Problem Description
VMWare FLR fails with GOS_SVC1 Error (GuestOS Service)
Error description says that Service is unavailable
Restoring files/folders to same VM, Alternate VM fails with the same error
Full VM Restore works fine
level=error ts=2024-12-02T11:02:10.744582767Z filename=guest_os.go:133 Method=DownloadFile Message="Failed to intiate file transfer from guest, Attempt 0" ErrorMessage="ServerFaultCode: File C:\\ProgramData\\Druva\\EnterpriseWorkloads\\vmware\\40167\\guest_os_info.txt was not found"
level=error ts=2024-12-02T12:11:40.598036281Z filename=flrrestore.go:633 method=getVMFSParams message="Guest os service health check failed" error="Service unavailable: Service Unavailable: Post \"https://172.16.x.x:53119/guestossvc/v1/getAccessToken\": dial tcp 172.16.x.x:53119: i/o timeout"
level=error ts=2024-12-02T12:11:40.610873142Z filename=flrrestore.go:753 method=Prepare message="Error while fetching vmfs params" error="Service unavailable: Service Unavailable: Post \"https://172.16.x.x:53119/guestossvc/v1/getAccessToken\": dial tcp 172.16.x.x:53119: i/o timeout"
level=error ts=2024-12-02T12:11:40.611029796Z filename=job.go:43 filename=job.go:43 message="Failed to call agent prepare" Error="Service unavailable: Service Unavailable: Post \"https://172.16.x.x:53119/guestossvc/v1/getAccessToken\": dial tcp 172.16.x.x:53119: i/o timeout" stacktrace="missing stacktrace in error"
level=info ts=2024-12-02T12:11:42.171654945Z filename=job.go:158 filename=job.go:158 message="Abort set" method=Abort error="Failed to prepare for restore job" msg="Service unavailable: Service Unavailable: Post \"https://172.16.x.x:53119/guestossvc/v1/getAccessToken\": dial tcp 172.16.x.x:53119: i/o timeout"
Firewall settings block the traffic from Backup Proxy to the Guest/Destination VM.
Connect to the backup proxy
(default credentials unless changed)Login: root
Password: druvaphoenix
Try to ping the Destination VM
Try nc -vz <destination VM IP> <port being used for FLR>
โNote: Port might change as it uses an ephemeral port for FLR (if not defined in proxy configuration)
On the destination VM, add a rule in Windows Firewall to allow traffic from Backup Proxy
Run the FLR restore again and observe the progress and status