License editions: To understand the applicable license editions, see Plans & Pricing.
Before you begin
Ensure you have moved or deleted all users associated with the profile.
❗ Important
You can only delete profiles that are assigned to you. This restriction does not apply to Cloud administrators.
On the Endpoints Console, click Profiles.
Select the profile you want to delete and click the Delete button. The confirm box appears.
Specify the reason for deletion (the reason is mandatory with a character limit between 10-150) and click Confirm.
The reason for deletion will be captured in the Admin Audit Trail for auditing purposes.
You can delete multiple profiles. The profile will be deleted temporarily. You can rollback the deleted profile within a configurable rollback window. After the rollback window expires, the profile will be deleted permanently. See Rollback Actions for details.
❗ Important
To use Rollback Actions, you need the Security Essentials license. Contact Support to obtain the license. Currently, this feature is available only for Druva Public Cloud customers. Refer to Required permissions for information regarding Rollback permissions.