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Druva compaction process for manually deleted/removed snapshot or snapshots expiry due to retention policy
Druva compaction process for manually deleted/removed snapshot or snapshots expiry due to retention policy
Updated over a week ago


As a inSync Administrator, you can delete older snapshots for any users to reduce the storage utilization, the snapshots are deleted/compacted as per the retention policy.This article will explain the Druva Compaction process once the snapshots are marked for deletion.

Druva Compaction Process:

By default the compaction is disabled for next 7 days. Below is the compaction process snapshot deletion:

  1. Druva Storage compaction has 2 back-end processes that run daily : Deletion and Compaction.

  2. Deletion will handle the task of deleting the snapshots which expires as per the retention period, to know more about retention policy please click here

  3. When inSync Admin performs manual snapshot deletion, this task is instant and the snapshots are removed from the list right away. The deleted data is no longer accessible in the Admin Console or to the users. However, it remains in the storage as garbage data until the next deletion cycle runs.

  4. The deletion scan process runs daily as per UTC TimeZone.

  5. The deletion process to compact data is slow during the weekdays as it has lesser priority on the resources it needs. But on the week-ends, larger amounts of resources are allocated for the compaction.

  6. As the inSync Admin, the reduction in the used storage space will be noticed gradually day by day; as the process of compaction runs on the backend to clean out the deleted data.

  7. In a normal scenario, the estimated ETA for a compaction job to complete is 7 to 10 days.

See also

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