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Microsoft 365 Users Count & Status Report

View the weekly and monthly count of users added, preserved, and deleted for a specified period.

Updated over 4 months ago


As an administrator, you can track user account-related activities using this Report, such as the number of user accounts added, deleted, or preserved in inSync. This report provides a weekly and monthly consolidated view of user account statistics.

Weekly report

The weekly report has a week-wise start and end date and provides statistics on the total number of users added, deleted, and preserved in inSync over seven days.

Monthly report

The monthly report has a month-wise start and end date and provides statistics on the total number of users added, deleted, and preserved in inSync for a given month.


This report reflects data from the workloads included in your license, which may be Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, or both.


The following table lists the fields in the Users Count & Status Report’s Weekly and Monthly sections.



From Date

For Weekly report: The start date of the weekly report.

For the Monthly report: The start date of the monthly report.

To Date

For Weekly report: The end date of the weekly report.

For the Monthly report: The end date of the monthly report.

Total Users

The total number of users available for a given week or month.


The Total Users includes the total number of users preserved in inSync.

Total Preserved

The total number of user accounts that have been preserved in Druva is aggregated either weekly or monthly.

Users Added

For Weekly report: The total number of users added for a given week.

For the Monthly report: The total number of users added for a given month.

Users Deleted

For Weekly report: The total number of users deleted for a given week.

For the Monthly report: The total number of users deleted for a given month.

Users Preserved

For Weekly report: The total number of users preserved for a given week.

For the Monthly report: The total number of users preserved for a given month.


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