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Error 500 while importing the device mapping.

Error 500 while importing the device mapping.

Updated over 3 months ago


To perform a mass deployment in a non-AD/LDAP environment, you need to create a device map file in a .csv format. Each entry in the device map .csv file is called a mapping Click here to learn more about Device Mapping

In the current procedure you may come across the below error while uploading the device mapping file:


The special characters (non-ASCII characters) included in the .CSV file may not be uploaded.


We need to confirm if all parameters are filled in correctly to import the questioned mapping file:

email-id| hostname| device-id |device-id-type| user-name

Note: The CSV file to be uploaded should not have special characters like: ¬,†,ô Ô, ò Ò, ñ Ñ, ö Ö , ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ \ | { } ; : / ? . >

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