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Defensible Delete For Files Report
Updated over 10 months ago

What information does this report provide

This report displays a consolidated view of the deleted files within a specified period.

How does the report help

You can leverage this report to get information about deleted files using Federated Search or Sensitive Data Governance (Compliance) File violations.

With this information available well in time, you can take corrective actions.

To access the report

You must either be a Druva Cloud Administrator or an administrator with View Reports and Data Insights rights assigned.

Go to Druva Cloud Platform Console Global Navigation > Reports > Data Governance > Defensible Delete For Files Report.

Using the report

๐Ÿ“ Note:

By default, the period selected for the report is 18 months from the current date. For example, if today is December 1, 2023, the report displays data from June 1, 2022 to December 01, 2023.

The data in the reports is synced periodically. The report shows the Data last updated details.

The Defensible Delete For Files Report comprises the following sections:

Filters to get a report with more granular data



Action Taken On

Select the period when the files were deleted. By default, it displays data for 18 months.

Summary view



Total Files Deleted

Total number of files deleted within the specified time. By default, the 18-month count is displayed.

Defensible Delete For Files details



File Path

Location of the file at the time of deletion.

User Name

The name of the user.

User Email

Email ID of the user.

Data Source

Whether the data source is a device or a SaaS app.

Modification Time

Last time when the file was modified


The total size of the file in KBs.

Admin Name

The name of the administrator who triggered the deletion.

Admin Email

The email ID of the administrator.


The inSync feature from where the file deletion was triggered. This can be either Sensitive Data Governance or Federated Search.

Action Taken

Whether the file deletion was triggered for only the data source or for both data source and snapshot.

Deleted from Source

Success indicates that the file was successfully deleted from the source. Failure indicates that inSync was unable to delete the file.

Deleted from Snapshot

Success indicates that the file was successfully deleted from the snapshot. Failure indicates that inSync was unable to delete the file.

Action taken on

Displays the time when the file deletion was triggered.

Related actions

To leverage the report, you can perform the following actions:



Subscribe to report

You can schedule and subscribe to receive reports over email as a CSV file or a PDF. A subscription can be created for other members of the organization, too.

๐Ÿ“ Note:

By default, the data fetched in the report's timestamp follows the logged-in adminโ€™s time zone.

Email the report

You can email the report in CSV or PDF format to other recipients on demand.

Download widget data

You can download the widget data in CSV, CSV Summary, Excel, or PDF format.

Download defensible delete for file details data

You can download the defensible delete for file details data in CSV, Excel, or PDF format.

Add Filters to get a report with more granular data

Global filter: You can create a global filter, page filter, or panel filter to fetch details based on your requirements.

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