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Microsoft Entra ID

Protect Microsoft Entra ID data
10 articles
Release notes - Microsoft Entra IDThis article provides release notes for Druva's solution to protect Microsoft Entra ID data.
Introduction to Druva for Microsoft Entra IDThis article introduces Druva's data protection offering for Microsoft Entra ID.
Enterprise Key Management for Microsoft Entra IDThis article provides information on how to use keys from your AWS KMS account to encrypt and decrypt your data.
Permissions required for Microsoft Entra IDThis article provides the permissions that Druva needs to back up Microsoft Entra ID data.
Microsoft Entra ID data that Druva protectsThis article provides the list of attributes of each Microsoft Entra ID entity that Druva protects.
Configure backup for your Microsoft Entra ID tenant’s dataThis article provides steps on how to configure Druva to back up your Microsoft Entra ID data.
Restore your Microsoft Entra ID dataThis article provides steps on how you can restore your Microsoft Entra ID data that Druva backed up for you.
Microsoft Entra ID Overview pageThis article provides information on the UI options that you get on the overview page.
Microsoft Entra ID Jobs pageThis article provides information on the UI options that you get on the jobs page.
Microsoft Entra ID backup and restore FAQsThis article aims to provide answers to some of the frequently asked questions with Druva's protection for Microsoft Entra ID.