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User provisioning using AD/LDAP

Import user details from your AD/LDAP.

Updated over a month ago

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This section provides information about how you can integrate your Active Directory (AD) or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) details with your inSync setup. It also provides information about how you can import users from your configured AD or LDAP accounts.

About AD/LDAP integration for user management

If your organization is using Active Directory (AD) / Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) to store and manage user details, you can integrate your AD or LDAP with inSync to create inSync users. All you need to do is to import user details from your AD/LDAP instead of creating users individually.

In this section

The following table lists the step-by-step tasks to integrate your AD/LDAP with inSync master for user creation and management:



Install and configure AD/LDAP Connector

Configure the AD/LDAP Connector

Register your AD/LDAP

Create an AD/LDAP Mapping

Import users from your AD/LDAP

Set Priority for an AD/LDAP Mapping

Synchronize inSync users and user details with your AD/LDAP

Configure the user login mechanism

Configure the user import or sync frequency

Delete an AD/LDAP mapping

Modify an LDAP mapping

Know about inSync AD/LDAP Connector FAQs

Next Steps

Bulk deployment of inSync Client

AD/LDAP managed users

Associated IMD version

IMD v2

Device replacement

AD/LDAP managed users

Associated IMD version

IMD v2

IMD v4

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