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Preserved Users report for Gov Cloud
Updated over 8 months ago


This report provides you information on the users preserved in inSync. It provides information on the users preserved, their information, preserved on date, and the mode using which they were preserved.

The following table lists the fields in the Preserved Users Reports area.




The username of the preserved user.

Profile Name

The profile that is assigned to the user.


The email address of the user.

Preserved On

The date on which the user was preserved.


Mode lists the mechanism through which the user is preserved.

  • Manual - The user is manually marked as preserved through inSync Management Console

  • AD/LDAP - The user is marked as preserved as part of AD/LDAP sync process.

  • Upgrade - The user was marked preserved (formerly called 'Disabled') prior to the introduction of Preserved User License, available with inSync Cloud 5.8 CU3 released on August 06, 2016. inSync started recording user preservation details from this date. The cause of preservation for such users has been marked as 'Upgrade' with preservation date as August 06, 2016 to clearly identify these users .

Auto Delete On

If inSync is configured to auto-delete preserved users, Auto Delete On column displays the system calculated date on which the user will be deleted.


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