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How to start and stop inSync services on Windows and Linux devices
How to start and stop inSync services on Windows and Linux devices
Updated over a week ago

πŸ“ Note
​This article applies to

  • OS: Windows and Linux

  • Product edition: inSync On-Premises


This article describes the Windows and Linux scripts inSync uses to take consistent backup of all components. An administrator may use these scripts to temporarily stop and then start the inSync services as part of a troubleshooting or an upgrade procedure.

Scripts to manage inSync services on Windows

Stop inSync Master services

  1. Run the following script to stop the inSync Master services:

sc config "inSyncConfigServerService" start= disabled net stop inSyncConfigServerService TIMEOUT -t 10 sc config "inSyncCPortalService" start= disabled net stop inSyncCPortalService TIMEOUT -t 10 sc config "inSyncSyncServerService" start= disabled net stop inSyncSyncServerService TIMEOUT -t 60 taskkill /f /im inSyncMaster.exe taskkill /f /im CPortal.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncNWorker.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncWorker.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncBynamo.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncStorageMaster.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncShareWebPanel.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncCPortalSVC.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncCMSPHwnet64.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncAuthDBService.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncBJService.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncBJWorker.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncConfigDBMonitor.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncConfigDBServer.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncCronServer.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncConfigServer.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncServer.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncSyncServerSVC.exe

Start inSync Master services

  1. Run the following script to restart inSync Master services:

sc config "inSyncConfigServerService" start= auto net start inSyncConfigServerService TIMEOUT -t 10 sc config "inSyncCPortalService" start= auto net start inSyncCPortalService TIMEOUT -t 10 sc config "inSyncSyncServerService" start= auto net start inSyncSyncServerService

Stop inSync Storage node services

  1. Run the following script to stop the inSync Storage node services:

sc config "inSyncStorageServerService" start= disabled net stop inSyncStorageServerService TIMEOUT -t 60 taskkill /f /im inSyncNodeMaster.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncNodeMasterCfg.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncNodeMasterSVC.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncBynamo.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncStorageMaster.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncWorker.exe

Start inSync Storage node services

  1. Run the following script to restart the inSync Storage node services:

sc config "inSyncStorageServerService" start= auto net start inSyncStorageServerService

Stop inSync Edge server services

  1. Run the following script to stop the inSync Edge server services:

sc config "inSyncEdgeServerService" start= disabled net stop inSyncEdgeServerService TIMEOUT -t 30 taskkill /f /im inSyncEdgeServer.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncEdgeServerCfg.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncEdgeServerService.exe

Start inSync Edge server services

  1. Run the following script to restart the inSync Edge server services:

sc config "inSyncEdgeServerService" start= auto net start inSyncEdgeServerService

Stop the inSync inSync Client services

  1. Run the following script to stop the inSync inSync Client services:

sc config "inSyncCPHService" start= disabled net stop inSyncCPHService TIMEOUT -t 40 taskkill /f /im inSync.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncAgent.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncCPHwnet64.exe taskkill /f /im inSyncUSyncer.exe

Start the inSync inSync Client services

  1. Run the following script to restart the inSync inSync Client services:

sc config "inSyncCPHService" start= auto net start inSyncCPHService

Scripts to manage inSync services on Linux

An administrator can use the out-of-the-box scripts on a Linux server to stop and start the inSync services.

❗ Important

The administrator must log in as root user to run these scripts. If the administrator is not logged in as root user, they must prefix sudo in the command line. For Example: sudo systemctl stop inSyncMasterAll.service.

Scripts for the latest Ubuntu and CentOS distributions

The following scripts are applicable to:

  • Ubuntu 15.04 or later

  • CentOS 7.0 and later

Stop inSync Master services

  1. Run the following script to stop the inSync Master server services.

systemctl stop inSyncMasterAll.service

Start inSync Master services

  1. Run the following script to restart the inSync Master Server services:

systemctl stop inSyncMasterAll.service

Stop inSync Storage node services

  1. Run the following script to stop the inSync Storage node services:

systemctl stop inSyncStorageAll.service

Start inSync Storage node services

  1. Run the following script to restart the inSync Storage node services:

systemctl start inSyncStorageAll.service

Stop inSync Edge server services

  1. Run the following script to stop the inSync Edge services:

systemctl start inSyncEdgeAll.service

Start inSync Edge server services

  1. Run the following script to restart the inSync Edge services:

systemctl start inSyncEdgeAll.service

Scripts for older Linux distributions

The following scripts are applicable to:

  • All Ubuntu releases prior to 15.04

  • All CentOS releases prior to 7.0

Stop inSync Master services

  1. Run the following script to stop the inSync Master services:

[root@localhost]# cd /etc/init.d/ [root@localhost init.d]# systemctl stop inSyncMasterAll.service

The sample output with no inSync Master process running:

root 3224 0.0 0.0 112640 968 pts/1 S+ 23:29 0:00 grep --color=auto inSync

Start inSync Master services

  1. Run the following script to start the inSync Master services:

[root@localhost]# cd /etc/init.d/ [root@localhost init.d]# systemctl start inSyncMasterAll.service

Stop inSync Storage node services

  1. Run the following script to stop the inSync Storage node services:

[root@localhost]# cd /etc/init.d/ [root@localhost init.d]# systemctl stop inSyncStorageAll.service

Start inSync Storage node services

  1. Run the following script to restart the inSync Storage node services:

[root@localhost]# cd /etc/init.d/ [root@localhost init.d]# systemctl start inSyncStorageAll.service

Stop inSync Edge services

  1. Run the following script to stop the inSync Edge services:

[root@localhost]# cd /etc/init.d/ [root@localhost init.d]# systemctl stop inSyncEdgeAll.service

Start inSync Edge services

  1. Run the following script to start the inSync Edge services:

[root@localhost]# cd /etc/init.d/ [root@localhost init.d]# systemctl start inSyncEdgeAll.service

Verify service states

After the adminsitrator stops or starts an inSync service, they can run the following command to verify the service state:

[root@localhost init.d]# ps -aux | grep inSync

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