Problem description
Virtual machine snapshot creation fails with the following error:
VMWARE_VMOMI65535-Unable to communicate with the remote host.
[2020-03-10 22:35:56,424] [INFO] Taking Snapshot...
[2020-03-10 22:35:56,433] [INFO] Waiting for tasks to complete
[2020-03-10 22:35:56,454] [ERROR] SyncError: Unable to communicate with the remote host, since it is disconnected.
msg = 'Unable to communicate with the remote host, since it is disconnected.',
[2020-03-10 22:35:56,454] [INFO] Exception occurred while snapshot:
[2020-03-10 22:35:56,454] [ERROR] Error <class 'inSyncLib.inSyncError.SyncError'>:Unable to communicate with the remote host, since it is disconnected. (#10006ffff : vmodl.fault.HostNotConnected) (Error Code : VMWARE_VMOMI65535). Traceback -Traceback (most recent call last):
File "agents/vmware/", line 972, in create_snapshot
File "agents/vmware/", line 945, in _create_snapshot
File "inSyncLib/", line 30, in raise_error
SyncError: Unable to communicate with the remote host, since it is disconnected. (#10006ffff : vmodl.fault.HostNotConnected) (Error Code : VMWARE_VMOMI65535)
Ensure that the backup proxy is in a connected state.
Ensure that the virtual machine does not show VM_name(disconnected) state under vCenter.
Check the connection to ESXi port 902 from backup proxy. Run the following command:
β#telnet <Esxi_IP / Esxi_Name> 902
If the ESXi/vSphere host should be licensed for vStorage APIs, verify if the VMware license is installed.
For example, for vSphere 6.0:In the vSphere Web Client, select Administration, and under Licensing, select Licenses.
Select the Licenses tab.
In the table, select a license.
Click View License Key.