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Initiate a download with eDiscovery Download Client
Updated this week


After successfully registering an eDiscovery Download Client, you can immediately start downloading custodian data. You can download data onto multiple machines using multiple registered clients.

πŸ“ Note
​If you encounter an error on the eDiscovery Download Client GUI stating "Connection Problem" on a device which is not a proxy, do the following: Navigate to Network > Proxy anddisable the Automatically detect settings. Also, disable the Use a proxy server option under manual proxy set-up.


  1. Click the global navigation icon to access the Global Navigation Panel and click Data Governance > eDiscovery.

  2. In the left pane, click Legal Holds, and click the legal hold name.

  3. Select the custodians for which you want to download data.

  4. Click Download Data.

  5. From the Download Client drop-down box, select the eDiscovery Download Client that you want to use. You can select only a successfully registered client. The location field is auto-populated with the path defined during installation. If you want to change the location, enter a new path in the Location field. Ensure that inSync has the required permissions to access the path.
    β€‹πŸ“ Note: For Mac devices, ensure the path in the location field is users/username.

  6. In Data Type, select the type of data that you want to download. You have the following options:

    1. Data and Metadata - Downloads the user data and all the related metadata. For more information on what metadata is downloaded, see Structure of data downloaded with eDiscovery Download Client and .csv file properties. Additionally, select the Check for Files Data Integrity option if you want to verify data integrity. For more information, see Verify the integrity of the downloaded data.

    2. Only Metadata - Downloads only the metadata.

  7. In the File Format, select the format in which you want to download the data. You can download the data in Zip or Native format based on the Client version and Data Type selection. For more information, see Support matrix for eDiscovery Download Client.

  8. (OPTIONAL) Change the thread count in the config file for eDiscovery Download Client if you want to accelerate the data download process.

  9. Click Download.

πŸ“ Note

  • For Zip download, if the file path exceeds 256 characters, it is recommended to use WinZip or Win RAR utility to extract the Zip file data.


Ensure that you use the supported characters and words while naming a file.

During download, if there is any forbidden character(s) or word(s) encountered within a file name, the file gets modified or renamed as per the defined supported characters and words. The file gets downloaded with this updated file name.

Let us look at a few examples with a file name containing forbidden characters and words and how these are downloaded.

Rule 1: File name containing any trailing "-_", whitespace or "."

Example: Trailing "-_", whitespace or "." is removed from the file name and the file is downloaded without these characters.

Rule 2: File or folder name containing any of these forbidden words. ["CON","PRN","AUX","NUL","COM1", "COM2", "COM3","COM4", "COM5", "COM6", "COM7", "COM8", "COM9","LPT1", "LPT2", "LPT3", "LPT4", "LPT5", "LPT6", "LPT7", "LPT8","LPT9"].

Example: Replaces words and adds () to the file or folder name. If the file name is CON.txt it is changed to (CON).txt

Rule 3: The file name is blank after applying all the mentioned rules above then we calculate the SHA256 of the original file name which is then used as the file name for download.

Example: You have a file with "......" as the file name. Replace the original file name with the SHA256 of the file name with hex values. In this example, the file name changes from "......" to '895361ffbf88d5a8c40d47f8dd3d03df2042ca9360d08738bcbb4faa39495404'.

You can view the details of the changed files from log messages.

Sample of the log message: File or folder name changed from <: πŸ‘―β€β™€οΈπŸ‘―β€β™‚οΈ_β€β™€πŸ‘©_M-bv___ fv34ILTI0YjAzNzFjODYyMTU4NGZiZjNkYzk1NTM2Yjc3NWY4OGY0ZWYxZDU=,v4.eml :> to <: _M-bv____-fv34ILTI0YjAzNzFjODYyMTU4NGZiZjNkYzk1NTM2Yjc3NWY4OGY0ZWYxZDU,v4.eml :> as they contain forbidden chars or words.

Supported characters for file names

  • Alphanumeric characters

  • Space

  • Dot

  • Comma

  • Underscore

  • dashes

  • Open and close brackets ()

  • Plus

Change thread counts in the config file

By default, the following thread counts are defined in the config file for eDiscovery Download Client:

  • metadata_thread = 30

  • data_thread = 30

For Windows OS, the config file is located at C:\ProgramData\Druva\eDiscovery, and for Mac OS, the config file is located at /Library/Application Support/Druva/eDiscovery.

The threads support a value between 1 to 128. Increasing the thread count enables the system to download data faster.

❗ Important

Increasing thread count may not always result in better performance. Factors such as the operating system, the hardware configuration of the device, and other software running simultaneously, also come into play.

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