This report provides details of all the restore activities performed during a specified period.
The following screenshot depicts a sample Restore Activity Report.
The following section provides information about the restore activity based on the filters selected.
Section | Description |
Summary | Total Restores - The total number of restores triggered. |
| Total Data Restored - The total amount of data restored. |
| Successful Restores- The number of restores processed successfully without errors. |
| Failed Restores - The number of restores that failed. |
Restore Job Status | The pie chart depicts various statuses of the restores performed for the selected resources such as successful, failed, and queued.
Hovering on the individual legends of the graph displays the count of restores based on their status. |
Restore Activity Daily Trend | Daily trend of the restores of the users for the selected profile.
When you hover over this chart, you can view the total number of restore jobs and the date on which the restore operation was performed. |
Restore ActivityDetails The Restore Activity Details table lists all restore activities performed for resources based on the workloads they belong to |
User Name | The name of the user whose device is restored. |
User Email | The email address of the user whose device is restored. |
Data Source | The name of the device that is registered for the user. |
Profile | The profile that is assigned to the user. |
OS Platform | The OS platform of the device. |
Mode | The type of restore operation based on its origin. For example, Admin, Web or self. |
System Setting Restore | If the restore is performed with system settings this field will display the value as Yes, if not it will display as No. |
Start Time | The date and time on which the restore operation started. |
End Time | The date and time on which the restore operation was completed. |
#Files | The number of files that were selected for the restore operation. |
Files Skipped | The number of files that were missed from the restore activity. |
Restore Size | The number of bytes in MB that were restored. |
Status | The status of the restore operation. |