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Register previously deleted server
Updated over a year ago

If you are a cloud administrator, you can register a server that you deleted previously. If you are a group administrator, you can only register previously deleted servers that belong to the groups that you manage. After registration, you can configure this server as a file server or a SQL server, thereby enabling backups from the server.

Step 1 of 3: Perform clean-up of previous installation

  1. Log on to the server you want to register as administrator or root user.

  2. ( Windows ) Stop Phoenix Agent Client Service.
    ( Linux ) Kill the Phoenix process.

  3. Manually delete:
    ( Windows Server versions ) C:\ProgramData\Phoenix
    ( Linux ) /etc/Phoenix

  4. Start:
    ( Windows ) Start Phoenix Agent Client Service.
    ( Linux ) Start the Phoenix process.

Step 2 of 3: Register the server

πŸ“ Note
​If you have an activation token already, skip this step. Use the token to activate Phoenix agent.

For more information on how to register a server, see Register servers.

Step 3 of 3: Activate Phoenix agent

For Windows

  1. Ensure that the activation token is handy.

  2. Double-click the Phoenix agent shortcut.

  3. On the Druva Phoenix window, enter the activation token in the text box, and click Activate.

For Linux

  • From the/opt/Druva/Phoenix/ lib directory, run the following command:
    ​PhoenixActivate <token>

    where <token> represents the activation token that Phoenix generated at the time of registering servers.

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