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How To Download And Analyze The Debug Logs Available For Download From The inSync Console
How To Download And Analyze The Debug Logs Available For Download From The inSync Console

How To Download And Analyze The Debug Logs Available For Download From The inSync Console

Updated over 2 months ago


The purpose of this article is to provide instructions on how to download logs from the inSync console. The process for analyzing the logs for the purpose of identifying errors is also covered below.

The scope of this article will consist of accessing and analyzing logs associated to the following resource types.

  1. Endpoint Devices

  2. User Based SaaS Applications

  3. Non-user based SaaS applications.

For the endpoint devices the backup related log files will follow a naming convention like the following.

  1. There will always be a single file named “inSyncClient.log”.

  2. In addition there will be multiple files with the naming convention of “inSyncClient.20241215-174834.log”.

Downloading The Logs From the Console

To start off, below are the steps on how to download the user-based platforms and devices debug logs. These logs are downloaded from the “Users” page of the inSync console.

  1. The “Users” page can be accessed through the relevant URL for either Public Cloud or GovCloud instances of inSync.

  2. From the “Users” page the console allows for selecting one or more users and downloading the debug logs. To select the required user(s), fill in the checkbox to the left of each user's name as displayed in the image below.

3. After selecting the required user(s), click on the button with the vertical dots above the “Name” column and click on the “Download Debug Logs” link in the menu.

4. The logs files will be downloaded in a single ZIP file consisting of all of the selected users logs. The ZIP file will have the naming convention of “”.

Within the ZIP file will be a folder for each user selected. Each user's folder will consist of a set of logs for each resource or device associated with the user.

The user-based log files will include logs for both endpoint devices as well as SaaS applications, if applicable to the user. Below is an example of what the folder structure will look like.

Analyzing The Logs & Identifying Errors

For both endpoints and SaaS applications the logs will have the following three categories of log entries.

  1. [INFO] - The informational log entries will include the log entries for activities including but not limited to the following.

    1. Start and end of the backup executions

    2. The settings and backup parameters downloaded from the profile which the user is a member of.

    3. Log entries displaying the backup progress of folders.

    4. Individual objects being listed and added to the queue for synchronization.

    5. Connections to the server(Druva Cloud) being lost.

2. [WARNING] - Log entries for warnings generally are generally lower severity issues encountered by the backup job execution which include but are not limited to the following.

a. Log entries for files which are inaccessible and are being skipped.

b. Base folders which cannot be located on the file system and are being skipped.

c. Specific paths which cannot be located

3. [ERROR] - Log entries for errors are generally higher severity problems encountered by the backup or walk operation during the backup job execution. Some common examples of log entries under this category are the following

  1. File system or disk I/O related errors on endpoint devices.

  2. Network connectivity problems.

  3. Network disconnections from the Druva Cloud.

  4. Throttling errors for SaaS applications.

For non-user based SaaS applications, the backup logs can be downloaded on an individual basis per resource. For example, the logs for SharePoint Online backups are downloaded on a per-site basis.

For the purpose of this article, the SharePoint Online SaaS application will be used to provide instructions and demonstrate how to download the backup logs. Below are the steps.

  1. From the home page of the inSync console, please open the main menu by clicking on the menu icon on the top, left hand corner of the page.

  2. Navigate to the “Data Protection” section and click on the “Microsoft 365” link.

  3. While on the”Overview” page for Microsoft 365, please click on the “SharePoint” link located in the vertical menu on the left hand side of the page to arrive on the “Configured Sites” tab of the SharePoint page.

  4. In the list of configured sites, choose a site and click on the name of the site under the “Title” column to reach the “Summary” tab of the site specific page.

  5. On the selected sites page there will be an “Activity Stream” tab. The activity stream tab is where the option to download the log file for each individual backup execution.

Below is an image displaying what the “Activity Stream” looks like.

6. To download the logs for a particular backup execution, select the relevant execution by filling in the circle to the left activity as displayed below.

7. After selecting the backup activity the “Download Logs” button will become available for use.

By clicking on the “Download Logs” button a file named “Activity.log” will begin to be downloaded that will contain the log entries for the selected backup execution.

Every non-user based SaaS application will have an “Activity Stream” tab present on the page on a per-resource basis where the log file for a specific backup execution can be downloaded.

The method to download the backup logs for non-user based SaaS applications applies to the following resource types

  1. Microsoft 365 Groups

  2. Microsoft Teams

  3. Exchange Online Public Folders

  4. SharePoint Online

  5. Google Shared Drives

Endpoint Logs:

In this section we will provide some examples of log entries associated with the [INFO], [WARNING] and [ERROR] categories.

Log Entries - Informational:

For the identification of a backup job starting in the logs below is an example of the message logged

[INFO] Starting scheduled backup.

When the backup starts a log entry with the date and timestamp is logged like the following example.

[INFO] Sync started at Wed Dec 11 03:08:45 2024

At the beginning of the backup execution, the inSync client attempts to connect to the Druva Cloud. A corresponding informational log entry like the following is logged.

[INFO] Trying to connect to

The completion of an endpoints backup execution will log two information entries similar to the following. As is displayed below the first message indicates that the backup completed.

Immediately after is a second log entry which provides some statistics associated to the backup execution.

[INFO] Finished backup cycle.

[INFO] Stats for this cycle.Storage=2817. allocated:0, bwLimit:WAN: 25%, bwUsed:62566, ended:1649645924, errno:0, filesMissed:0, filesSynced:20, filesTotal:20, ignFilesMissed:0, isync:False, sizeTotal:1120748, size_done:1161708, started:1649641948, status:, used:4703917273

Below are some examples of informational log entries associated with the profile settings being utilized which are downloaded from the Druva Cloud.

These types of log entries will be present for each folder configured to be backed up within the users profile.


[INFO] {{Documents}} ShareFilters are excludeTypes: || includeTypes: *.*;*;*.pages;*.key;*.numbers;*.olm;*.docb;*.xlm;*.xlsb;*.xla;*.xlam;*.xll;*.xlw;*.pps;*.ppam;*.ppsx;*.ppsm;*.sldx;*.sldm;*.asd;*.rpmsg;*.mso;*.thmx;*.oft;*.mpp;*.obi;*.ost;*.laccdb;*.snp;*.wbk;*.onepkg;*.pip;*.grv;*.oab;*.cnv;*.iaf;*.slk;*.xlb;*.crtx;*.xar;*.pa;*.ops;*.svd;*.mpd;*.acl;*.xl;*.vrge08message;*.accdc;*.xsf;*.accda;*.ade;*.prf;*.wll;*.puz;*.xlc;*.accdu || excludeFolders: Cache;Temp;.DS_Store;.localized;bin;sbin;AppleBundledSoftware.plist;Volumes;cores;dev;.Trash;.Trashes;etc;automount;backups.backupdb;iPhoto Library/iPod Photo Cache;Cache;Calendar Cache;.file;.fseventd;mach_kernel;.hotfiles.btree;net;.vol;Network Trash Folder;Trashes;temp;private;tmp;Network;usr;System;var;Caches;lost found;inSync;.DocumentRevisions-V100;.Spotlight-V100;Parallels


[INFO] {{Desktop}} ShareFilters are excludeTypes: || includeTypes: *.*;*;*.pages;*.key;*.numbers;*.olm;*.docb;*.xlm;*.xlsb;*.xla;*.xlam;*.xll;*.xlw;*.pps;*.ppam;*.ppsx;*.ppsm;*.sldx;*.sldm;*.asd;*.rpmsg;*.mso;*.thmx;*.oft;*.mpp;*.obi;*.ost;*.laccdb;*.snp;*.wbk;*.onepkg;*.pip;*.grv;*.oab;*.cnv;*.iaf;*.slk;*.xlb;*.crtx;*.xar;*.pa;*.ops;*.svd;*.mpd;*.acl;*.xl;*.vrge08message;*.accdc;*.xsf;*.accda;*.ade;*.prf;*.wll;*.puz;*.xlc;*.accdu || excludeFolders: Cache;Temp;.DS_Store;.localized;bin;sbin;AppleBundledSoftware.plist;Volumes;cores;dev;.Trash;.Trashes;etc;automount;backups.backupdb;iPhoto Library/iPod Photo Cache;Cache;Calendar Cache;.file;.fseventd;mach_kernel;.hotfiles.btree;net;.vol;Network Trash Folder;Trashes;temp;private;tmp;Network;usr;System;var;Caches;lost found;inSync;.DocumentRevisions-V100;.Spotlight-V100;Parallels

In the scenario when the inSync client will lose connectivity to the server(Druva Cloud), an informational entry is logged with the following message.

The client has a retry mechanism and will attempt to reconnect to the Druva Cloud multiple times.

[INFO] Connection to server lost, retrying …

The log entry below displays the bandwidth utilization configured either within the profile. In cases when users are allowed to modify the bandwidth utilization within the inSync client, the percentage displayed may vary from what is configured within the inSync profile of the user(s).

[INFO] Server limits bandwidth over WAN to 25%

Log Entries - Warnings:

Below is a common warning generated by the inSync client on Windows endpoint devices when a file is locked by the operating system and cannot be accessed.

This warning will be logged on a per-file basis during the execution of the backup.

[WARNING] Estimate, 7064: Unable to access \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy3\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\winget.exe, skipping. Error: The file cannot be accessed by the system.

[WARNING] Sync, 8360: Unable to access \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy3\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\My Pictures, skipping. Error: The system cannot find the file specified..

The inability of the inSync client to reach the server(Druva Cloud) can also be logged as a warning. Below is an example of the corresponding log entry.

[WARNING] Backup failed. Error: Server not reachable. (#100000011)

Below is another common example of a network related message logged under the warning category.

[WARNING] Backup failed. Error: Network not reachable. (#100000022)

Log Entries - Errors:

The error messages below are commonly logged when an endpoint device encounters a network disconnection or connectivity problem which impacts the backup execution.

Error Message 1:

[ERROR] Error <class 'inSyncLib.inSyncError.SyncError'>:Network not reachable. (#100000022). Traceback -Traceback (most recent call last):

File "inSyncLib\inSyncCertUtil.pyc", line 581, in updateBundle

File "inSyncLib\inSyncCertUtil.pyc", line 461, in getResource

File "inSyncLib\inSyncRPCBase.pyc", line 1353, in connect

File "inSyncLib\inSyncRPCClient.pyc", line 441, in sslwrap

SyncError: Network not reachable. (#100000022)

Error Message 2:

[ERROR] Error <class 'socket.error'>:[Errno 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. Traceback -Traceback (most recent call last):

File "inSyncLib\inSyncRPCBase.pyc", line 505, in __recv

error: [Errno 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

Error Message 3:

[ERROR] Connect3: error while connecting to server: Error: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed.

Error Message 4:

[ERROR] SSL/certificate error while validating the cloud server's certificate. Error: (10060, 'WSAETIMEDOUT')

The inSync client utilizes a SQL lite database to data locally on the endpoint device being backed up. In case of problems related to the SQL lite database being encountered by the client, an error like the following can be found in the logs.

[ERROR] Error <class 'pysqlite2.dbapi2.OperationalError'>:disk I/O error. Traceback -Traceback (most recent call last):

File "inSyncLib\inSyncRPCServer.pyc", line 172, in handle_command

File "inSyncClient\inSyncCRoutines.pyc", line 1574, in explorer_plugin_getcache

File "inSyncClient\inSyncCRoutines.pyc", line 223, in getsslock

File "inSyncLib\inSyncChangeQueue.pyc", line 1229, in getsslocks

File "inSyncLib\inSyncChangeQueue.pyc", line 65, in _get_conn

OperationalError: disk I/O error

SaaS Application Logs:

Due to the various types of SaaS applications which are supported to be backed up by inSync, the logs can vary between the different SaaS platform types.

The log entries for the different types of SaaS applications are often more dynamic and can contain a larger variety of errors and/or warnings when compared to endpoint devices.

In the case of backups for SaaS applications which are not completing successfully, it is recommended to download the logs from the “Activity Stream” tab for non-user specific SaaS applications or from the “Users” page for user specific SaaS applications.

After the logs have been downloaded, a support case should be created with the relevant log file(s) included on the case. A support case can be opened with Druva Technical Support through the following URL:

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