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Oracle errors
Updated over a week ago

Enterprise Workloads Editions: ✅ Business | ✅ Enterprise | ✅ Elite


Error message: Recovery point does not exist.

Error description: Recovery point does not exist on the Phoenix Backup Store.

Error solution: Contact Support.


Error message: Failed to export path to NFS.

Error description: Failed to export backup/restore path through NFS. This can occur if:

  • The NFS server on the Phoenix Backup Store is down, or

  • Invalid entries were added to the /etc/exports file

Error solution: Check if the NFS server is up and running on the Phoenix Backup Store or if there is no erroneous entry in the /etc/exports file. To check if there is an erroneous entry in the /etc/exports file, run the following command:

exportfs -a

This command lists errors if there is an erroneous entry in the /etc/exports file. If there are no issues with the file, this command returns no output.


Error message: Phoenix Backup Store Restore disk is full.

Error description: Enough storage is not available on the destination Phoenix Backup Store to download a recovery point.

Error solution: Either add storage to the Phoenix Backup Store or remove data stored on the backup mounts on the Phoenix Backup Store and try restoring data again.


Error message: Version of oracle rman scripts is invalid. Please use the latest scripts present in PBS.

Error description: When you upgrade the Phoenix Backup Store to version 4.9.1 or later, Druva requires you to:

  1. Replace your existing RMAN scripts with the new template scripts provided with the Phoenix Backup Store 4.9.1 release.

  2. Run the new RMAN scripts without the logdir parameter.

Your backups will stop running if you upgrade the Phoenix Backup Store to version 4.9.1 or later but miss to replace the old RMAN scripts with the new scripts.

Error solution: To resolve this error, ensure that you use the latest scripts provided by Druva. The new scripts are located at the /opt/Druva/Phoenix/PhoenixBackupStore/bin location on the Phoenix Backup Store 4.9.1 or later. You can also use the scripts documented in the Template shell scripts for Linux and Solaris RMAN hosts and Template batch file and RMAN script for Windows RMANhosts articles.

For more information, see article.


Error message: Oracle RMAN Backup failed.

Error description: This error might occur due to multiple reasons, such as configuration inconsistencies, changes in the backup destination or mount that might lead to RMAN cross-check failure, and so on.

Error solution: To resolve this error, inspect RMAN logs for the exact issue and refer to the relevant Oracle Documentation.


Error message: Snapshot was not created in time. Snapshot might not be created or has been deleted.

Error description: This error might occur if another job already uploaded the snapshot or the snapshot was not created.

Error solution: Wait for the next job to run with a new snapshot.


Error message: Oracle RMAN Backup have been terminated by oracle server. Check if rman script has been stopped on oracle server

Error description: This error might occur if the database server was down or the Oracle RMAN script was terminated before the job completion.

Error solution: Trigger a fresh backup or wait for the backup to be triggered as per the crontab schedule.

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