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The Enterprise Workloads Dashboard provides a consolidated view of the current status and historical trends of the backup and restore status across organizations, top critical alerts, storage consumption, and savings across all your organizations.

The following video provides a quick overview of the dashboard:

Enterprise Workloads Widgets


The Summary section provides an overview of the latest backup and restore status of workloads configured across all organizations.
It includes the following information:

  1. Backup Sets: Displays the total number of backup sets for both Hybrid and Azure workloads across all organizations.

    β€‹πŸ“ Note
    ​The Backup Sets count is the sum of enabled and disabled backup sets.

  2. Data Resources: Displays the total number of restore jobs for both Hybrid and Azure workloads across all organizations with Successful and Successful with Errors status.

    β€‹πŸ“ Note
    ​If you are using Druva for 90 days or less, it displays the total number of restore jobs from the start date. If you are using Druva for over 90 days, it displays the number of restore jobs 90 days prior to the current date.

  3. Recovery Points: Displays the count of the committed recovery points. The count includes recovery points for both Hybrid and Azure workloads but does not include the MS-SQL log backups.

    β€‹πŸ“ Note
    ​Druva triggers the Recovery point expiry and updates the Total Recovery Points count at 11:45 PM UTC and immediately after successful backup completion.

  4. All Organizations Summary Chart: The All Organizations Summary chart displays information on Backup Sets and Backup data (Source + Changes) categorized based on organization, workloads, and resource level.
    You can click on the radio buttons for Hybrid and Azure workloads respectively to view the Backup sets and Backup data information for the selected workload.

    • Inner Ring: Displays the combined Backup Sets and Backup Data (Source + Changes) across workloads, at an organization level.

    • Middle Ring: Displays the Backup Sets and Backup Data (Source + Changes) within the selected organization at the workload level.

    • Outer Ring: Displays the Backup data (Source + Changes) at a resource level, for a selected workload within the selected organization.

      β€‹πŸ“ Note
      ​You may hover over each layer to view the number of Backup Sets and backup data (Source + Changes) by organization or workload. The Source + Changes data is refreshed once every 24 hours.


The Alerts section displays the total critical Alerts and Warnings across all organizations. It also provides an overview of the most critical and recent alerts, including a link to the Job ID for detailed information on the alert.

πŸ“ Note
​Druva displays up to four critical alerts, categorized by the most recent ones. Warnings are summarized if the critical alerts are fewer than four.

Backup Jobs

The Backup Jobs section displays the status of backup jobs for both Hybrid and Azure workloads across all organizations for the Last 30 days. The drop-down allows you to view the data for the Last 7 days. It includes the following information:

  1. Total Backup Jobs: Displays the number of Total Backup Jobs, categorized by Successful, Successful with Errors, Windows Expired, and Failed Jobs.

  2. Successful (%): Displays the percentage of backup jobs completed successfully and successfully with errors. The percentage is calculated as follows:



The Organizations section displays up to five organizations with workload-level information for both Hybrid and Azure workloads. Select an organization to view its workload-level information. Click More to view the complete list of configured organizations.

πŸ“ Note
​The Organizations section is visible on the dashboard only if the organization is enabled. For more information, see Enable and disable organizations.

The Organizations section includes the following information:

  1. Hybrid Workloads

    • Workloads: Hover over the workload chart to view information on Backup-enabled backup sets, Last Backup Status, and Source + Changes data for configured resources in the selected organization.

    • Cloud Cache: Displays the count of configured CloudCache for the selected organization. Clicking on the CloudCache count redirects to the Configured CloudCache tab on the Manage CloudCache page. The pie chart displays the CloudCache storage consumed out of the allocated capacity for the selected organization.

    • Configured for DR: Displays the number of virtual machines configured for Disaster Recovery.

      β€‹πŸ“ Note
      ​This count does not include virtual machines that have been Disabled for DR or are Not Configured.

    • Critical Alerts and Warnings: Displays the total number of critical alerts and warnings for the selected organization.

  2. Azure Workloads:

    • Azure Virtual Machines: Displays the total number of Virtual Machines configured with Druva for backup. Hover over the workload chart to view the Active backup jobs status and Last backup jobs status for configured resources in the selected organization. Clicking on the Configured Resources count redirects you to the Azure Subscriptions page that displays the list of Configured Resources with backups enabled.

    • Azure SQL: Displays the total number of Azure SQL backup sets configured with Druva for backup. Hover over the workload chart to view information on Backup-enabled backup sets, Last Backup Status, and Source + Changes data for configured resources in the selected organization.


The Workloads section provides the workload-level information such as the number of backup sets, backup status for each backup set, and source-target changes data for each workload.

πŸ“ Note
​The Workloads section is visible on the dashboard only if the organization is disabled. For more information, see Enable and disable organizations.

Backup Data

The Backup Data section displays the growth trend of backup data across all organizations for the last 90 days. You can select the date range on the graph to view data for a single or selected number of days.

Hover over the chart to view Source + Changes, Current Source, Cloud Storage, and Credit Balance information for any particular day within the last 90 days.

The Backup Data section comprises the following information:

  1. Source + Changes: Displays the amount of backup data generated at the source for all available recovery points. This is an aggregate of full and incremental backup data at the source for all workloads.

  2. Current Source: Displays the size of data on the source server as of the last backup. This represents the aggregate size of all recovery points across all organizations.

  3. Cloud Storage: Displays the storage consumed after data deduplication and compression.

  4. Credit Balance: Displays the number of unutilized credits at the end of the day. The credit balance at the end of a day is the difference between the ending balance of the previous day and the credits consumed in the current day.

  5. Dedupe Savings: Displays the storage capacity saved through deduplication. It is calculated by comparing the actual storage consumed after deduplication with the storage that would have been required without deduplication.

  6. LTR + Archive Credit Savings: Displays the credits saved by enabling LTR and Archive features in backup sets. For more information, see About Long Term Retention.

    β€‹πŸ“ Notes ​

    • Credit balance and term-related information do not apply for AWS workloads.

    • LTR and Archive credits and savings will only display if this setting has been enabled.

    • For service providers onboarded on the MSP platform, the Credit Balance and Credit Terms fields are not displayed.

Storage Regions

The Storage Regions section provides information on the storage consumed by each region across all organizations. Clicking on the number of Provisioned storage regions redirects you to the Storage section.

You can click on the radio buttons for AWS and Azure to view the respective storage regions. The Storage Regions displayed on the map are categorized as below:

  1. AWS

    • All AWS Regions: These storage regions are represented in dark gray on the map. Hover over the All AWS Regions to view the storage name.

    • Provisioned AWS Regions: These storage regions are represented in orange on the map and display the number of Active AWS Backup Regions. Hover over the Provisioned AWS Regions to get information about Storage Usage and the Global Deduplication Savings factor for that storage.

  2. Azure

    • All Azure Regions: These storage regions are represented in light blue on the map. Hover over the All Azure Regions to view the storage name.

    • Provisioned Azure Regions: These storage regions are represented in dark blue on the map and display the number of Active Azure Backup Regions. Hover over the Provisioned Azure Regions to get information about Storage Usage and the Global Deduplication Savings factor for that storage.


    • The Azure Storage regions will be displayed if you have configured Azure Storage for backup.

    • Use the zoom-in (+) and zoom-out (-) features to magnify and reduce the map.

Enterprise Workloads Top Navigation Pane

From the Enterprise Workloads top navigation pane, you can access the following menus:

All Organizations

The All Organizations feature displays organizations that you have configured with the Druva setup. It also provides a brief overview of the workloads that are configured to the organizations.

By default, Druva configures one organization named as Default Organization.


The Storage feature provides details about storage consumption and deduplication savings across all organizations, the storage instances and their corresponding details like storage name, region, type and cloud storage, and details of storage consumed by each organization.

It also provides a graphical representation of storage consumed by Warm storage and Archive storage respectively against the Total Source + Changes. For more information, see View Storage page.


The Analytics feature provides an aggregate view of credit balance, total source+changes, total current source data, total storage consumed, and dedupe savings across all organizations.

With the Analytics feature, you can perform an in-depth analysis for various parameters of your backup activity such as:

  • Total credits and storage consumption for the last 90 days

  • Source + Changes data for the last 90 days,

  • Current Source data for the last 90 days,

  • Source + Changes and Avg. Change Rate distribution of All Backup Sets.

With the Analytics feature, you can analyse the storage consumption patterns and ultimately predict the credit consumption for your organization. For more information, see Analytics.

Manage > Audit Trails

The Audit Trails feature provides a chronological view of all the administrator activities performed on the Management Console, thus enabling organizations to meet data governance and compliance requirements.

The Cloud-derived administrators and the data protection officers can track and monitor the trail of activities performed by all administrators thereby ensuring complete transparency, traceability, and accountability of all the administrators. For more information, see Audit Trails.

πŸ“ Note
​Druva maintains the history of administrator activities performed on the Management Console for a period of three years. After three years, Druva deletes the audit trail records.


The Billing feature includes two sub-sections.

  1. Cost Allocation: Cost allocation feature allows the cloud administrators and cloud derived administrators to create and manage cost codes for administrative groups, organizations, and backup sets, and set cost allocation rates for cost codes.
    With this feature the administrators can map the cost codes to the administrative groups, organizations and backup sets and determine the cost allocation of the credits consumption by all the resources. For more information, see Cost Allocation.

  2. Credit Limits: The credits limit feature allows you to configure and manage the number of credits that an organization can consume for a specified duration and define the appropriate actions when the credit limit is reached. You can disable the backups for an organization or send alerts when the credit consumption reaches a defined credit limit. For more information, see Credit Limits.


The Reports feature displays the information about the Druva activities such as errors occurred, unsuccessful backups and restores etc. The administrators can configure Druva to send reports of these activities to their mail on a scheduled basis for the servers they manage.

The Reports feature allows you to view, download or send the following reports to your mail:

  1. Cost Allocation Report

  2. Admin Audit Trails

  3. Credit Consumption

For more information, see Enterprise Workloads Reports.

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