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Storage Status Report
Updated over 11 months ago


This report provides details about the statistics and alerts for all the configured storage during a specified period.If you have configured inSync CloudCache Server for your environment, this report also displays inSync CloudCache Server statistics.

The following screenshot depicts a sample Storage Status Report.


The following table lists all the fields in the Storage Status Report.



Storage Statistics

  • Storage Name - The name of the storage.

  • No. of Users - The number of users assigned to the storage.

  • Additional Data Usage (MB) -

  • Storage Usage (MB) - The total source data backed up during all backup cycles (including the first and subsequent incremental backups) of all the devices in the selected storage.

📝 Note
The count includes data backed up from SaaS Apps.

Total size of Backed Up Files (MB) - The sum of all the snapshots of each device on the selected storage.

📝 Note
The count includes data backed up from SaaS Apps.

Storage Alert

Entity- The name of the storage.

Alert Details -The details about the alert. For example, Low Database Storage Available.

First Occurrence - The date and time when the alert first occurred.

Latest Occurrence - The date and time when the alert last occurred.

Active - Status about whether the alert is still active.

CloudCache Statistics

CloudCache Name - The name of the inSync CloudCache Server.

No. of Users - The number of users that are mapped to the inSync CloudCache Server.

No. of Users for Restore - The number of users that are ready for restore.

Total Cache Size (MB) - The total disk space available for cache data.

Cache Usage (MB) - The total disk space that the cache data consumed until date.


The following table lists the actions that you can perform on the Storage Status Report pages.



Add filter

Creates filters to display Storage Statuss data based on the filter’s selection.

Sort data

Sorts data in the Storage Status Details table using single or multiple columns.

Rearrange columns

Changes the order of the columns in the Storage Status Details table.

Apply filters

You can apply filters to the Storage Status Report to fetch Storage Status details as per your requirements.

View report

You can view the generated report, or send it through an email to the intended recipients.

Download data

You can also download data in the widgets in the CSV and CSV-Summary formats.

Add Filter


  1. On the Storage Status Report page, click the filter icon.
    The Filters widget appears. The Filters widget displays a default Storage Status filter selected that lists Storage Statuss activities performed in the last two months. You can define multiple filters based on your requirements. The report data will be fetched based on the fields’ selection. Click the delete icon to remove filters.

  2. Click Add Filter.

  3. On the Filter dialog, select a field or type the field name in the Column box, use the filter options to create a combination of filters, and click Apply.

  4. The Storage Status Report page now displays data specific to the filter created. Similarly, you can further create more filters and apply them to display Storage Status activity details.
    For example, to fetch data for two organizations, ORGA and ORGB, respectively, select the Organization Name from the filter options, select the Equals option from the Is drop-down list, and select the check boxes for ORGA and ORGB, respectively. Click Apply.

  5. The report now displays Storage Status data specific to the two organizations, ORGA and ORGB.

Sort data

Use the sort options to sort the report data in a single or multiple columns in an ascending or descending order.

Single-column Sort

  • Click the Sortdisabled icon to sort the data values in ascending or descending order.

  • Click the Sortenabled icon to disable the sorting option.

Multiple-columns Sort

The Apply Multiple-column Sort option allows you to sort report data using more than one column. The report data is displayed based on the order of columns selected. For example, you may want to fetch data restored for workloads deployed per organization with the successful status.


To sort data:

  1. In the Storage Status Activity Details table, go to the Organization column and click More > ApplyMulti-column Sort.

  2. Click the sort icon in the Status column.
    The Storage Status Details table displays report data sorted based on the selected order of columns.

Download report

You can download the entire Storage Status Report in the CSV and PDF formats, and download the widget-level report in the CSV, CSV-Summary, and PDF formats.


  1. At the bottom-right corner of the report page, click the



  2. Click the required format of the report to download.

    • To download the report in the CSV format, click the

      Download CSV.png

      Click one of the following options to receive the report: ​

      • I’ll wait: The report is downloaded in the CSV format.

      • Provide Email: Provide your email address to get notified about the completion of the report generation.

    • To download the report in PDF format, click the

      Download PDF.png

      The requested report is downloaded to your system.

  3. To download the report at the widget level, you can go to the required widget and click the more Reportsmore icon.

  4. Click Download.

  • To download the report in the CSV format, click Download > CSV.

  • To download the report in the CSV-Summary format, click Download> CSV-Summary.

  • To download the report in PDF format, click Download > PDF.

The data in the requested format is exported and the report is generated. Click one of the following options to receive the report:

  • I’ll wait: The report is downloaded in CSV format.

  • Provide Email: Provide your email address to get notified about the completion of the report generation.

Rearrange columns

You can change the order of the columns in the Storage StatusDetails table by dragging a column and dropping it to the required position within the table.

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