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NAS device validations
Updated over a month ago

Enterprise Workloads Editions: βœ… Business | βœ… Enterprise | βœ… Elite

When adding or editing a NAS device, the Device Validation window is displayed. For more information, see Add a NAS device and Manage your NAS device.

The Device Validation window contains basic validations and vendor-specific validations.
Vendor-specific validations are supported for Dell EMC Isilon.

Basic validations

The following are the basic validations.



Share mount successful

Validate the share mount. Only applicable for SMB.

Network Connection

Connection to the NAS device.

Isilon validations

Isilon Cloudpool's Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) provides the ability to convert regular files into small size stub files also known as SmartLink files. This helps reduce the TCO on the primary NAS filer, as the original regular file is moved to cold storage or a cheaper secondary storage tier.
For a user, this file appears to be on disk and is available for use, but is actually stored on different storage. If stub files are not identified during backup, they are treated as regular files and get backed up. This adds additional cost for the customer, whenever Druva retrieves data from the Isilon secondary tier to the primary tier. For more information, see Dell EMC Isilon documentation.

If the following validations are successful, then the stub files are identified and skipped. Otherwise, they are processed as regular files.



Minimum NAS proxy version is 5.0.2

Agent on the proxy with the minimum supported version.

Connection to OneFS via the URL and port succeeded

Network connection to OneFS with the given endpoint details.

Credentials are valid

Same credentials must be used for both share mounting and OneFS.

πŸ“ Note
​ OneFS is the API interface for Isilon.

πŸ“ Note
​ Credentials are case-sensitive and must match exactly. This includes the domain name, if applicable.

Supported OneFS version

Version 8.2.2 and above.

πŸ“ Note
​​Druva uses both basic authentication and session-based authentication for OneFS Platform APIs. If the session-based authentication fails, basic authentication will be used if enabled. Otherwise, Isilon validation and the backup job will fail.

You can enable basic authentication from the command-line interface using the following command:
​​isi_gconfig -t web-config auth_basic=true

Credentials have all the required privileges

The system zone user must have the following privileges:

  • Platform APIs ( ISI_PRIV_LOGIN_PAPI )

  • Privilege APIs ( ISI_PRIV_ROLE )

  • Namespace Traverse APIs ( ISI_PRIV_NS_TRAVERSE )

  • Namespace Access APIs ( ISI_PRIV_NS_IFS_ACCESS )

  • NFS Share APIs ( ISI_PRIV_NFS )

  • SMB Share APIs ( ISI_PRIV_SMB )


  • Recovery point ( ISI_PRIV_SNAPSHOT )

  • Job Engine ( ISI_PRIV_JOB_ENGINE )

While using a custom zone, create a new user in the custom zone with the same username and password that exists in the system zone and provide the following read-only privileges:

  • SMBsharePrivilege

  • NFSexportsPrivilege

  • PlatformAPIPrivilege

  • RolesPrivilege

  • NamespaceAccess

  • NamespaceTraversePrivilege

πŸ“ Note
​ Using the OneFS interface, you must create a Druva role with the above permissions, and then add a NAS user to this role.

πŸ“ Note
​ To create a role and user on Isilon with the required permissions using CLI, see article.

Active SnapshotIQ licence detected

Users must have the active SnapshotIQ license.

Successfully able to access recovery point

Users must have access to the recovery point created on the Isilon device.

πŸ“ Note
​For a Full scan backup, Isilon recovery points created by Druva will be deleted automatically after 180 days. Otherwise, they will be deleted after 31 days. For this to happen, you must enable the autodelete of recovery points from the:

  • Isilon UI (SnapshotIQ tab)

  • command-line interface using the following command:
    ​isi snapshot settings modify --autodelete enable

Isilon backup validations

Dell EMC Isilon supports the following permissions related to recovery point accessibility for both SMB and NFS:

  • Root directory accessible

  • Sub-directories accessible

At least one of these permissions must be enabled.
If both the permissions are enabled, then the default permission used is Sub-directories accessible.

πŸ“ Note
​The Root directory accessible permission will only work if /ifs (ifs share) is accessible to the user.


Isolon, Dell Isolon, Dell Isilon, EMC Isilon

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