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Alerts for Enterprise Workloads
Updated over 3 weeks ago

This topic provides an overview of alerts. It also includes information about the severity of the alerts and type of alerts. Management Console currently displays alerts only for Hybrid Workloads. Alerts for AWS and Azure Workloads will be integrated at a later stage.

What are alerts

Druva generate alerts to indicate an exception situation or notify about a potential issue that needs attention. For example, when cloud storage usage exceeds 80%, an alert is created. The Alerts page displays the list of generated alerts in your environment, sorted by severity to prioritize critical issues for administrators.

An alert remains active until resolved and is listed in the Alerts. Once the underlying event or exception is fixed, Druva considers the associated alert resolved, removing it from the Dashboard and Alerts pages. The Alerts History report provides a record of both active and resolved alerts for your workloads. For more information, see Reports.

Who can view alerts

By default, all Enterprise Workloads administrators, such as cloud administrators, organization administrators, group administrators, custom administrators, and data protection officers, are subscribed to alerts. Additionally, cloud administrators and their custom administrators, organization administrators and their custom administrators, as well as data protection officers, have the ability to manage alert subscriptions for non-administrators. The subscribed administrators and non-administrators receive email notifications in the event of job failures, reports, and so on.

πŸ“ Note
​Administrators can unsubscribe themselves from the alerts using the My Subscriptions tab on the Alerts Subscriptions page. For more information, see Alert subscriptions for administrators.

What is the severity of alerts

Alerts are prioritized based on their severity to assist administrators in addressing critical issues first. The following list provides details about the severity of the alerts:

  • Critical: Requires immediate resolution

  • Warning: Requires timely resolution, with lower priority compared to critical alerts

  • Information: Informative in nature that may not require administrator-assisted resolution

What are types of alerts

Druva generates alerts for Enterprise Workloads with the following types of alerts:

CloudCache alerts


Created when


Resolved when

VMware Instant Restore job failed

The creation of an Instant Restore virtual machine fails.


Automatically after 7 days.

Instant Recovered VM Deletion failed

The deletion of an instantly restored virtual machine fails.


Automatically after 7 days.

VMware Instant Restore Migrate to Production job failed

The migration to production of an instantly restored virtual machine fails.


Automatically after 7 days.

CloudCache storage space low

The CloudCache utilization exceeds 80% but is less than 100%.


CloudCache storage utilization falls below 80%.

CloudCache Storage Space Full

The CloudCache utilization exceeds 100%.


CloudCache storage utilization falls below 100%.

CloudCache not reachable for server

A server cannot connect to CloudCache during backup or restore job.


When the server connects to CloudCache in the subsequent backup or restore job.

CloudCache not reachable for cloud

The Cloud cannot connect to the CloudCache during the synchronization schedule.


When the Cloud connects to the CloudCache in the current or the next synchronization schedule.

CloudCache decommission started

The user clicks Decommission Cache for the respective CloudCache.


When the Decommission CloudCache activity completes for the respective CloudCache.

CloudCache decommission done

The decommission CloudCache activity for the respective CloudCache is completed.


Not resolved.

πŸ“ Note
​This alert is valid for 7 days.

CloudCache volume: <volume> is not mounted

The CloudCache volume is not mounted properly.


When the CloudCache can successfully read or write data to the volume during the backup, restore, or the synchronization schedule.

CloudCache unable to read/write for backup/restore on volume

The CloudCache cannot read or write data to the volume during the backup, restore, or the synchronization schedule.


When the CloudCache can successfully read or write data to the volume during the backup, restore, or the synchronization schedule.

CloudCache having low data flush rate to cloud

The data upload rate from the CloudCache to the Cloud is significantly low.


When the data upload rate is sufficient enough to upload the unsynchronized data to the Cloud.

πŸ“ Note

If you modify the synchronization schedule, this alert is not generated for the next 7 days.

License alerts


Created when


Resolved when

License about to expire

The license is about to expire in 30 days.


Auto-resolved when the license is renewed

License expired

The license has expired.


Auto-resolved when the license is renewed

Jobs alerts

πŸ“ Notes

  • The Jobs alerts will be automatically removed from the Alerts list after 7 days.

  • Only alerts for Hybrid Workloads will be displayed. Alerts for AWS and Azure will be integrated at a later stage.


Created when


Resolved when


Install VMware Tools for Sandbox Recovery

VMware Tools is not installed.


VMware Tools need to be installed within 30 hours for the scan to proceed.

Auto-configuration rule disabled VM backup as a result of tag removal from VM or update of rule.

Auto-configuration rule is updated, or

a backup of the VM is disabled because of tag removal from the VMware console.


Automatically after 7 days.

Proxy deployment failed

Backup proxy deployment fails.


The related error is fixed.

All Workloads

Backup failed

The backup job fails.


Not resolved.

πŸ“ Note
​This alert is valid for 7 days.

Backup window expired

Druva does not back up the entire data set within the specified duration and does not create a recovery point.


Not resolved.

πŸ“ Note
​This alert is valid for 7 days.

Backup skipped

The backup job is skipped as the scheduled backup window expired. The client was busy processing another job.


Automatically after 7 days

πŸ“ Note
​This alert is available for File Servers, VMware, and Nutanix AHV.

Backup successful with errors

The backup is successful but with errors.


Not resolved.

πŸ“ Note
​This alert is valid for 7 days.

Backup triggered failed as device is disconnected

Backup is not triggered as the device is disconnected for more than 7 days.
Alert will be resolved automatically when the device reconnects. You must check if the agent or proxy is running and fix any connection or hardware issue.


Automatically after the device reconnects.

Restore failed

The restore fails.


Not resolved.

πŸ“ Note
​This alert is valid for 7 days.

Backups are now enabled

Backups are now enabled for organizations.


Automatically after 7 days.


Backup trigger failed as NAS proxy is disconnected

Backup is not triggered as the NAS proxy is disconnected for more than 7 days.
Alert will be resolved automatically when the proxy reconnects. You must check if the agent or proxy is running and fix any connection or hardware issue.


Automatically after the proxy reconnects

NFS share backup is not triggered as the backup proxy pool has no Linux proxies to run the job

This alert is triggered when a backup of NFS share is triggered, and no Linux proxy is available in the pool to run the backup job.


Automatically after the appropriate proxy is added and the backup is successful.

SMB share backup is not triggered as all the Windows proxies in the backup proxy pool are disconnected

This alert is triggered when a backup of SMB share is triggered, all the Windows proxies in the pool are disconnected, and the backup job is not created.


Automatically after the proxy reconnects.

Oracle DTC

Some of the configured nodes not used in the backup

The configured nodes are not used in the backup because they are not in the Open state.


Automatically after 7 days.

Instances went down for database

The specified instance goes down during the backup.


Automatically after 7 days.

Incarnation has changed. Incremental backup job converted to full.

The incarnation of the database, which is being backed up changes.


Auto-resolved in 7days.

Archive log chain is broken. Converting Incremental backup to full.

The archived log sequences are missing after the last backup.


Auto-resolved in 7 days.

Disaster Recovery

DR restore failed

The triggered disaster recovery job fails.


Not resolved.

πŸ“ Note
​This alert is valid for 7 days.

Failover job failed

The failover job fails for a DR plan.


Auto-resolved in 7 days .

Failover job completed successfully

The failover job for a DR plan completes successfully.


Auto-resolved in 7 days .

Failover job successful with error

The failover job for a DR plan completes successfully with error.


Auto-resolved in 7 days.

DR failback successful

The failback job for a virtual machine completes successfully.


Auto-resolved in 7 days.

Failback job completed successfully with error

The failback job for a virtual machine completes successfully with an error.


Auto-resolved in 7 days.

DR failback failed

The failback job for a virtual machine failed.


Auto-resolved in 7 days.

Failover operation failed

The failover job fails for a DR plan.


Auto-resolved in 7 days.

Failover time window expired

The failover job fails for a DR plan.


Auto-resolved in 7 days.

File server

Folder(s) misconfigured for backup

The backup job is triggered and the folder specified during the backup is missing.

πŸ“ Note
​This alert will be generated for Hybrid Workloads agents 4.6.5 and later. For earlier Hybrid Workloads agent versions, emails will be sent only to the respective administrators and non-administrator; however, alert will not be created.


Auto-resolved in 7 days.

Pre-script execution failed

The pre-backup script execution fails.


Auto-resolved in 7 days.

Post-script execution failed

The post-backup script execution fails.


Auto-resolved in 7 days.


Upload logs success

The user clicks Request Job Logs on the Job Details page and Druva successfully uploads logs to the server.


Not resolved.

πŸ“ Note
​This alert is valid for 7 days.

Upload logs failed

The user clicks Request Job Logs on the Job Details page and the logs fail to get upload on the server.


Not resolved.

πŸ“ Note
​This alert is valid for 7 days.

Oracle PBS

Backup mount is disabled

A backup job fails for a disabled backup mount. A backup mount is disabled if the Phoenix Backup Store is unable to upload recovery points to the Cloud for a while.


The backup mount is enabled.

Upgrade alerts


Created when


Resolved when

Upgrade to version<x.x::revision number> failed

The upgrade fails.


Not resolved.

πŸ“ Note
​This alert is valid for 7 days.

Configuration alerts


Created when


Resolved when


Failed to create change list

Isilon backup job fails while creating an Isilon change list.


Automatically after 7 days.

User validation failure while backing up an Isilon NAS device

User validation fails during backup.


Automatically after 7 days.

Failed to create recovery point using vendor APIs

Isilon backup job fails while creating an Isilon recovery point.


Automatically after 7 days.


Configuration rule invalid

  • The selected vCenter object is invalid (the vCenter folder in the rule is renamed, moved, or deleted.)

  • Druva removes the administrative group in the rule.

  • Druva deletes the backup policy.

  • Druva deletes the backup proxy pool in the rule.

  • Storage does not exist


Resolved when,

  • A valid vCenter object replaces an invalid vCenter object.

  • Druva assigns a valid administrative group.

  • Druva assigns a valid backup proxy pool.

  • Druva assigns a valid backup policy.

  • Druva assigns storage to the rule.

VM could not be auto-configured since more than one auto-configuration rule is applicable

When a virtual machine is part of more than one auto configuration rule, the virtual machine is not configured.


Admin has to manually resolve the conflict and apply the rule. For more information, see Conflicting VM scenarios.

Auto discovery cron job failed

Druva cannot auto-discover SQL instances or availability group on the server due to the failure of the cron job.


Resolved when the auto-discovery succeeds on the node.

Different client versions for AG Nodes

Druva discovers the different client versions of the nodes hosting the availability group.


Resolved when the client version of the nodes hosting the availability group is upgraded to the same version.

Some of the backup proxies in the pool are of older version.App aware processing will not function for the virtual machines in the pool.

Druva requires all backup proxies in a backup proxy pool to support application-aware processing.


Druva backs up the virtual machines without running application-aware backups. This alert is resolved when all the backup proxies are upgraded to the latest version.

Change in source network detected for the VM.New network mappings applicable for this VM

The target VPC and subnet needs to be changed due to new network mappings detected for the virtual machine.


Auto-resolved in 7 days.

Backup Proxy has been in Disconnected State for more than 15 minutes

The VMware backup proxy has been disconnected from the Cloud or VMware vCenter for more than 15 minutes.

Druva checks the connection status between the VMware backup proxy, Cloud, and vCenter every 15 minutes and sends out the notification once.


Resolved when the VMware Backup Proxy establishes a connection with Cloud and VMware vCenter again. For resolving proxy disconnection issues, see article.

VM could not be auto-configured for backup since more than one auto-configuration rule is applicable

  • If an already auto-configured VM is also applicable to be configured via a new rule.

  • If a VM is applicable to be configured via more than one rule.


VM is successfully configured

Oracle DTC

Auto discovery failed for the server

The auto discovery job fails and databases on the server are not discovered.


When the discovery is done successfully for the Oracle Server.

Data Lock

Data Lock enabled

The Data Lock is enabled.


Automatically after 7 days.

πŸ“ Note
​If the same alert is raised on the same target, the previous alert will be resolved automatically.

Data Lock content updated

There are modifications to the backup set content.


Automatically after 7 days.

Nutanix AHV

vDisks excluded from backup configuration

Some disks from the VM have been excluded from backup.


Automatically after 7 days

Seeding alerts


Created when


Resolved when

Seeding device has reached 80% capacity

The 80% storage capacity of the seeding device is consumed.


Druva generates an 80% storage consumption alert or triggers a request to ship the device to AWS.

Seeding device has reached 100% capacity

The 100% storage capacity of the seeding device is consumed.


Druva triggers a request to ship the device to AWS.

Oracle alerts


Created when


Resolved when

Phoenix Backup Store has reached 90% capacity

The storage capacity on the Phoenix Backup Store is critically low. If the storage is not enough on the Phoenix Backup Store to store data, RMAN backups can fail.


Auto resolved when enough storage is available on the Phoenix Backup Store.

Phoenix Backup Store has reached 80% capacity

The storage capacity on the Phoenix Backup Store is low. If the storage is not enough on the Phoenix Backup Store to store data, RMAN backups can fail.


Auto resolved when enough storage is available on the Phoenix Backup Store.

Billing alerts

Credits: When the Send Alerts Only option is selected in the Manage Credit Limits dialog.


Created when


Resolved when

Credit usage of Organization reached 110% of its limit

An organization consumes an additional 10% credits beyond the configured credit limit.


Resolved when the credit usage is decreased below 110% of the consumption limit.

Credit usage of Organization reached 100% of its limit

An organization consumes all configured credits.


Resolved when the credit usage drops below 100% of the consumption limit.

Credit usage of Organization reached 90% of its limit

An organization consumes 90% of the configured credit limit.


Resolved when the credit usage is decreased below 90% of the consumption limit.

Credit usage of Organization reached 80% of its limit

An organization consumes 80% of the configured credit limit.


Resolved when the credit usage is decreased below 80% of the consumption limit.

Credits: When the Disable Backups option is selected in the Manage Credit Limits dialog


Created when


Resolved when

Credit usage of Organization reached 110% of its limit

An organization consumes an additional 10% credits beyond the configured credit limit.


Resolved when the credit usage drops below 110% of the consumption limit.

Credit usage of Organization reached 100% of its limit

An organization consumes 100% of the configured credit limit.


Resolved when the credit usage is decreased below 100% of the consumption limit.

Credit usage of Organization reached 90% of its limit

An organization consumes 90% of the configured credit limit.


Resolved when the credit usage is decreased below 90% of the consumption limit.

Credit usage of Organization reached 80% of its limit

An organization consumes 80% of the configured credit limit.


Resolved when the credit usage is decreased below 80% of the consumption limit.

Credit usage of Organization reached 90% of its limit

An organization consumes 90% of the configured credit limit.


Resolved when the credit usage is decreased below 90% of the consumption limit.

Credit usage of Organization reached 80% of its limit

An organization consumes 80% of the configured credit limit.


Resolved when the credit usage is decreased below 80% of the consumption limit.

Credit usage of Organization reached 70% of its limit

An organization consumes 70% of the configured credit limit.


Resolved when the credit usage is decreased below 70% of the consumption limit.

What are credit-related email notifications

Credit usage email notifications

Druva starts sending warning and critical email alerts when your credit balance is nearing exhaustion. These alerts will continue until additional credits are added to the current term or a new term begins.

πŸ“ Note
​​The credit usage alerts are enabled by default and are notified to your cloud administrators via email. Additionally, these alerts are also displayed on the Management Console and the Analytics page.


Created when


Resolved when

Druva credit usage has crossed 70% for your account

The account consumes 70% of the current term's credit balance.


This alert is resolved when additional credits are purchased.

Druva credit usage has crossed 80% for your account

The account consumes 80% of the current term's credit balance.


This alert is resolved when additional credits are purchased.

Druva credit usage has crossed 90% for your account

The account consumes 90% of the current term's credit balance.

πŸ“ Note
This alert will be sent daily until additional credits are purchased.


This alert is resolved when additional credits are purchased.

Druva credit balance has been exhausted for your account

The account consumes 100% of the current term's credit balance.

πŸ“ Note
This alert will be sent daily until additional credits are purchased.


This alert is resolved when additional credits are purchased.

Credit term expiry email notifications

Druva starts sending warning and critical email alerts when your credit term is nearing expiry. These alerts continue until the credit contract is renewed.

πŸ“ Note

The credit term expiry alerts are enabled by default and are notified to your cloud administrators via email. Additionally, these alerts are also displayed on the Management Console and the Analytics page.


Created when


Resolved when

Druva credit contract term expiring in 90 days for your account

The credit contract term is about to expire in 90 days.


This alert is resolved when the credit contract is renewed.

Druva credit contract term expiring in 60 days for your account

The credit contract term is about to expire in 60 days.


This alert is resolved when the credit contract is renewed.

Druva credit contract term expiring in 30 days for your account

The credit contract term is about to expire in 30 days.


This alert is resolved when the credit contract is renewed.

Druva credit contract term expiring in 15 days for your account

The credit contract term is about to expire in 15 days.


This alert is resolved when the credit contract is renewed.

Druva credit contract term expiring in 7 days for your account

The credit contract term is about to expire in 7 days.

πŸ“ Note
This alert will be sent daily until your contract is renewed.


This alert is resolved when the credit contract is renewed.

Druva credit contract term has expired for your account

The credit contract term has expired.

πŸ“ Note
This alert will be sent daily until your contract is renewed.


This alert is resolved when the credit contract is renewed.

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