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Troubleshooting on Unable to access the WebDAV URL using admin credentials. Error 500 Internal Server
Troubleshooting on Unable to access the WebDAV URL using admin credentials. Error 500 Internal Server
Updated over a week ago

Problem description

This article explains how to resolve the issue while accessing the WebDAV URL using admin credentials, to know more about webdav url please click here


The 500 internal server is occured where are invalid characters used in the password for example: '-' (dash)

📝 Note
Traceback[ERROR] Exception occurred during webdav access for admin[ERROR] Error <class 'SOARestLib.RestClient.Exceptions.HTTPError'>:HTTP status: 500 : Error code: inSyncLegalholds-2003: Programing Error occurred on server, please check server logs for more details.


  1. Druva’s backend code does not support ‘-’ dash; in the password, the ‘-’ (dash) is identified as a token due to which the webdav authentication fails.

  2. Druva suggests changing your password and use a password without '-' to access webdav url with your password.

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