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Archived Release Notes 2022
Updated over 3 months ago

October 19, 2022


Enhancements to Resource Rules within ADR Workflow

You can now filter resources by a Backup Policy when defining Resource Rules as part of your Disaster Recovery Plan. Aside from the existing criteria including Resource IDs, VPCs, and Tags, you can also select one or more backup policies defined within the chosen Account.

Resource Rules help identify resources that you wish to recover from the source environment. Once you define the filter criteria and associated values, the resources that match all the selected filters within the source environment will be included as part of the Rule. For more information, see Create a Disaster Recovery Plan.

September 27, 2022

New Feature

Prevent malicious or accidental deletion of snapshots using Data Lock

Data Lock prevents modification, deletion, or tampering of business-critical data. Immutability has gained widespread attention with rising ransomware attacks, which can adversely impact enterprise data security.

Immutable snapshots play a key role in your organizationโ€™s business strategy and data recovery plan. Once enabled at the policy level, Data Lock ensures that the retention for immutable snapshots cannot be altered, thus safeguarding critical snapshots from a rogue administrator or threats owing to compromised credentials.

๐Ÿ“ Note
โ€‹ Data lock, by default, is available only to Enterprise and Elite customers.

For more information, see Data Lock. Have more questions? Refer to the Data Lock FAQs.

August 3, 2022


Update to Existing Druva CloudRanger Roles

Experience a simplified user management with a unified Admin role, merging the existing Write and Admin roles. With this enhancement, administrators on Druva CloudRanger with Write privileges will migrate to the Admin role, at the Organization and the Account level. Users with view-only permissions will remain unchanged.

Administrators can now grant privileges within two levels of access:

  • Admin access: Administrators can create or edit Backup Policies, Server Schedules, and DR plans, as well as provision new users or modify access privileges.

  • Admin view access: Users with view-only access can review existing Backup Policies, Server Schedules, and DR plans, but will not be allowed to create or edit predefined policies or plans.

For more information on user management, see Manage Administrator Roles.

Customer action required: No user action is required.

July 21, 2022

New Feature

AMI Deletion Report

The AMI Deletion Report provides a summary of AMIs that have been deleted, either manually or as part of the policy-level retention specified. You can now gather a comprehensive view of all AMIs deleted across one or more accounts, over a 7-day, 30-day, or 90-day period. For more information, see Reports.

July 14, 2022

New Feature

Introducing Support for AWS Recycle Bin for EBS Snapshots

With Recycle Bin, you can now recover EBS snapshots from accidental deletion by setting a custom retention for deleted snapshots. You can enable Recycle Bin for all snapshots in an account, AWS region, or a subset of them based on tags, and configure the retention period for deleted snapshots. You can choose to recover these deleted snapshots within the retention window. Recovered snapshots retain all metadata including tags, descriptions, and sharing permissions.

Key advantages

  • Business continuity: Protect business-critical data against accidental deletion to ensure business continuity

  • Data security: Safeguard backups from malicious threats and attacks

  • Data Governance: Ensure retention of critical snapshots as part of regulatory compliance

For more information, see AWS Recycle Bin Support.

Customer action required: To get started with AWS Recycle Bin, you will first need to configure your resources using appropriate tags. Once resources are identified, all associated snapshots will continue to reside in recycle bin based on the pre-defined retention criteria. You may choose to retrieve these snapshots within the retention period, right from your management console.

๐Ÿ“ Note
โ€‹ The availability of this feature is by default limited only to customers with Enterprise and Elite licenses.

July 6, 2022

Upcoming Enhancement

Role Migration for Druva CloudRanger Administrators

Starting mid-July 2022, administrators on Druva CloudRanger will migrate to a unified Admin role, merging the existing Write and Admin roles, at the Organization and the Account level. With this migration, the user management will be simplified to include the Admin roles and users with view-only permissions.

Customer action required:No user action is required. The migration will be managed by the Druva CloudRanger team.

For more information on the role migration, contact Support.


June 22, 2022


Resource Orchestration Using Tags

Resource Tags are standardized, case-sensitive key-value pairs that act as metadata to help identify and organize your AWS resources. The Add Tags functionality allows you to specify the key and an associated value, as part of managing resources for disaster recovery, global policies, and script orchestration.

For more information, see Resource Tags.

May 11, 2022

New Feature

Announcing EC2 Backup to Druva Cloud

โ— Important

This feature has limited availability. To know more about limited availability and sign up for this feature, contact Support.

With Druva Data Resiliency Cloud, you can now leverage a cloud-native solution that is designed to effectively manage your data protection strategy to ensure business continuity, compliance, and e-Discovery.

Storage optimization is an ongoing process of evaluating your data storage and choosing a cost-effective storage solution. Druva Data Resiliency Cloud brings some key advantages:

  • End-to-end protection: Snapshot orchestration for rapid data recovery with secure, air-gapped backups that enable ransomware protection.

  • Cost benefits: Transition snapshots to lower-cost storage with substantial cost savings on long-term retention and cold tier support.

  • Dedupe capabilities: Global deduplication to minimize data redundancy and optimize storage utilization.

  • Security: Data encryption leveraging AWS key management system (KMS) with best-in-class SaaS security, ensuring encrypted air-gapped backups.

  • Ease of use: Managed backup solution with global visibility and control, and simplified backup management to protect resources across AWS accounts.

The overall data protection workflow on Druva Cloud is illustrated below:


Getting Started with Druva Cloud

To get started, you will first need to provision storage on Druva Cloud. Once you initiate a storage request, this triggers a Support ticket to provision the storage on Druva Cloud based on your agreed credit limits.

๐Ÿ“ Note
โ€‹ If you are currently not set up to use your SSO credentials via Druva Cloud Platform, you will first need to get your DCP account configured. On initiating the cloud storage request, Druva Support will configure the required credentials for your Druva Cloud Platform account. For more information, see Getting Started with EC2 Backup to Druva Cloud.

March 10, 2022


Restore Archived AMIs

You can now restore AMIs archived to S3 storage, with options to restore backups across Accounts or Regions. You can choose to restore AMIs across accounts and regions, archived or otherwise.

๐Ÿ“ Note
โ€‹ The EBS Backups page presents filter options to display Snapshots andS3 Archive, while the EC2 Backups will, by default, display AMIs and S3 Archive.

For more information, see Restore Archived AMIs.

Disaster Recovery Workflow Enhancements

Runbooks are standardized SOPs and that you can now enable as part of your ADR testing strategy. Use Runbooks to automate server shutdown or restart based on your DR failover plan testing parameters:

๐Ÿ“ Note
โ€‹ Enabling the Shutdown source resources while testing when failover occurs runbook on test plans running within a Production environment will shut down all associated Production resources.

For more information, see Automated Disaster Recovery Workflow.

February 22, 2022


Disaster Recovery Workflow Enhancements

With Sync Schedules, you can now automate your environment cloning by periodically synchronizing a target environment with the source. Sync Schedules bring improved flexibility to schedule the cloning of your source AWS environments, ensuring that your target environments are synchronized with the source environments based on a user-defined schedule.

You can define a Sync Schedule only for a cloned environment, that is, the target environment on which the DR failover will be initiated. For more information, see Automated Disaster Recovery Workflow.

๐Ÿ“ Note
โ€‹ To enable this feature, you will need to update your AWS Access Role by deploying the latest CloudFormation template for each account in which you intend to set up schedules. For more information, see Update Existing AWS Access Roles in Druva CloudRanger.

February 15, 2022


EBS Snapshot Restore User Interface Enhancements

With this enhancement, you will experience a revamped user interface with enhancements to the EBS Snapshot Restore workflow. This redesign offers an intuitive user experience to quickly select the appropriate restore approach and then proceed with customizing the restore-specific parameters.

New access point: Restore Selection

On your EBS Backups page, click the Restore option and then select the restore type you wish to proceed with. The File Level Recovery option is selected by default.

Browsable Snapshots

EBS snapshots that have been indexed for search will now include a Files tab to locate browsable snapshots right from the Backup details page. For more information, see Restoring EBS Snapshots.

January 27, 2022


Security Enhancements to File Level Recovery

The file-level recovery functionality allows you to initiate a recovery instance and choose the files you wish to recover. Druva CloudRanger launches an instance in your environment and files restored on this instance will only be accessible through your IP.

With the new security enhancements, you will now need to provide snapshot-specific authentication to access your temporary instance. To access your restored files, you will need to provide the following authentication (as displayed on the Restore page, highlighted above):
โ€‹Username: root
โ€‹Password: Snapshot ID

January 6, 2022

New Feature

EBS Snapshot Archive

EBS Snapshots Archive is a low-cost storage tier that allows you to archive rarely accessed snapshots, saving up to 75% in storage costs. You can now transition your rarely accessed snapshots to EBS Snapshots Archive, significantly reducing costs while retaining long-term availability.

Archived snapshots will have a minimum retention period of 90 days, with options to retrieve archived snapshots within 24-48 hours. Once retrieved, a snapshot can be used to recover an EBS Volume.

Key Advantages

Archiving EBS snapshots offers the following benefits:

  • Cost-effective Storage: Transition snapshots to lower-cost storage tiers to achieve up to 75% storage cost savings.

  • Snapshot Retrieve: Seamless retrieval of EBS snapshots, ensuring data availability.

  • Cold Storage: Archive EBS snapshots as part of long-term retention.

For more information, see EBS Snapshot Archive.

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