This article applies to:
Product edition: inSync Cloud
Applicable OS: Windows
Use the script in this article to check if inSync Client is activated on any Windows OS device.
Procedure to create the script
Create a .BAT or .CMD file.
Add the following script in the file:
@echo off
::Check if inSync config is under C:\inSync4 or C:\ProgramData\Druva\inSync4\users
IF EXIST C:\inSync4 (set LOC=C:\inSync4) ELSE (set LOC=C:\ProgramData\Druva\inSync4\users)
::Looks for activated user in the cfg
findstr /s /c:"WRUSER =" %LOC%\*.cfg | findstr "@" >> "C:\Windows\Temp\inSyncReactivate.log" 2>&1
IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 (echo Already Activated) ELSE (echo Not Activated)
Save the file.
Open Command Prompt with elevated rights (run as administrator).
Run the script file and redirect the output to a text file:
Example -
Open the text file to view the activation status which should display the following -
Already activated