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Logs and configuration details for MS SQL
Updated over a week ago

Enterprise Workloads Editions: βœ… Business | βœ… Enterprise | βœ… Elite

This article provides information about the Enterprise Workloads agent configuration details and logs for an MS-SQL server setup.

Enterprise Workloads agent log files

The Enterprise Workloads agent log files contain details of backups that the Enterprise Workloads agent performs. After every backup, Druva creates a new log file in the Phoenix<YYYY/MM/DD>-<timestamp>.log format. If Enterprise Workloads agent does not function as expected, you can share these log files with the Druva Support team.

πŸ“ Notes:

  • You can request job logs within 30 days of triggering the job. You must download the requested logs within 7 days of triggering the request. The job details are available in the Management Console for the last 180 days

  • ​ Druva retains logs for the last 32 agent activities on each server.

On all versions and editions of an MS-SQL server, you can find the logs at C:\ProgramData\Druva\EnterpriseWorkloads\logs\mssql (for agent versions 7.0.0-455423 or later) or C:\ProgramData\Phoenix\SQL\logs (for earlier versions). The free space at this location should be at least 1% of your source data size.

πŸ“ Note
​ After each backup and restore, Druva performs a rollover of the accompanying logs. If you encounter an error during a backup or restore, check the log file for errors at the time of the backup or restore operation.

Additional logs

In addition to the Druva logs, Druva creates Windows Event Viewer logs with a .evt extension. To know how to manage these logs, see this article in the Microsoft library. If you encounter errors during backup or restore, look for errors with source = VSS, MSSQLSERVER, or SQLVDI.

Enterprise Workloads agent configuration details

The Phoenix.cfg file contains the configuration details that Enterprise Workloads agents require to communicate with Druva Master.

πŸ“ Note
​ We recommend that you do not modify Phoenix.cfg except when required. In scenarios where you must modify these configuration files, contact the Druva Support team for assistance.

You can find the Enterprise Workloads agent configuration details at the following locations:

Operating System


Windows Server 2012, 2016, 2019


Enterprise Workloads agent services

On Windows servers, Enterprise Workloads agent Client Service manages backups and restores. The PhoenixCPH / Druva-EnterpriseWorkloadsSVC service on Windows servers ensures that the Enterprise Workloads agent Client Service is running.

πŸ“ Note
​ If Enterprise Workloads agent stops working, PhoenixCPH / Druva-EnterpriseWorkloadsSVC (Windows) starts Enterprise Workloads agent.

Enterprise Workloads agent metadata

When you install Enterprise Workloads agents on your servers, Druva creates the following metadata folders in the Phoenix folder:

  • The logs folder
    This folder contains logs for backup and restore jobs for MS-SQL server.

  • The state folder
    This folder contains metadata that optimizes restores.

  • The stats folder
    This folder contains metadata that optimizes backups.

πŸ“ Note
​ The logs folder contains three folders Backup, Restore, and Upload, respectively. Each of these folder contains <backupset_id> folders. The string <backupset_id> represents the unique identification number of the backup set configured on the server.

On MS-SQL servers, the metadata folders are created at C:\ProgramData\ Phoenix\SQL.

Additional metadata

At the time of restore, Druva creates a database_files.txt file at <Drive>\restore\<snapshot>\<Request ID>. This file contains details of how the database files are mapped to the database, and how the database is mapped to its instance in a Unicode format. You require this file to manually attach the database to an instance at the time of restoring to a different server.

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