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System requirements for MS-SQL servers

MS-SQL server system requirements: certified platforms, prerequisites, and key considerations for optimal setup

Updated over 3 months ago

Enterprise Workloads Editions: ✅ Business | ✅ Enterprise | ✅ Elite

Ensure that you read through all the requirements mentioned in this topic before you set up Druva to back up your databases.

Certified platforms

This section outlines the certified platforms and highlights the SQL Server versions Druva supports, closely following Microsoft's Compatibility Matrix. This approach ensures alignment with Microsoft's recommendations for compatibility and security.

Key Considerations

  • Version Support: If a major version of SQL Server is supported, all corresponding minor versions (e.g., SP1, SP2, etc.) of that major version will also be supported.

  • Edition Support: We support Web, Developer, Standard, and Enterprise editions.
    Express editions are not supported.

Supported SQL Server Versions

In line with the Microsoft Compatibility Matrix, Druva has certified and supports the following SQL Server versions:

  • SQL Server 2022

  • SQL Server 2019

  • SQL Server 2017

  • SQL Server 2016, starting with Service Pack 1 (SP1)

  • SQL Server 2014

  • SQL Server 2012, starting with Service Pack 2 (SP2)

Operating System Compatibility: Druva supports these SQL Server versions only if installed on a Windows version that Microsoft currently supports for that version of SQL Server, according to the Microsoft Compatibility Matrix.

For more detailed information on which Windows versions are compatible with each SQL Server release, please refer to Using SQL Server in Windows on the Microsoft website.

You are recommended to update to TLS 1.2 for secure communication. For more information, you may refer to TLS 1.2 support for Microsoft SQL Server.

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