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Archived Release Notes 2020
Updated over 12 months ago

December 17, 2020

New Feature

Configure Multiple AWS Accounts

The Multi-Account Onboarding feature allows you to configure multiple AWS accounts simultaneously on Druva CloudRanger.

Key advantages

  • Simplified configuration at an organization level

  • Configure multiple AWS accounts using CloudFormation StackSets

  • Setup notifications when a new account is configured, deleted, or updated

Configure Multiple Accounts using StackSets

The new feature allows you to quickly configure multiple AWS accounts simultaneously using a CloudFormation StackSet. In other words, you can add multiple AWS Account numbers to a StackSet and then synchronize them with Druva CloudRanger.

The CloudFormation templates are available under the Manage Multiple AWS Accounts on your Organization Settings page.


Setup Notifications

Once you add a new AWS account, you can manage notifications to be triggered by Druva CloudRanger, as well as define intended recipients or webhooks. Notifications are triggered when a new account is configured, deleted. Updated, or when account access is removed.

📝 Note
Notifications here apply at the organization level, unlike those within the Account Settings page that are specific to a particular AWS account.

For more information, please see Configure Multiple AWS Accounts.

October 8, 2020

New Feature

Archive EBS Snapshots to Amazon S3 Storage

Enterprises often need to retain long-term backups for business continuity, compliance, customer contracts, and e-Discovery. Storage optimization is an ongoing process of evaluating your data storage needs and choosing a cost-effective AWS storage option that meets business needs. However, AWS does not currently offer an out of box low-cost storage tier for EBS snapshots.

Druva CloudRanger now allows you to transition your Amazon EBS snapshots to Amazon S3 storage classes such as Amazon S3 Glacier and Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive, significantly reducing costs while retaining long-term availability.

The availability of this feature may be limited based on the license type, region, and other criteria. To access this feature, contact your Druva Account Manager or Support.

Key Advantages

Archiving EBS snapshots to S3 offers the following benefits:

  • Cost benefits: Transitioning snapshots to lower-cost storage offers significant savings on long-term retention.

  • Recovery: Seamless recovery of individual files or snapshots from S3.

  • File-level search in snapshots: Metadata-based file search to locate files from the snapshots, without having to recover snapshots in S3.

You can manually archive EBS snapshots to one of the AWS Storage Class. For more information on available AWS storage classes, please refer to the AWS documentation.

Note: The Archive Snapshots to S3 feature is currently available only for EC2 snapshots and AMIs. To know more, see Archive EBS Snapshots to Amazon S3 Storage.

October 7, 2020

New Feature

Amazon DynamoDB Support on AWS GovCloud

With this release, Druva CloudRanger for AWS GovCloud now brings support for Amazon DynamoDB, with the following key advantages:

  • One integrated console to manage DynamoDB tables from multiple AWS GovCloud accounts.

  • Protect Amazon DynamoDB resources by Tags, IDs, or by AWS account or region.

  • Automated policy-based backup and tiered retention for Amazon DynamoDB tables in multiple accounts and regions.

  • Cross-region restore of Amazon DynamoDB tables.

Before you begin

To begin using this feature, you will need to grant Druva CloudRanger access to your Amazon DynamoDB tables by updating the IAM role configured for your AWS GovCloud account access. Use the CloudFormation URL on your Druva CloudRanger account to update your AWS stack, which will add a new rule for DynamoDB permissions.

The Sync ​functionality allows you to then synchronize your AWS environment with Druva CloudRanger. Once the synchronization is complete, all resources are highlighted with a green checkmark. This validates that your Amazon DynamoDB Tables and Backups are now synchronized with Druva CloudRanger.

Protect and Manage Resources

The Resources widget on the Dashboard displays the number of protected DynamoDB resources on Druva CloudRanger.


An integrated view of Amazon DynamoDB tables across AWS GovCloud regions is available on the Resources page. You may drill down by resource type or apply appropriate filters, including Backup Protection Status, Region, or Tags to view specific DynamoDB tables. Use the Configure Policy functionality to define a backup policy for a specific DynamoDB resource.

Global Backup Policies for Amazon DynamoDB

With this release, Druva CloudRanger for AWS GovCloud now allows you to configure backup policies to protect your Amazon DynamoDB tables.

Global backup policies offer the following advantages:

  • Automate your backup schedule with tiered retention for backups.

  • Backup encryption using Amazon default keys or KMS encryption.

  • Backup of Tags on DynamoDB tables.

  • Search functionality using Table names and Region filters.

Amazon DynamoDB Backup and Restore Workflow

With this release, you can easily backup and restore your Amazon DynamoDB resources on Druva CloudRanger. Here are a few benefits:

  • On-demand and automated policy-based backups.

  • Backups of encrypted as well as global tables.

  • Cross-region restore options for DynamoDB tables.

Note: Backups will be managed based on the table size.

The Restores page displays all DynamoDB backups that have been restored on Druva CloudRanger for AWS GovCloud.

The status of all Backup and Restore jobs initiated are available on the Jobs page.

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September 30, 2020


Cross-Account Reports

With this release, Druva CloudRanger brings to you an end-to-end reporting functionality, wherein you can generate and customize reports for Backup and Restore status, Schedules, and Disaster Recovery Plans across AWS accounts. The new capabilities include a revamped Reports navigation menu at the global level.

To view and generate reports, navigate to Global > Reports.

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To know more, please see Reports.

Navigational Updates

Reports are now available within the Global menu, allowing visibility and management across accounts.

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Note: Do note that the Reports menu (previously available at the Account level) is now available under the Global menu.

Report Subscriptions

You can now subscribe to specific reports as part of monitoring and compliance. Go ahead and create email schedules for periodic delivery of specific reports to chosen recipients.

You can generate and manage subscriptions to the following reports:

  • Resource Schedule

  • Resource Restore Status

  • Resource Protection Status:

  • Resource Backup Status

  • DR Plan

With this release, the Backup Policy Report has been overhauled.

The Subscriptions page displays a summary of report subscriptions, email recipients, and the subscription schedule. You can view, edit, or delete subscriptions, as well as manage a particular recipient’s subscription.

For more information on report subscriptions, please see Reports.

August 31, 2020

New Feature

Amazon DynamoDB Support

With this release, Druva CloudRanger now brings support for Amazon DynamoDB, with the following key advantages:

  • One integrated console to manage DynamoDB tables from multiple AWS accounts.

  • Protect Amazon DynamoDB resources by Tags, IDs, or by AWS account or region.

  • Automated policy-based backup and tiered retention for Amazon DynamoDB tables in multiple accounts and regions.

  • Cross-region restore of Amazon DynamoDB tables.

Before you begin

To begin using this feature, you will need to grant Druva CloudRanger access to your Amazon DynamoDB tables by updating the IAM role configured for your AWS account access. Use the CloudFormation URL on your CloudRanger account to update your AWS stack, which will add a new rule for DynamoDB permissions.

The Sync functionality allows you to then synchronize your AWS environment with Druva CloudRanger. To initiate Sync with AWS, click the Refresh icon on the left navigation panel.


Once the synchronization is complete, all resources are highlighted with a green checkmark. This validates that your Amazon DynamoDB Tables and Backups are now synchronized with Druva CloudRanger.

Protect and Manage Resources

The Resources widget on the Dashboard displays the number of protected DynamoDB resources on Druva CloudRanger.


An integrated view of Amazon DynamoDB tables across AWS regions is available on the Resources page. You may drill down by resource type or apply appropriate filters, including Backup Protection Status, Region, or Tags to view specific DynamoDB tables.

Use the Configure Policy functionality to define a backup policy for a specific DynamoDB resource.

Global Backup Policies for Amazon DynamoDB

With this release, Druva CloudRanger now allows you to configure backup policies to protect your Amazon DynamoDB tables.

Global backup policies offer the following advantages:

  • Automate your backup schedule with tiered retention for backups.

  • Backup encryption using Amazon default keys or KMS encryption.

  • Backup of Tags on DynamoDB tables.

  • Search functionality using Table names and Region filters.

Use the Add Resources option on a pre-existing global backup policy to specify DynamoDB services to be backed-up.

Amazon DynamoDB Backup and Restore Workflow

With this release, you can easily backup and restore your Amazon DynamoDB resources on Druva CloudRanger. Here are a few benefits:

  • On-demand and automated policy-based backups.

  • Backups of encrypted as well as global tables.

  • Cross-region restore options for DynamoDB tables.

Note: DynamoDB backups will be managed based on the table size.

The Restores page displays all DynamoDB backups that have been restored on Druva CloudRanger. The status of all Backup and Restore jobs initiated are available on the Jobs page.


July 29, 2020

New Feature

AWS GovCloud Parity for Global Backup Policies and Disaster Recovery 2.0

With this release, Druva CloudRanger for AWS GovCloud now brings Global Backup Policies at the organization level and Automated Disaster Recovery.

Global Backup Policies in AWS GovCloud

The backup policies can now be configured at the organization level, which allows you to define one backup policy for all AWS accounts within an organization.


This enhancement brings two key elements:

  • Navigational updates with a global Backup Policies menu, for visibility and management across accounts

  • Backup policy updates to set up cross-account policies and tiered retention settings

You can now customize your retention settings based on business requirements, while also realizing significant cost savings. For more information, see Global Backup Policies.

Disaster Recovery 2.0

With this release, we now bring AWS GovCloud support for DR 2.0. The new capabilities include the revamped navigation menu and enhancements to the DR workflow to simplify your disaster recovery planning. Disaster Recovery 2.0 streamlines the current DR mechanism, right from creating the DR plan to the actual failover.

Druva CloudRanger DR 2.0 features include:

  • AWS cross-account disaster recovery plans

  • Real-time feedback on your backup strategy meeting your Recovery Point Objective (RPO)

  • Enhanced testing options

  • Flexibility in choosing instance sizes for disaster recovery

  • Immediate results view

  • Support for Amazon RDS resources as part of DR plans

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The new DR 2.0 workflow involves the creation of Environments and DR Plans.


The first step to setting up Disaster Recovery 2.0 is to create environments. An environment is a collection of AWS network and security resources for an application within a single region. Environments are just a logical grouping of your resources that makes disaster recovery straightforward and flexible.

Here are a few benefits:

  • Environments can be cloned across your AWS accounts and regions.

  • Environments improve the reusability of grouped resources to support additional scenarios, such as creating production-like environments for development and quality assurance.

  • An environment simplifies the generation of dependencies for an application, ensuring it can be updated or cloned seamlessly.

DR Plans

Once you create an environment, the next step is to create your DR plan.

You can create disaster recovery plans based on the Service Level Objectives (SLOs) of your business, that is, the RPO and RTO. You can also automate your DR plans and test them for BCP readiness and optimize them based on your needs.

DR plans bring added advantages:

  • Simple and automated: Create DR environments automatically and set up your DR plans.

  • Flexible: Create cross-region and cross-account DR plans.

  • Cost-effective: Choose multiple EC2 instances to test your DR solution in a cost-optimized manner. This saves you the hassle of setting up additional DR infrastructure and minimizes associated costs.

April 7, 2020


Global backup policies

With this release, the backup policies are now available on an organization level, which means that you can now have one policy for all your AWS accounts within an organization.

There are two key enhancements

  • Navigation updates with a global menu for visibility and management across accounts

  • Backup policy updates to set up cross-account policies and tiered retention settings

Save on cost, and customize your retention settings based on your preferences. For more information, see Global Backup Policies.

Alert! - End of Life for Legal Hold

The Legal Hold feature on Druva CloudRanger has reached its end of life. For more information, contact Druva Support.

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