The availability of this feature may be limited based on the license type, region, and other criteria. To access this feature, contact support.
Druva Cloud Backup for Dynamics 365 enables backup and restore capabilities for Dynamics CRM organizations, specifically supporting Sales and Customer Service applications. It offers a comprehensive solution to back up all custom, activity, and system entities within your organization.
Key Features
Selective Entity Backup: Back up specific entities in a separate backup job for greater flexibility.
Complete Entity Backup: Back up all entities, records, and metadata, ensuring complete data protection.
Metadata Backup: Preserve critical metadata, including:
Option Sets
Supported Entities
System Entities
Display Name | Logical Name |
Account | account |
Appointment | appointment |
Article | kbarticle |
Article Template | kbarticletemplate |
Attachment | activitymimeattachment |
Bookable Resource | bookableresource |
Bookable Resource Booking Header | bookableresourcebookingheader |
Bookable Resource Category | bookableresourcecategory |
Bookable Resource Category Assn | bookableresourcecategoryassn |
Bookable Resource Characteristic | bookableresourcecharacteristic |
Bookable Resource Group | bookableresourcegroup |
Booking Status | bookingstatus |
Business Unit | businessunit |
Campaign | campaign |
Campaign Activity | campaignactivity |
Campaign Response | campaignresponse |
Case | incident |
Case Resolution | incidentresolution |
Category | category |
Channel Property | channelproperty |
Channel Property Group | channelpropertygroup |
Characteristic | characteristic |
Competitor | competitor |
Connection | connection |
Contact | contact |
Contract | contract |
Contract Line | contractdetail |
Contract Template | contracttemplate |
Currency | transactioncurrency |
Discount | discount |
Discount List | discounttype |
Document Location | Sharepointdocumentlocation |
Email Server Profile | emailserverprofile |
Email Signature | emailsignature |
Email Template | template |
Entitlement | entitlement |
Entitlement Template | entitlementtemplate |
Expired Process | expiredprocess |
Fax | fax |
Feedback | feedback |
Follow | postfollow |
Goal | goal |
Goal Metric | metric |
Invoice | invoice |
Invoice Line | invoicedetail |
Knowledge Article | knowledgearticle |
Knowledge Article Incident | knowledgearticleincident |
Knowledge Article Views | knowledgearticleviews |
Lead | lead |
Lead To Opportunity Sales Process | leadtoopportunitysalesprocess |
Letter | letter |
Mailbox | mailbox |
Mail Merge Template | mailmergetemplate |
Marketing List | list |
New Process | newprocess |
Note | annotation |
Opportunity | opportunity |
Opportunity Close | opportunityclose |
Opportunity Line | opportunityproduct |
Opportunity Relationship | customeropportunityrole |
Opportunity Sales Process | opportunitysalesprocess |
Order | salesorder |
Order Close | orderclose |
Order Line | salesorderdetail |
Organization | organization |
Phone Call | phonecall |
Phone To Case Process | phonetocaseprocess |
Position | position |
Post | post |
Price List | pricelevel |
Price List Item | productpricelevel |
Product | product |
Product Association | productassociation |
Product Relationship | productsubstitute |
Publisher | publisher |
Queue | queue |
Queue Item | queueitem |
Quote | quote |
Quote Close | quoteclose |
Quote Line | quotedetail |
Rating Model | ratingmodel |
Rating Value | ratingvalue |
Rollup Query | goalrollupquery |
Sales Attachment | salesliteratureitem |
Sales Literature | salesliterature |
Service | service |
Service Activity | serviceappointment |
SharePoint Site | sharepointsite |
Site | site |
Subject | subject |
Task | task |
Team template | teamtemplate |
Territory | territory |
Theme | theme |
Unit | uom |
Unit Group | uomschedule |
User | systemuser |
Record Creation and Update Rule | convertrule |
Quick Campaign | bulkoperation |
Marketing specific Entities
Display Name | Logical Name |
Forum Announcement | adx_communityforumannouncement |
Appointment activity marketing | msdyncrm_appointmentactivitymarketingtemplate |
template |
Attendee Pass | msevtmgt_attendeepass |
Authentication Settings | msevtmgt_authenticationsettings |
Bucket | msevtmgt_bucket |
Building | msevtmgt_building |
CDN configuration | msdyncrm_cdnconfiguration |
Check-in | msevtmgt_checkin |
Content block | msdyncrm_contentblock |
Content settings | msdyncrm_contentsettings |
Custom channel activity | msdyncrm_customerjourneycustomchannelactivity |
Custom Registration Field | msevtmgt_customregistrationfield |
Customer journey | msdyncrm_customerjourney |
Customer journey iteration | msdyncrm_customerjourneyiteration |
Customer journey runtime state | msdyncrm_customerjourneyruntimestate |
Customer journey workflow link | msdyncrm_customerjourneyworkflowlink |
Default marketing settings | msdyncrm_defaultmarketingsetting |
Designer feature access | msdyncrm_designerfeatureavailability |
Digital assets configuration | msdyncrm_digitalassetsconfiguration |
Dynamic-content metadata | msdyncrm_marketingdynamiccontentmetadata |
Entity Counter | msevtmgt_entitycounter |
Event Administration | msevtmgt_eventadministration |
Event Custom Registration Field | msevtmgt_eventcustomregistrationfield |
Event Management Configuration | msevtmgt_eventmanagementconfiguration |
Event Purchase | msevtmgt_eventpurchase |
Event Purchase Attendee | msevtmgt_eventpurchaseattendee |
Event Purchase Contact | msevtmgt_eventpurchasecontact |
Event Purchase Pass | msevtmgt_eventpurchasepass |
Event Registration | msevtmgt_eventregistration |
Event Team Member | msevtmgt_eventteammember |
Event Vendor | msevtmgt_eventvendor |
EventMainBusinessProcessFlow | msevtmgt_bpf_9623d46752ae497989f62ac0d11dad99 |
File | msdyncrm_file |
Form page | msdyncrm_formpage |
Form page template | msdyncrm_formpagetemplate |
Keyword | msdyncrm_keyword |
Lead entity field | msdyncrm_leadentityfield |
Lead score | msdyncrm_leadscore |
Lead Scoring Model | msdyncrm_leadscoremodel |
Lead to opportunity | msdyncrm_leadtoopportunity |
List Form | msdyncrm_listform |
Marketing configuration | msdyncrm_marketingconfiguration |
Marketing email | msdyncrm_marketingemail |
Marketing email dynamic-content | msdyncrm_marketingemaildynamiccontentmetadata |
metadata |
Marketing email template | msdyncrm_marketingemailtemplate |
Marketing email test send | msdyncrm_marketingemailtestsend |
Marketing form | msdyncrm_marketingform |
Marketing form template | msdyncrm_marketingformtemplate |
Form whitelist rule | msdyncrm_marketingformwhitelistrule |
Marketing page | msdyncrm_marketingpage |
Marketing page configuration | msdyncrm_marketingpageconfiguration |
Marketing page template | msdyncrm_marketingpagetemplate |
Matching strategy | msdyncrm_matchingstrategy |
Matching strategy attributes | msdyncrm_matchingstrategyattribute |
Marketing activity | msdyncrm_mktactivity |
Phone-call activity marketing | msdyncrm_phonecallactivitymarketingtemplate |
template |
Portal settings | msdyncrm_portalsettings |
Quota info entity | msdyncrm_quotainfoentity |
Redirect URL | msdyncrm_redirecturl |
Segment | msdyncrm_segment |
Adobe Launch Integration | msevtmgt_adobelaunchintegrationconfiguration |
Configuration |
Hotel | msevtmgt_hotel |
Hotel Room Allocation | msevtmgt_hotelroomallocation |
Hotel Room Reservation | msevtmgt_hotelroomreservation |
Layout | msevtmgt_layout |
Pass | msevtmgt_pass |
Portal CGI | msevtmgt_portalcgi |
Room | msevtmgt_room |
Room Reservation | msevtmgt_roomreservation |
Session | msevtmgt_session |
Session Registration | msevtmgt_sessionregistration |
Session Track | msevtmgt_sessiontrack |
GDPR configuration | msgdpr_gdprconfiguration |
GDPR consent change record | msgdpr_gdprconsentchangerecord |
Speaker | msevtmgt_speaker |
Speaker Engagement | msevtmgt_speakerengagement |
Sponsorable Article | msevtmgt_sponsorablearticle |
Sponsorship | msevtmgt_sponsorship |
Task activity marketing template | msdyncrm_taskactivitymarketingtemplate |
UIC config | msdyncrm_uicconfig |
User geo region | msdyncrm_usergeoregion |
Venue | msevtmgt_venue |
Video | msdyncrm_video |
Waitlist Item | msevtmgt_waitlistitem |
Webinar Consent | msevtmgt_webinarconsent |
Webinar Provider | msevtmgt_webinarprovider |
Website | msdyncrm_website |
Unsupported Entities
Certain entities are not supported for backup due to limitations in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 API. These restrictions are inherent to the API and beyond Druva’s control. This section lists entities within Microsoft Dataverse that do not support change tracking. You can retrieve this information using the API provided below. The following is a list of entities that cannot be backed up:
Logical name | Logical Name | Logical Name |
msdyn_intentattributesets | powerbidatasets | msdyn_entitylinkchatconfigurations |
userentityuisettingsset | msdyn_autonomouscasecreationrules | msdyn_inboxentityconfigs |
msdyn_forecastsettingsandsummaries | msdyn_appprofilerolemappings | msdyn_productivitymacroactiontemplates |
msdyn_dataanalyticsworkspaces | processsessions | serviceplancustomcontrolset |
msdyn_schedules | credentials | duplicaterules |
userqueries | msdyn_dataflows | msdyn_helppages |
msdyn_productivityagentscripts | msdyn_tours | msdyn_productivitymacrosolutionconfigurations |
msdyn_consumingapplications | plugins | msdyn_notificationfields |
applicationusers | msdyn_dmsrequests | solutioncomponentattributeconfigurations |
synapselinkschedules | msdyn_appconfiguration_systemuserset | msdyn_channelproviders |
childincidentcounts | msdyn_dataflowconnectionreferences | recordfilters |
msdyn_dataflowtemplates | featurecontrolsettings | msdyn_productivitymacroconnectors |
msdyn_channelmessageparts | managedidentities | msdyn_connectordatasource_environmentvaset |
indexattributes | importmaps | msdyn_entityattributepredictionrules |
entityindexes | msdyn_knowledgemanagementsettings | aiplugintitles |
msdyn_notificationtemplates | solutioncomponentbatchconfigurations | msdynmkt_featureconfigurations |
msdyn_panetabconfigurations | msdyn_knowledgesearchfilters | msdyn_dataanalyticsdatasets |
emailsignatures | serviceplans | msdyn_contactsuggestionrules |
msdyn_copilotsummarizationsettings | powerpagessiteaifeedbacks | msdyn_slakpis |
msdyn_swarmroles | msdyn_analyticsforcs | msdyn_intentsolution_mappingconfigurations |
msdynmkt_eventparametermetadataset | msdyn_smartassistconfigs | environmentvariablevalues |
msdyn_channeldefinitions | privilegesremovalsettings | msdyn_contactsuggestionrulesets |
msdyn_appcopilotconfigurations | serviceplanmappings | msdyn_analyticsadminsettings |
msdyn_sessiontemplates | owners | msdyn_panetoolconfigurations |
flowcredentialapplications | msdyn_dataflow_datalakefolders | msdyn_templateparameters |
powerfxrules | connectioninstances | msdyn_salestags |
appnotifications | msdyn_productivityactionoutputparameters | synapsedatabases |
msdyn_intentfamilies | userentityinstancedataset | msdyn_templaterulesets |
msdyn_intentconfigs | msdyn_connectordatasource_environmentv | sharepointdocuments |
actioncardusersettingsset | msdyn_appconfigurations | fxexpressions |
msdyn_agentcopilotsettings | reportparameters | synapselinkprofileentities |
msdyn_productivityparameterdefinitions | aipluginoperationresponsetemplates | flowlogs |
synapselinkprofiles | userqueryvisualizations | msdyn_preferredagentroutedentities |
msdyn_functions | cascadegrantrevokeaccessversiontrackers | msdynmkt_catalogeventstatusconfigurations |
exchangesyncidmappings | msdyn_formmappings | cards |
msdyn_dmsrequeststatuses | roleeditorlayouts | bulkarchiveconfigs |
msdyn_productivityagentscriptsteps | msdyn_dataanalyticsreports | msdyn_conversationsummarysettings |
msdyn_swarmtemplates | powerbireports | msdyn_casefollowupandclosureconfigurations |
msdyn_urnotificationtemplates | solutioncomponentrelationshipconfigurations | msdyn_intentattributes |
msdyn_productivityactioninputparameters | solutioncomponentconfigurations | msdyn_mobileapps |
msdyn_paneconfigurations | msdyn_intentgroupconditions | msdyn_channeldefinitionlocales |
msdyn_effortpredictionresults | msdyn_sequences | msdyn_applicationtabtemplates |
cascadegrantrevokeaccessrecordstrackers | environmentvariabledefinitions | keyvaultreferences |
powerbimashupparameters | duplicateruleconditions | msdyn_copilotcaseformfillsettings |
botcomponentcollections | entityrecordfilters | msdyn_intentsolutionmaps |
msdyn_swarmparticipantrules | powerpageslogs | aiskillconfigs |
msdyn_preferredagentcustomeridentities | sharedlinksettings |
msdyn_inboxcardconfigurations | msdyn_applicationextensions |
Unsupported Entities API
Some entities can't be enabled for change tracking. To see which entities can't be enabled for change tracking, use this Web API query:
GET {Organization_URI}/api/data/v9.2/EntityDefinitions?$select=SchemaName,ChangeTrackingEnabled&$filter=ChangeTrackingEnabled eq false and CanChangeTrackingBeEnabled/Value eq false
In addition to the entities retrieved from the API above, the following are additional entities for which change tracking (delta) is not supported.
Logical name | Logical Name | Logical Name |
actioncardusersettingsset | msdyn_connectordatasource_environmentv | msdyn_connectordatasource_environmentvaset |
childincidentcounts | owners | sharepointdocuments |
entityindexes | serviceplancustomcontrolset | emailsignatures |
exchangesyncidmappings | userentityinstancedataset | importmaps |
indexattributes | userentityuisettingsset | cascadegrantrevokeaccessrecordstrackers |
msdyn_appconfiguration_systemuserset | userqueries | cascadegrantrevokeaccessversiontrackers |
processsessions | userqueryvisualizations |