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Microsoft 365 User Provisioning Report for MSPs
Updated over 6 months ago


This report provides a comprehensive view of user provisioning activities within your customers’ Microsoft 365 environment. It allows you to monitor user creation, track user information, and ensure efficient user management.

The combination of global customer ID, customer name, and account name provides a powerful tool for identifying specific entries in a large dataset.

There are a few quick filters that you can use to filter out the data quickly based on specific requirements such as service plan and customer name. The use of quick filters enhances the usability of the reports and provides more targeted insights. The following table lists details of the quick filters.

Quick Filter


Service plan

Use this filter to view data based on specific service plans. Select one or more plans from the dropdown list to narrow down your results.

Customer Name

Use this filter to view data for a specific customer. Start typing the customer's name and select the matching entry from the autocomplete list.

📝 Note:

  • The MSC fetches data of reports within a maximum of 6-12 hours

  • It might take 24 to 48 hours for the data to appear in this report if a new customer or tenant is added to MSC.

To access the report:

Go to Managed Services Center (MSC) > Reports > Microsoft 365 > User Provisioning Report

The following table lists the fields in the User Provisioning Report



Global Customer ID

A Unique Universal Identifier for a customer

Customer Name

Name of the customer.

Account Name

Name by which Druva should identify the customer.

Note: Account name and customer may be the same for some customers if Admin has not selected the option Hide Customer Name from Druva while creating a new customer.

User Name

The name of the user.

User Email

The email address of the user.


The profile that is assigned to the user.

User Status

Status of the user whether it is active or not.

Microsoft 365 License

Displays the Microsoft 365 license status. For example, active, preserve, or - (hyphen), wherein - represents the unlicensed state.

SMB License

Displays the shared mailbox license status.

Backup Data (MB)

The amount of data backed up by the user.

Created On

Displays the user account creation date.

Managed By

Displays the name of the IdP that manages the user.


Display the mapping name with the highest priority used for importing the user. The value can be either "Manual" or the provisioning name with the highest priority. However, it's important to be aware of the limitations associated with these mappings. See the Mapping Limitations section for details.

Custom Attribute Name

Name of the attribute in the AD server.

Custom Attribute Value

The value of the attribute in the AD server.

Mapping Limitations

  1. Highest Priority Mapping Displayed: User provisioning reports display the highest priority mapping name for all users in a profile, even if some users were imported with a different mapping. For example, if a profile has "Map1" (priority 1) and "Map2" (priority 2), and users were imported with both, the report will display "Map1" for all users in that profile.

  2. Effects of Deleting Mappings: When a previously used mapping is deleted, users will inherit the highest priority mapping currently active for their profile. If all original mappings are deleted and a new one is created, all users in the profile will display the new mapping name in reports, regardless of how they were initially imported.

  3. Manual Imports and Provisioning Changes: Users imported manually will show "Manual" as their mapping name. If a user's provisioning method changes (e.g., from AD/LDAP to Azure AD), the old user entry will display as "Manual," while the new entry will show the highest priority mapping for their profile.


The following table lists the actions that you can perform on this report page



Add filter

Creates filters to display the report based on the filter’s selection.

Rearrange column

Changes the order of the columns in the user provisioning details table. You can change the order of the columns in the table by dragging a column and dropping it to the required position within the table.

Manage Subscription

Create a subscription to receive the reports on schedule.

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