Directory containing metadata and legal hold data
Directory containing only metadata
Description of .csv file properties
The properties for device, OneDrive, Google Drive, and Box data are described below.
Property name | Description | Format | Example |
Path | Represents the WebDAV URL. String | String | /webdav/Demo%20Demo/ErnieC/WIN- I4KHISB6BGT/Desktop1_v1/Google%20Chrome_v77.lnk |
Type | Represents whether the data source is a file or a folder. | String | File |
Display Name | Represents the name of the folder or file. | String | Google Chrome_v77.lnk |
Last Modified Timestamp | Represents the last modified time (in GMT) for the file. It will be present for files only, and not for folders. | String | Tue, 03 Nov 2015 |
Creation Timestamp | Represents when the file was created (in GMT). | String | 10/20/2015 14:58 |
Checksum (SHA1) | Represents the SHA-1 checksum for the file. It will be present for files only, and not for folders. | String | d494a87d7c63d7057f78 9def0a6c87c1c3aeff8c |
Size (Bytes) | Represents the size of the file in bytes. | String | 2366 |
File Path | Represents the absolute file path. It will be present for files only, and not for folders. | String | C:\Users\Administrator\ Desktop\Google Chrome.lnk |
File Name | Represents the name of the file. | String | 1450770654- 2af8861288c99af187e3 e1cbfc299ec7fc425f7c_ v4.eml |
File Extension | Represents the file extension. | String | maq, eml, txt |
Last Accessed Timestamp | Represents the last accessed time (in GMT) for the file. It will be present for files only, and not for folders. | String | Tue, 03 Nov 2015 |
Owner | Represents the owner name for the file. It will be present for files only, and not for folders. | String | WIN- I4KHISB6BGT\ERNIE CARTER |
Content Type | Represents the MIME type of the file | String | application/octet-stream |
Download Path | Represents the file path on the disk. (This may differ from the File Path column because of cross-platform dependencies). | String | webdav/Downloads/DESKTOP-3LC8CJN/t,v1 |
Properties | *Applicable only to Box, Google Drive, and OneDrive. | String | {"item_status": "active" "created_by": {"login":" …….. |
Properties for Exchange Online and Gmail data are described below.
Property name | Description | Format | Example |
File Name | Represents the name of the file. | String | 1450770654- 2af8861288c99af187e3 e1cbfc299ec7fc425f7c_ v4.eml |
From | Represents the sender of the email. | String | Ernie Carter |
Subject | Represents the subject of the email. | String | Fwd: Task #981 |
Date | Represents the date when the email was sent. | String | 12/20/2015 7:15 |
DateTimeSent | Represents the date and the time when the email was sent. | String | 12/20/2015 5:36 |
DateTimeLast Modified | Represents the date and the time when the file was last modified. | String | 12/20/2015 8:31 |
DateTimeCreated | Represents the date and the time when the file was created. | String | 12/22/2015 7:51 |
CC | Represents the users who are marked as CC in the email. | String | Jane Miller |
Bcc | Represents the users who are marked as Bcc in the email. | String | Ann Anderson |
Reply_To | Represents the reply to address for the email. | String | Jane Miller |
Attachments | Represents the items that are attached with the email. | String | Ernie-20151219- 011823.csv |