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Multi-organization administration
Updated over 12 months ago

❗ Important

The availability of the enable/disable organization feature is limited to Enterprise and Elite editions. To access this feature, contact your Account Manager or Support. This article/documentation is subject to change based on the continuous improvements to this feature.

In Druva, an organization (site) is an access-based control mechanism that helps segregate resources that do not share any data. An organization internally manages servers and policies within that organization. You can't access servers, administrative groups, and policies of one organization from other organizations. Organizations share storage, cloud administrators, and customer license.

By default, the All Organizations menu is disabled on the Management Console for all customers onboarded after November 22, 2021. You can enable the menu if your IT company requires different organizations to manage resources based on their geographical location, or grouping entities that need complete logical partitioning of their data and configuration like backup policies. However, you can use the centralized Management Console to track, manage, and audit activities of all entities and resources along with their storage and credit consumption, configured across various organizations.

πŸ“ Note

​ The existing customers onboarded before November 22, 2021, and who have configured single or multiple organizations in the Druva account can choose to disable the All Organizations menu on the Management Console. By disabling organizations, the protected workloads can directly be accessed without first selecting an organization on the Management Console. For more information, see Disable the All Organizations menu.

License requirements

The multi-organization administration is available only to Enterprise and Elite editions. If you are a Business edition customer and want to access this feature, contact your Account Manager or Support.

Administrator roles

Only a Druva Cloud Administrator can enable the All Organizations menu on the Management Console. For more information, see Enable the All Organizations menu. After the menu is enabled, a Druva Cloud Administrator can create new organizations and Organization Administrators as per the business requirements, and assign Organization Administrators to specific organizations ensuring site access controls to the organizations. The Organization Administrator has complete control over the assigned organization but not over the other organizations.

When you enable the All Organizations menu, Druva creates a default organization, Default Organization. Druva Cloud Administrator can rename an organization as required.

Benefits of multi-organization administration

Multi-organization deployments benefit IT companies in the following ways:

  • Druva cloud administrators can use the All Organizations dashboard to get a unified view of the current status of the backup and restore status across workloads, top critical alerts, storage consumption, and savings across all your organizations.

  • Organization administrators has the site-access control of the entities and resources configured in their organizations.

  • The Organization Administrator has complete control over the assigned organization but not over the other organizations.

  • Druva cloud administrators can track the day-to-day backup and restore operations for all organizations.

  • Druva cloud administrators can monitor the health status of workloads deployed on the premises and in the cloud for all organizations.

  • Druva cloud administrators can generate reports to determine the storage consumed by specific teams, departments, or remote offices based on the organization, assign a dollar value to this storage usage, and forecast the budget.

  • Druva cloud administrators can view alerts generated for all the workloads configured across various organizations.

  • Druva cloud administrators can view all administrator data activities ensuring complete transparency, traceability, and accountability of all the administrators.

Use case

You need to identify the geographical locations of all your resources and based on that decide on the organizations that you need to create. You can also create different organizations for the departments that do not share any data. Similarly, you can create organizations for the entities within a corporation that need complete partitioning of their data and other configuration entities, such as backup policies, but need a common dashboard for storage usage and credit consumption across such entities.

For example, suppose Druva customer is a central IT organization, which provides backup and restore to several internal groups. Servers and policies belonging to each internal group are independently managed within an organization. Servers, administrative groups, and policies in one organization cannot be accessed in other organization. Also, an organization administrator can be assigned to each organization who has complete control over that particular organization but not to other organizations.


  • Only a Druva Cloud Administrator can enable the All Organizations menu on the Management Console. For more information, see Enable the All Organization s menu. After the menu is enabled, Druva Cloud Administrator can create new organizations and Organization Administrator as per the business requirements, and assign Organization Administrators to specific organizations ensuring site access controls to the organizations. The Organization Administrator has complete control over the assigned organization but not over the other organizations.

  • When you enable the All Organizations menu, Druva creates a default organization, Default Organization.

  • Only a Cloud Administrator can disable the All Organizations menu on the Management Console. For more information, see Disable the All Organizations menu.

Enable the All Organizations menu

If you are a new customer, the organization will be disabled by default. If you want to create an organization, then you can enable the organization. Once the organization is enabled, then through the All organization menu on the UI, you can add more organizations. For more information, see Configure Organizations.

πŸ“ Note

​ If an account has no organization, a Cloud Administrator can enable organizations.

To enable an organization,

  1. Log in to the Management Console.

  2. On the menu bar, click and select Enable Organizations from the Settings icon.

    enable button.png
  3. The screen that follows provides additional information about an organization. Click Enable Organizations.

    Enable Organizations.png
  4. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Yes, Enable Organizations to enable organization.

    Enable Organizations confirmation_button.png
  5. The session will be terminated and you will be logged out.

  6. Provide your credentials and log in again.

  7. A dialog is displayed confirming that the organization has been enabled for your account by the Cloud Administrator.

    πŸ“ Note

    ​ Whenever any Cloud Administrator enables or disables an organization, notifications are shown on the Management Console informing other administrators of the same customer that organization is enabled or disabled and the changes will be visible after re-login.
    For other Cloud Administrators that are currently logged in, there is a 2-minute window in which they can log in again, otherwise the system terminates the current session . For more information, see Alerts and Notifications.

  8. When the Cloud Administrator of the customer logs in for the first time after the organization is enabled, the following page is displayed:

  9. Click Go to Console. The Organization View is displayed.

    πŸ“ Note

    • A default organization is created and all the resources will be visible under that organization.

    • Any Group Administrators that were created earlier or any resources that were configured, will be part of the default organization.

Select the Default Organization

  1. Log in to the Management Console.

  2. Select the Default Organization if All Organizations menu is enabled.

Manage organizations

Add a new organization

If you are a cloud or a cloud-derived administrator, you can create a new organization to manage your servers. An organization or organization-derived administrator is created using the Manage Administrators page after clicking the Druva icon.


  • Only Enterprise and Elite customers can create new organizations.

  • Only a cloud administrator can add new organizations.


  1. Log in to the Management Console.

  2. If the organization is enabled, click All Organizations on the menu bar. For more information, see Enable or Disable Organizations.
    The All Organizations page is displayed.

  3. In the top right corner, clickNew Organizationand enter the following details:

    New organization.png
    New organization dialog box.png



Organization Name

The unique name of the organization.


An optional description of the organization.

Click Create.

View the All Organizations page

The All Organizations page provides details of all organizations configured in the environment. You can see all the workloads configured for backup in that organization. You can also see the number of configured backup sets, the source+changes data, and the last backup status for each workload.

All Organizations.png


  1. Log in to the Management Console.

  2. If the organization is enabled, click All Organizations on the menu bar. For more information, see Enabling or Disabling Organizations.
    The All Organizations page is displayed. The following table lists the fields displayed on the page.



Organization Name

The name of the organization. Click the organization name to display the organization dashboard.


An optional description of the organization.

Backup Sets

The total number of backup sets in the organization. Hovering over the donut chart corresponding to # Backup sets shows you the backup set distribution. The backup set distribution is the number of backup sets per workload. Clicking the numbers in the backup set distribution next to the workload takes you to the backup sets page for that workload. The backup set distribution information refreshes once in 24 hours.

Backup set distribution.png

Source + Changes

This is an aggregate of full and incremental backup data at the source for all configured workloads in the organization. Hovering over the donut chart corresponding to Source + Changes shows you the Source + Changes information per workload. The Source + Changes information refreshes once in 24 hours.

Source + Changes.png


The total number of registered CloudCache servers in the organization. Click the number of CloudCache servers to see the list of configured CloudCache servers.

Configured for DR

The total number of VMware virtual machines configured for disaster recovery in the organization. This count excludes the virtual machines in your DR plan for which DR is not enabled. This count also excludes virtual machines for which DR is not configured.

πŸ“ Note
​ If you are a Business or an Enterprise customer and have not purchased Disaster Recovery, this field is not displayed.


The number of administrators in the organization. Clicking the number takes you to the Manage Administrators page. For more information, see Manage administrator accounts.

Tabular representation


The list of all workloads configured for backup in that organization.

  • If there is more than one File Server, MS-SQL Server, or Windows Hypervisor (HyperV), the workloads are further segregated into the backup sets per File Server, MS-SQL Server, or Windows Hypervisor.

  • If there is more than one vCenter/ESXi server (VMware) or NAS device, click the number of Backup Sets or Last Backup Status to view information on each NAS device or vCenter/ESXi server.

    All Org_NAS.png

    The Backup Set Details dialog displays:

    All Org_NAS_Detail2.png

# Backup Sets

The number of backup sets per workload. Clicking the number takes you to the backup sets page for that workload.

Source + Changes

An aggregate of full and incremental backup data at the source per workload. The Source + Changes information refreshes once in 24 hours.

Last Backup Status

The status of the last backup per workload. This column displays the total number of backups:

  • That were successful

  • That completed with errors

  • That failed

  • Whose backup window expired.

  • That were never backed up

Clicking the numbers under the Last Backup Status column takes you to the Backup Sets page for that workload. The Backup Sets page is filtered to display all backup sets of the status that you clicked on. For example, if you clicked the number under Failed (Red Cross icon) for the Files workload, you are taken to the File Backup Sets page. This File Backup Sets page is filtered to show you all the backup sets whose last backup has failed.

Rename an organization

If you are a DCP or cloud-derived administrator, you can edit the name of an organization.


  1. Log in to the Management Console.

  2. If the organization is enabled, click All Organizations on the menu bar. For more information, see Enable or Disable Organizations.
    The All Organizations page is displayed.

  3. Click the Edit icon for the organization that you want to rename.​

    All Org_edit.png
  4. In the Edit Organization dialog box, enter the new name and description of the organization, and click Save.

Delete an organization

You can delete an organization if you are a cloud or a cloud-derived administrator.

You cannot delete an organization associated with administrators, administrative groups, backup policies, backup sets, or resources. Associate the administrators, administrative groups, backup policies, backup sets, or resources with other organizations and then delete the organization.

πŸ“ Note

You cannot delete the default organization.


  1. Log in to the Management Console.

  2. If the organization is enabled, click All Organizations on the menu bar. For more information, see Enable or Disable Organizations.
    The All Organizations page is displayed.

  3. Click the Delete icon for the organization that you want to delete.

All Org_Delete.png

4. In the Confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

Disable the All Organizations menu

If you are an existing customer with single or multiple organizations, you will view an option on the Management Console to disable the organization. Note that Business SKU will not see this option.
If you are a new customer, the organization will be disabled by default.


  1. Log in to the Management Console.

  2. On the menu bar click All Organizations, click and select Disable Organizations from more options.

    Disable organizations button.png
  3. A dialog is displayed with the criteria that must be followed.

Disable organizations Criterias.png

πŸ“ Note

​ The following criteria should be met before disabling an organization:

  1. The screen that follows provides additional information about an organization. Click Disable Organizations.

    Disable organizations confirmation.png

    πŸ“ Note

    ​ On disabling the organization, the access control that was present with the organizations will be lost. Groups will be the only mechanism to segregate entities.

  2. A confirmation message is displayed. Click Yes, Disable Organizations to disable organization.

    Disable Organizations confirmation_button.png
  3. The session will be terminated and you will be logged out.

  4. Provide your credentials and log in again.

  5. A dialog is displayed for other administrators confirming that the organization has been disabled for the account by the Cloud Administrator.

    Disable organizations_dialog_notification.png

    πŸ“ Note

  6. ​ Whenever any Cloud Administrator enables or disables an organization, notifications are shown on the Management Console informing other administrators of the same customer that organization is enabled or disabled and changes will be visible after re-login.
    For other cloud administrators that are currently logged in, there is a 2-minute window in which they can log in again, otherwise the system terminates the current session. For more information, see Alerts and Notifications.

  7. Click Go to Console. A view without any organizations is displayed.

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