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Oracle Direct to Cloud Errors
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Enterprise Workloads Editions: ✅ Business | ✅ Enterprise | ✅ Elite


Error message: Cannot perform archive log backup. Archive log chain is broken.

Error description: The archive log chain might break because of the following reasons:

  • The archived log sequences are accidentally deleted.

  • The archive logs are not found after the last archive log backup.

Error solution: Perform a full backup to initiate a new archive log chain.


Error message: Cannot perform archive log backup. Incarnation is changed.

Error description: The incarnation of the database might change because of the following reasons:

  • A database might be opened with the RESETLOGS option.

  • An attempt is made to undo the effects of the RESETLOGS by restoring backups taken before RESETLOGS.

Error solution: Perform a full backup to initiate a new archive log chain with the latest incarnation.


Error message: Cannot perform archive log backup. Resync flag is set.

Error solution: Perform a full backup to create a baseline for the next incremental and archive log backups.


Error message: Oracle instance is not available.

Error description: This error might occur when the Oracle instance does not startup. This might occur if:

  • The SGA requires more space than was allocated for it.

  • The operating system variable pointing to the Oracle instance is improperly defined.

Error solution: Identify the issue on the server and bring up the Oracle instance. Refer to Oracle documentation for more details.


Error message: This is a generic RMAN error that occurred on the Oracle server. Check RMAN logs for details.

Error description: This error might occur if an ongoing backup or restore operation fails due to RMAN errors.

Error solution: The following are different failure scenarios and their respective resolutions:

  1. Review the Progress logs or Detailed logs located on the Jobs page to identify any RMAN errors.

  2. If you see the error expected archived log not found, loss of archived log compromises recoverability within the RMAN logs, it might suggest that archive logs for the database are unavailable or expired. In this case, follow these steps:

    • Verify the availability and expiration status of the archive logs by connecting to RMAN and executing the command crosscheck archivelog all. This will display a list of all archive logs alongside their respective statuses.

    • To remove all archive logs marked as expired, run the command delete expired archivelog all. For additional information, consult Oracle's official documentation.

    • After executing these steps, initiate the backup again.

  3. If this error appears when performing a point-in-time recovery on a standby database, it's recommended to execute the recovery on the primary database instead, and subsequently resynchronize it with the standby database.

  4. If you get the parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 destination string cannot be translated error, perform the following steps:

    1. Provide a valid destination like /home/oracle in the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter.

    2. Create spfile from pfile and then startup the database.

    3. Retry restoring the database.

  5. If the error persists, please contact support for further assistance.


Error message: Cancelling Log Backup job, as Schedule/BackupNow event has occurred.

Error description: This error can occur if a scheduled or manual backup is triggered when an archive log backup job is already in progress.

Error solution: The archive log backup job gets triggered automatically as per the configuration after the full/incremental backup completes.


Error message: Oracle server discovery on the client failed

Error description: This error can occur if Druva fails to discover Oracle resources, such as individual Oracle instances and Oracle RAC configurations.

Error solution: To resolve this error, check the Hybrid Workloads agent log file for errors. Contact Support.


Error message: Cannot perform backup. Resetlog change number in one or more data files is greater than incarnation resetlog change number.

Error description: This error occurs when the RESETLOGS change number in one or more data files is greater than the incarnation RESETLOGS change number.

Error solution: To resolve this error, review the Druva log ( Phoenix.log ) file for issue details. Contact Support.


Error message: Invalid Log Backup job as the DB is in the NOARCHIVELOG mode.

Error description: This error occurs when the archive log backup is scheduled for a database, which is in the NOARCHIVELOG Mode.

Error solution: To resolve this error, disable the archive log backup from the backup policy.


Error message: Cannot perform online backup as the DB is in the NOARCHIVE log mode.

Error description: This error occurs when an online backup for a database cannot be performed, which is in the NOARCHIVELOG mode.

Error solution: To resolve this error, enable the Perform offline backup if database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode option of the RMAN settings in the backup policy.


Error message: Cannot perform archive log backup. ResetLogsChange has changed for this incarnation.

Error description: This error occurs when the database is opened with the RESETLOGS option and Oracle creates a new incarnation, however, the incarnation number is the same as in the last backup.

Error solution: To resolve this error, perform a full backup of the database.


Error message: Restore cancelled as another restore started for same DB.

Error description:This error occurs for a database that has an ongoing restore operation and another restore operation is initiated on the same database for a backup set different than the one for which restore is in progress.


Error message: No logs found.

Error description: This error occurs when the requested logs for a particular job are not available on the Oracle server host.

Error solution: To resolve this error, contact Support.


Error message: Zip upload failed.

Error description: This error occurs when the agent fails to upload logs to the S3 bucket due to unavailability of the deviceStore service or network issues.

Error solution: To resolve this error, trigger the Log Request job or contact Support.


Error message: Metadata Error.

Error description: This error occurs when there is an issue while creating, updating, validating, downloading, or loading the metadata file.

Error solution: Trigger a full backup or contact Support.


Error message: IOServer Process Error.

Error description: This error occurs when there is any issue while connecting or disconnecting with partner IOserver Process.

Error solution: Contact Support.


Error message: SQLPLUS Error.

Error description: This error occurs when the SQL query execution fails.

Error solution: Check if the database is in the Open state or contact Support.


Error message: Configuration or Validation Error.

Error description: This error occurs when validation of a job fails or fetching the job configuration details fails.

Error solution: Contact Support.


Error message: Authentication Error.

Error description: Failed to authenticate database credentials.

Error solution: Check the credentials assigned to the database or contact Support.


Error message:Archive Log Validation Error.

Error description:Failed to get archive log information for the database.

Error solution: Check if the database is up or contact Support.


Error message: Wallet Backup Error.

Error description: This error occurs when wallet files listing, uploading, or deletion fails.

Error solution: Contact Support.


Error message: Configured instance(s) not available.

Error description: The configured RAC instances are not available for backup.

Error solution: Check the status of the configured instance and make sure it is in the Open state.


Error message: Agent version mismatch.

Error description: Mismatch of agent versions on RAC nodes.

Error solution: Upgrade the agent on the configured RAC instances to the same version.


Error message: Prechecks failure.

Error description: Error while running pre-checks before executing the RMAN script.

Error solution: Contact Support.


Error message: Control file recovery failure.

Error description: Failed to recover the Control file.

Error solution: Check the RMAN logs for error details and resolve the corresponding error.


Error message: Server Parameter file(SP file) recovery failure.

Error description: Failed to recover the Server Parameter file.

Error solution: Check the RMAN logs for error details and resolve the corresponding error.


Error message: RMAN script generation failure.

Error description: Failed to generate the RMAN Script.

Error solution: Contact Support.


Error message: RAC instance validation failure.

Error description: Failed to validate the RAC instance.

Error solution: Check the job logs for error details.


Error message: Backupset deactivated.

Error description: Backup set is deactivated.


Error message: Metadata validation failure.

Error description: Failed to validate the Metadata file.

Error solution: Check the job logs for error details or Contact Support.


Error message: Change in the RAC instance status.

Error description: The status of RAC instance has changed from Open to any other state or vice versa.


Error message: Log mode changed.

Error description: Log mode is changed from Archive to Non- archive for the database.


Error message: Failed to fetch previous RP.

Error description: Failed to fetch previous RP details for the database.

Error solution: Contact Support.


Error message: Duplicate job.

Error description: A backup job with this job ID already exists.

Error solution: Trigger a new backup job or contact Support.


Error message: File operations failure.

Error description: Failed to perform the file operation.

Error solution: Contact Support.


Error message: Backup pieces missing from the database control file.

Error description: This error might occur if the backup information is modified or deleted from the control file externally, maybe via any script, and not by the Hybrid Workloads agent. In such a case, the current archive log job fails with this error code, and the next backup is automatically converted to a FULL backup. This starts a fresh job that backs up all data files and archive logs.

Error solution: Trigger new backup from the Management Console.


Error message: Oracle Home provided is invalid.

Error description: This error occurs when the Oracle Home provided does not exist on the target server.

Error solution: Provide the correct Oracle Home.


Error message: Oracle Base provided is invalid.

Error description: This error occurs when the Oracle Base provided does not exist on the target server.

Error solution: Provide correct Oracle Base.


Error message: Source database name already exists on target server.

Error description: This error occurs when a database with the same name as that of the source already exists on the target server.

Error solution: While restoring the database, provide a name that is different from the source database, otherwise the database on the target server will be overwritten.


Error message: Restore database name already exists on target server.

Error description: This error occurs when a database with the same name as the one that you provided while restoring already exists on the target server.

Error solution: While restoring the database, provide a name that is different than the one that exists on the target server, else the database on the target server will be overwritten.


Error message: Not enough storage space available on target server.

Error description: This error occurs when sufficient space needed for restore is not available on the target server.

Error solution: Make sure that sufficient space is available on the target server for restoring the database.


Error message: Not enough memory available on target server.

Error description: This error occurs when sufficient memory needed for restore is not available on the target server.

Error solution: Make sure that sufficient memory is available on the target server for restoring the database.


Error message: Operating System on target server is different from source.

Error description: This error occurs when the Operating System on the target server is different from that of the source.

Error solution: Make sure that Operating Systems on the source and target server are same, and the Operating system on the target server supports and is compatible with the source.


Error message: Database version on target server is different from source.

Error description: This error occurs when the database version on the target server is different from that of the source.

Error solution: Make sure that the database versions on the source and target server are the same.


Error message: Restore Location provided is not valid for restore.

Error description: This error occurs when you provide an incorrect restore location that does not exist on the target server or if the oracle user does not have the required permissions.

Error solution: Make sure you provide the correct location, and that it has the required dba permissions for restoring the database.


Error message: Source server and target server cannot be same for alternate restore.

Error description: This error occurs when you provide the same server as that of the source for restoring the database.

Error solution: Make sure that the destination server is different than the source.


Error message: No change in database files since last backup.

Error description: This error occurs if:

  • For Incremental backup, there has not been any change in datafiles and no archive logs have been created since the last backup.

  • For Archive log backup, no new archive logs have been created since the last backup.

Error solution: No customer action is required. Backups will be taken when there is data to be backed up.


Error message: Invalid oracle paths found. Provide correct paths for home, base and restore location.

Error description: This error occurs when you provide an incorrect Oracle Home, Oracle Base, or restore location.

Error solution:Make sure that you provide correct information for restore such as Oracle Home, Oracle Base, and restore location.


Error message: Failed to rename Archive-log files.

Error description: You get this error when RMAN fails to rename the Archive logs while restoring the database.

Error solution:Check the RMAN logs to determining the exact reason of failure to rename the Archive logs, fix the issue, and retrigger the database restore.


Error message: Failed to fetch database files.

Error description: You get this error when RMAN fails to fetch the data files while restoring the database.

Error solution:Check the RMAN logs to determining the exact reason of failure to fetch the data files, fix the issue, and retrigger the database restore.


Error message: Failed to execute RMAN script.

Error description: This error occurs when there are some issues while executing the RMAN script on the oracle server. One possible reason might be that you do not have the execution permissions on the script location.

Error solution:If you get this error due to permission issues, grant execution permission to the script location mentioned in the SCRIPTS_FILE_LOCATION parameter of the /etc/PhoenixOracle/Phoenix.yml file.


Error message: Database instance is not started with SPFile.

Error description: This error occurs if you start the database without using SPFile.

Error solution:If you want to continue without backing up SPFile, in the /etc/PhoenixOracle/Phoenix.yml file, set the DO_NOT_BACKUP_SP_FILES parameter to true. If you want to backup SPFile, start the database instance using SPFile.


Error message: Parsing error: Invalid Timezone.

Error description: This error occurs if an invalid timezone string is encountered during backup or restore.

Error solution:If you get this error during a point-in-time restore, perform a recovery point restore. If the error persists, contact Support.


Error message: Invalid SPFile Parameter(s)

Error description: This error occurs if you provide an invalid custom SPFile parameter.

Error solution:Provide valid custom SPFile parameters and values in the <parameter=value> format.

In case of multiple parameters, make sure you specify each parameter on a new line.


Error message: The specified backup request type is invalid. The supported backup request types are FULL, INCR, and LOG

Description: This error occurs when you have entered an invalid backup type in the On-demand backup or backupNow request.

Error solution: Use the following BackupType values for the respective BackupNow requests:




Specify this value for a full backup request.


Specify this value for an incremental BackupNow request.


Specify this value for an archive log BackupNow request.


Error message: Failed to get the backupset because the backupset doesn't exist or is disabled permanently

Error description:This error occurs when you perform the specified action on a backup set ID for which the backup set does not exist.

Error solution:To ensure you are using the correct backup set ID in the request, list all your backup sets for a specific organization. You can use the List all Backup sets API to get the backup set ID corresponding to each backup set.


Error message: Failed to trigger the backup job

Error description:This error occurs due to multiple reasons.

Error solution:Contact Support.


Error message: The job is already completed and cannot be cancelled.

Error description: Druva cannot cancel the jobs that are already completed.

Error solution:Jobs with the following status cannot be cancelled:

  • Successful

  • Failed

  • Canceled

  • Successful With Errors


Error message: Failed to cancel job for the specified job ID.

Error description: This error occurs due to multiple reasons.

Error solution:Contact Support.


Error message: Failed to get external service response

Error description: This error occurs when the PhoenixOracleSBTConfig service is unable to interact with other services like PhoenixAuthorization, PhoenixCustomerConfig, and so on.

Error solution:Contact Support.


Error message: Failed to list backup sets for the specified backupset IDs

Error description: This error occurs when Druva is unable to fetch the list of requested backup sets due to multiple reasons.

Error solution:Contact Support.


Error message: Failed to perform the action because the specified backup set is in an invalid state.

Error description: This error occurs when you perform the specified action on a backup set which is in an invalid state. A backup set can be in an invalid state in the following scenarios:

  • Creation in progress: Backup set creation is in progress.

  • Storage cset state change: The backup set is either being created or recovered.

  • Marked for deletion, Storage cset deletion in progress, Deletion in progress : Backup set deletion is in progress

  • Permanently disabled: The backup set is permanently deactivated.

Error solution:Make sure that you are using the correct backup set ID by using the List all Backup sets API. See the following table to resolve errors caused due to invalid states:

Serial Number

Invalid State for Backups



  • Creation in progress

  • Storage cset state change

Backup set creation is in progress, please try after sometime.


  • Marked for deletion

  • Storage cset deletion in progress

  • Deletion in progress

You cannot perform the action as the backup set is deleted. For more information, contact Support.


Permanently deactivated

You can restore the existing recovery points of the databases, but you cannot backup them further.


Error message: The specified recovery point type is invalid. The supported recovery point types are HOT, WARM and COLD.

Error description: This error occurs when you have entered an invalid recovery point type in the List All Recovery points API request.

Error solution:Use the following values for the respective recovery point types:




Specify this value for listing hot recovery points. Hot recovery points are stored in the CloudCache.


Specify this value for listing warm recovery points. Warm recovery points are stored in the warm storage of the Druva Cloud.


Specify this value for listing cold recovery points. Cold recovery points are stored in the Amazon Glacier Deep Druva Cloud.


Error message: Failed to trigger the restore job.

Error description: This error occurs due to multiple reasons.

Error solution:Contact Support.


Error message: Invalid recovery point name. Verify the recovery point name using the List All Recovery points API.

Error description: This error occurs when you provide an incorrect recovery point name to the Full database restore to the original request.

Error solution:Ensure you are using the correct recovery point name in the restore request by listing all your recovery points for a specific backup set. You can use the List All Recovery points API to get the recovery point name corresponding to the recovery point.


Error message: Failed to trigger the restore job as backup is running or queued for the specified backup set.

Error description: This error occurs when you trigger a restore job with the parameter cancelRunningJobs= false for a backup set that has a backup job running or queued.

Error solution:Backup and restore cannot happen simultaneously on the same database. Either wait for the ongoing backups to complete, or cancel the ongoing backup by triggering the restore API with parameter cancelRunningJobs=true.

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