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How to enable or disable debug logging for Phoenix backup proxy
How to enable or disable debug logging for Phoenix backup proxy
Updated over a week ago

πŸ“ Note
​This article applies to

  • OS: Linux

  • Product edition: Phoenix


This article describes the procedure to enable and disable debug logging for Phoenix backup proxy.

Enable debug logging for Phoenix backup proxy

  1. Log in to the Druva Backup proxy with default username root and password.

  2. Ensure there are no jobs running.

  3. Stop the Phoenix Agent service on the backup proxy using the command:
    /etc/init.d/Phoenix stop

  4. Verify if any Phoenix processes are still running.
    ps -ef | grep -i Phoenix

  5. If any process is still found running, kill the process with the following command:
    kill -9 <process id>

  6. Go to to the below path

cd /etc/Phoenix/VMWARE

  1. Edit Phoenix.cfg file using vi editor using below command:

vi Phoenix.cfg

Type β€˜ i β€˜ to activate insert mode

Change the value of DEBUGLEVEL from 0 to 9.

Type esc key followed by :wq to save and exit file.

  1. Verify if value of Debug Level has changed to 9 using below command

cat Phoenix.cfg

  1. Now, navigate to path using below command

cd /etc/Phoenix

  1. Edit the vddk.cfg using below command

vi vddk.cfg

Type β€˜ i β€˜ to activate insert mode

Since the file is blank, enter the following details.



Type esc key followed by :wq to save and exit file.

  1. Verify the vddk.cfg using below command

cat vddk.cfg

  1. Start the Phoenix Agent service on the backup proxy as follows:
    /etc/init.d/Phoenix start

  2. Recreate the issue.

  3. Provide the following directory to Druva technical support.



These steps will enable debug mode logging for Phoenix backup proxy.

Disable debug logging for Phoenix backup proxy

  1. Log in to the Druva Backup proxy with default username root and password.

  2. Ensure there are no jobs running.

  3. Stop the Phoenix Agent service on the backup proxy using the command:

/etc/init.d/Phoenix stop

  1. Verify if any Phoenix processes are still running.

ps -ef| grep -i Phoenix

  1. If any process is still found running, kill the process with the following command:

kill -9 <process id>

  1. Now cd /etc/Phoenix/VMWARE

  2. Edit Phoenix.cfg file using vi editor using below command:

vi Phoenix.cfg

Type β€˜ i β€˜ to activate insert mode

Change the value of DEBUGLEVEL from 9 to 0.

Type esc key followed by :wq to save and exit file.

  1. Verify if value of Debug Level has changed to 0 using below command

cat Phoenix.cfg

  1. Now, navigate to path using below command

cd /etc/Phoenix

  1. Edit the VDDK.cfg using below command

vi vddk.cfg

Type β€˜ i β€˜ to activate insert mode

Remove the below following details.



Type esc key followed by :wq to save and exit file.

  1. Verify the vddk.cfg using below command

cat vddk.cfg

  1. Start the Phoenix Agent service on the backup proxy as follows:

/etc/init.d/Phoenix start

  1. These steps will disable debug mode logging for Phoenix backup proxy.

See also

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