License - Expiry Reminder


Commercial License for a customer is about to expire in 30/15/7/3 days

Auto-resolved when the license is renewed

Commercial License - About to Expire


Commercial License for a customer is about to expire in 1 day

Auto-resolved when the license is renewed

Commercial License - Expired


Commercial License for a customer is expired

Auto-resolved in seven days

Commercial License - Renewed


Commercial License for a customer is renewed

Auto-resolved in seven days

Commercial License - Expiry Reminder


Commercial License for an MSP is about to expire in 30/15/7/3 days

Auto-resolved when the license is renewed

Commercial License - About to Expire


Commercial License for an MSP is about to expire in 1 day

Auto-resolved when the license is renewed

Commercial License - Expired


Commercial License for an MSP is expired

Auto-resolved in seven days

Commercial License - Renewed


Commercial License for an MSP is Renewed

Auto-resolved in seven days

POC License - Expiry Reminder


POC License for a customer is about to expire in 30/15/7/3 days

Auto-resolved when the license is renewed

POC License - About to Expire


POC License for a customer is about to expire in 1 day

Auto-resolved in seven days

POC License - Expired


POC License for a customer is expired

Auto-resolved in seven days

POC License - Renewed


POC License for a customer is converted to commercial license

Auto-resolved in seven days

Credit - Utilization Warning


Credit consumption has reached 80% of allocated quota

Auto-resolved when the quota is increased

Credit - Utilization Critical


Credit consumption has reached 90% of allocated quota

Auto-resolved when the quota is increased

Credit - Utilization Critical


Credit consumption has reached 100% of allocated quota

Auto-resolved when the quota is increased

Non-Compliance - Workload


Workload configured has breached the compliance limit set in the service plan.

Auto-resolved when the details are updated as per defined values in the service plan.


Provided data retention value is below the workload's total minimum retention compliance limit set in the service plan.

Example: For Hybrid Workloads, the minimum retention limit is set to 2 months in the service plan. When configuring retention limits, If you provide 1 month as the value for Hybrid Workload, a Non-Compliance - Min Retention Limit alert is generated.

Auto-resolved when the details are updated as per defined values in the service plan.


Provided data retention value is beyond the workload's total maximum retention compliance limit set in the service plan.

Example: For Hybrid Workloads, the maximum retention limit is set to 6 months in the service plan. When configuring retention limits, If you provide 7 months as the value for Hybrid Workload, a Non-Compliance - Max Retention Limit alert is generated.

Auto-resolved when the details are updated as per defined values in the service plan.


Provided data backup frequency value is below the workload's total minimum backup frequency compliance limit set in the service plan.

Example: For Hybrid Workloads, the minimum backup frequency limit is set to twice a day in the service plan. When configuring backup frequency limits, if you provide once a day as the value for Hybrid Workload, a Non-Compliance - Min Backup Frequency Limit alert is generated.

Auto-resolved when the details are updated as per defined values in the service plan.


Provided data backup frequency value is beyond the workload's total maximum backup frequency compliance limit set in the service plan.

Example: For Hybrid Workloads, the maximum backup frequency limit is set to Once a day in the service plan. When configuring retention limits, If you provide twice a day as the value for Hybrid Workload, a Non-Compliance - Max Backup Frequency Limit alert is generated.

Auto-resolved when the details are updated as per defined values in the service plan.

Delete Initiated - Tenant


This alert is generated when you have selected the:

  • Delete product for customer option while marking the product for deletion. The selected product, all the customer associations, storage, and data will be permanently deleted after 30 days.

  • Delete product for customer now option while marking the product for deletion. The selected product, all the customer associations, storage, and data will be permanently deleted after 24 hours.

Auto-resolved in 7 days

Deletion - Tenant


This alert is generated after the product, its storage, and data are permanently deleted.

Auto-resolved in 7 days

Undeleted - Tenant


This alert is generated if you have canceled the delete action for a product using the Undelete option within the suspension period (before 30 days or 24 hours based on the option selected while marking the product for deletion).

As a result, all the associations, storage, and data will be undeleted

Auto-resolved in 7 days

Deletion - Customer


This alert is generated after the customer is deleted.

Auto-resolved in 7 days

Apply alert filter

On the Alerts page, you can list alerts based on the applied filter.


  1. Click the Alert bell icon.
    The Alerts page appears.

  2. On the top-right corner of the page, click the filter button to open the filter dialog.

  3. Select the required alert type from the drop-down list.

  4. Click Reset to clear the selected filter values.

  5. Click Apply.
    The alert list is updated based on the selected filter criteria.

  6. Click the Filter icon again to close the Filters dialog box.

View alert details

  1. On the menu bar, click the Alert bell icon.
    The Alerts page opens. The list of alerts appears under the Alerts tab.

  2. Select the alerts and click View Details.
    Depending on the type of alert, the Summary tab of the Alert Detail page displays a summary of the alert type, severity, alert category, severity, and the timestamp of the alert generation. The Details tab provides additional details of the alert, for example the Credit consumption has reached 80% of the allocated quota.
    The following is an example of a license alert that displays license expiry details.


Subscribe to alerts

You can subscribe to alerts using the Settings page. The Settings page displays a list of available alerts. You can edit the alert settings to add administrators to receive the alerts through emails and set the frequency to receive alerts.


  1. On the menu bar, click the alert bell icon.
    The Alerts page opens.

  2. In the left pane of the Alerts page, click Settings.
    The Settings page appears. The Settings page displays the alert details such as type, category and severity of the alert. It also displays the list of administrators subscribed to the alert to receive email notifications.

  3. Click an alert for which you want to add administrators to receive email notifications and click Edit.
    The Edit Alert Settings page opens.

  4. In the Email Notification section, perform the following:

    1. Subscribers: Add subscribers to receive the alert notifications through emails. Click one the following options:

      • MSP Administrators: Click this option to send email notifications only to the MSP administrators.

      • Specific Administrators: Click this option to send email notifications to a specific set of administrators, and select the administrators from the drop-down list.

    2. Email Frequency: Click one of the following options to set the frequency to send the alert notification.

      • Instantaneous: The email notification is sent to the subscribers immediately after an alert is generated.

      • Daily Digest: The email notification containing all alerts generated in the day is sent everyday at 10 AM of your time zone.

      • Weekly Digest: The email notification containing all alerts generated in the week is sent every Monday at 10 AM of your time zone.

  5. Click Save.

The alert settings are saved and the subscriber details configured for the alert now appear on the Settings page.

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