Enterprise Workloads Editions: ✅ Business | ✅ Enterprise | ✅ Elite
This article explains the following steps while setting up Druva to backup your MS-SQL server:
Before you begin
Before you can set up Druva in your infrastructure, ensure that you have configured organizations and administrators. For more information, see Quick steps to set up Druva to back up databases.
Ensure that you read through the system requirements and prerequisites.
Download and install the Enterprise Workloads agent
Log in to the Management Console.
Select the workload from the Protect menu. Note that if the All Organizations menu is enabled, you have to first select an organization where you want to add the MS-SQL server and then select the workload.
The Get Started page is displayed if no SQL servers have been configured so far.
On the Get-Started page, click Register New Server.If SQL servers have already been configured in your environment, you can register additional SQL servers, by clicking Register New Server from the All SQL Resources page.
In the Register New Server dialog box, click Check prerequisites to ensure that the MS-SQL server where you want to install the Enterprise Workloads agent meets the MS-SQL server requirements.
Under the Download and install agent on the server section, click Download. Copy the installable to the MS-SQL server if you didn't download the agent from a Management Console open on the MS-SQL server.
📝 Note
Using this Enterprise Workloads agent, you can protect File Servers, NAS, and Hyper-V workloads on a Windows Server or Linux Server. For more information, see Common agent installation and activation.
On the MS-SQL server, navigate to the location which has the Enterprise Workloads agent installer.
Double-click the Druva installer, and click Next.
Use either the local system account or domain admin credentials while installing the agent. To use domain admin credentials, clear the Use Local System Account checkbox. Enter the domain account username in the format:
In the Install location box, type or select the full path to the installation home directory.
Click Install.
After the installation completes, click Finish.
❗ Important
If you use the domain user account at the time of installing the agent, ensure that you create the domain user account credentials in the credential store and then use those credentials. Credentials stored in the Credential store persist through upgrades. For more information see Credential Store.
Command-line install
Execute the following command from the command prompt:
msiexec /i <path to Phoenix msi> /qn /quiet /log <path to log file>
msiexec /i <path to Enterprise workloads msi> /qn /quiet /log <path to log file>
For example: msiexec.exe/i C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Phoenix-6.0.1-154609.msi /qn/quiet/log C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads
msiexec.exe/i C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\EnterpriseWorkloads-UnifiedAgent-7.0.0-455423.msi /qn/quiet/log C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads
(for agent version 7.0.0-455423 or later)
📝 Note
If you install the agent using the command line instruction, the agent is installed with the local system administrator account. You cannot provide the domain account credentials if you use this method.
Activate the Enterprise Workloads agent
After you install the Enterprise Workloads agent on a Windows server, you must activate it using the activation token that Druva generated at the time of registering servers. The token functions as a unique identifier and performs a one-time authentication of Enterprise Workloads agents. After authentication, Enterprise Workloads agents establish a persistent connection with Druva Cloud.
📝 Note
If your network infrastructure uses a Web proxy, you must configure it before activation. For more information, see Configure Web proxy.
In the Register New Server wizard, under the Activate Server for Backup section, select a valid activation token. An activation token can be used to activate up to 25 servers and expires in 7 days. If all activation tokens have expired, Druva creates a Default Activation Token automatically when you click Register New Server.
If you want to create a new token, perform the following tasks:
Click Generate New Token.
In the Generate Token dialog box, enter the following details, and click Generate.
Token Label: Enter a unique label for the activation token.
This token can activate: Enter the number of servers that can be activated using this token.
This token expires in: Enter the number of days after which this token will expire.
In the Generate Token dialog box, click Generate.
Select the newly generated token from the drop-down list under Activation Token.
📝Note: Druva lists the activation token under Manage > Activation Tokens. For more information, see Manage activation tokens.
If you’re using the CLI to activate the agent, click Copy Command.
On the MS-SQL server, open a CLI.
📝 Note
If you are using an agent older than version6.0.1-154928, navigate toC:\Program Files\Druva\Phoenix Agent
Paste the copied command and press Enter. You can also append the server name by editing the command:
EnterpriseWorkloadsAgent.exe fs-mssql activate -token <activation token> --ServerName <Server Name>For example: EnterpriseWorkloadsAgent.exe fs-mssql activate -token 32931-228-1762-591132241ce4fb2e14fca792cbf532f4a2359eb0bf1b96f82211373ebea7c23b -n WIN-RFE3
📝 Notes
If you are using an agent older than version 6.0.1-154928, the following command can be used:
PhoenixActivate <activation token> --ServerName <Server Name>
For GovCloud, the edited command:EnterpriseWorkloadsAgent.exe fs-mssql activate govcloud -g -t <token> --ServerName <Server Name>For example: EnterpriseWorkloadsAgent.exe fs-mssql activate -g -t 32931-228-1762-591132241ce4fb2e14fca792cbf532f4a2359eb0bf1b96f82211373ebea7c23b -n WIN-RFE3
If you are using an agent older than version 6.0.1-154928, the following command can be used:
PhoenixActivate govcloud <activation token> --ServerName <Server Name>
The server name is not case sensitive. You cannot have one server registered as "ABC and another as "abc". Druva displays the error messageServer display name already exists. Cannot register the server with same display name.
If you’re using the Enterprise Workloads agent shortcut to activate the agent, click Copy Token.
Double-click the Enterprise Workloads Agent shortcut on the server where the Enterprise Workloads Agent needs to be activated.
The Enterprise Workloads Agent window is displayed.In the Enterprise Workloads Agent window, select FS & MS-SQL to activate.
A set of in-built activation checks are run and the result is displayed.
The Agent Activation page for FS & MS-SQL is displayed.Enter the following details:
Activation Token: Paste the copied activation token. This is the token copied from the Register New Server dialog box.
Server Name: Enter a unique server name in the current Organization for each workload of the same type. The server name should not contain any special characters
📝 Note
If you are activating the agent for Druva Public Cloud, do not select the GovCloud check box.
Click Activate.
The backup readiness checks will run to ensure that your system is equipped for successful backup operation.
After activation, the registered server is visible under Protect > File Servers > Registered Servers page as well as the Protect > MS-SQL servers > All SQL Resources page. The All SQL Resources page also displays the instances and availability groups hosted on the server.
📝 Note
Server or SQL resources may take some time to appear under Protect > MS-SQL servers, as they are populated once the discovery of SQL databases is done successfully.
Configure Web proxy
Enterprise Workloads agent connects to the Druva Cloud through the internet. If your network infrastructure uses a Web proxy, configure the Enterprise Workloads agent to use Web proxy to establish a connection with the Druva Cloud. You can configure the Web proxy either from the user interface or command line.
Configure Web proxy using the user interface
This procedure applies only to Windows servers.
Before you begin
Ensure that the Enterprise Workloads agent is running before starting proxy settings.
Double-click the Enterprise Workloads Agent application.
In the Agent Activation window, select Configure Web Proxy.
Select the My network infrastructure uses a Web proxy check box to enter the details.
The Web Proxy options are displayed.
In the Proxy Type drop-down list, select one of the supported proxy types(http, socks4, socks5). The default selection is http.
In the Proxy Server IP Address field, enter a valid IP address of the proxy server.
In the Proxy Port field, enter the respective port number.
If you want to add authentication to your proxy server, select the Proxy server requires authentication check box and add relevant username and password in their respective fields.
Click Save.
The Web proxy is configured.
Configure Web proxy servers using the command line
Open the command-line interface window.
In the command line interface, change the directory with which the CLI opens to the directory where Enterprise Workloads agent is installed.
📝 Note
If you are using an agent older than version 6.0.1-154928, change directory toC:\Program Files\Druva\Phoenix Agent.
In the command prompt, run the following command to set the Web proxy:
EnterpriseWorkloadsAgent.exe web-proxy-config -s -t <proxy_type> -i <ProxyHost_IP>:port -u <Proxy_user> -p <Proxy_password>
For example: EnterpriseWorkloadsAgent.exe web-proxy-config -s -t http -i -u johndoe -p pass23
📝 Note
If you are using an agent older than version 6.0.1-154928, the following command can be used:
PhoenixControl.exe set_proxy_details -t proxy_type -i proxy_IP:port -u proxy_user -p proxy_password
(Optional)You can use the following command to fetch the current proxy configuration:
EnterpriseWorkloadsAgent.exe web-proxy-config -g
Field | Description |
Get_web-proxy | Fetches the current Web proxy configuration for the agent. |
Set_web_proxy | Sets the current Web proxy configuration for the agent. |
Proxy_type | Agent supports the following proxy types:
📝 Note
Proxy_IP | Valid IP or URL of proxy server. |
Port | Respective proxy port number. |
Proxy_user | Valid proxy user name. |
Proxy_password | Valid proxy password. |
The Web proxy is configured successfully.
📝 Note
Druva only supports basic authentication with Web proxy.
Additional information
The Threat Management Gateway (TMG) drops IDLE connections after defined timeout duration, due to which agent does an aggressive retry with server.
📝 Note
In TMG application, it is recommended to set connection timeout value to 5 minutes.
The configuration file path for Enterprise Workloads agent and Cache Server are as follows:
For Windows agent:
or C:\ProgramData\Druva\EnterpriseWorkloads\mssql (for agent version 7.0.0-455423 or later)
If the proxy details setting fails, ping the proxy-server IP from the same machine and check for proxy_user and proxy_password.
Steps to delete a Web proxy once it is set up successfully
You can delete the successful set up Web proxy in the following three ways.
Using the user interface
This applies only to Windows Servers.
Clear the My network infrastructure uses a Web proxy check box.
Click Save.
Using the command line
Open the command line interface window.
In the command prompt, run the following command on the Windows server to remove the Web proxy:
EnterpriseWorkloadsAgent.exe web-proxy-config -r
orEnterpriseWorkloadsAgent.exe web-proxy-config –remove
In the terminal, run the following command in the Linux server to remove the Web proxy:
EnterpriseWorkloadsAgent web-proxy-config -r
orEnterpriseWorkloadsAgent web-proxy-config --remove
📝 Note
Enter -r or –remove command to remove the Web proxy.
Updating the configuration file
Log in to the required server.
Stop the Hybrid Workloads agent Services.
📝 Note
If you are using an agent older than version 6.0.1-154928, navigate to:C:\ProgramData\Phoenix\<WorkloadName>
and copy thePhoenix.cfg
Next step
After your SQL server is registered, you can configure it for backup.