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inSync Direct Download utility FAQs and troubleshooting
Updated over 4 months ago


What happens if a backup and data download is in progress? Will I have to re-initiate the download to download the latest snapshot all over again?

Yes, you need to reinitiate the download at a different location to download the latest backup data. Since the contents of an ongoing backup running in parallel with inSync Direct Download utility, are not listed on the WebDAV URL, you need to reinitiate the download. You also need to download a new CSV file before reinitiating the download and specify a new location for the download as the utility does not support an incremental download.

Can inSync Direct Download utility download files with paths longer than 256 characters on Windows, Mac, and Linux?

Yes, inSync Direct Download utility downloads file with paths longer than 256 characters on Windows, Mac, and Linux systems. On Windows, you need to use third-party tools like Cygwin to access such files. You do not require third-party tools for Mac and Linux systems.

What is the DB generated with the data download used for?

The database is used to store WebDAV properties of each file and folder. It contains WebDAV URLs of each file and folder used during data download and the database is also used for metadata .csv creation after the data download.

How can I retry downloading files that were missed or errored out during the download?

Execute the command to run inSync Direct Download utility with the same download location and using the same .csv file. Only the missed files will get downloaded.

How can I download only meta-data for relevant Custodians?

Use the -o option in your data download command to download only metadata. Download .csv file for the specific custodians from the inSync Management Console and use it with the command.

What happens if a download was in progress and is undergoing maintenance during the weekly maintenance window?

The download is interrupted and a retry mechanism gets activated. There will be 36 retries in a span of 6 hours. The first try would be after 1 min and the subsequent retries will be after 2,4,8,16 and 32 minutes, post which there will be retries after every 10 min. This will be repeated for each file download.

How do I verify that I am using the latest version of inSync Direct Download utility?

The new version of inSync Direct Download utility must be 1.1_55344 or later. To verify the version of the utility:

  1. From the command prompt of your respective systems, navigate to the folder where you have downloaded the inSync Direct Download utility.

  2. Run the following version command based on your OS:

  • On Linux and Mac OS: ./inSyncDirectDownload -v

  • On Windows OS: inSyncDirectDownload.exe -v

If your utility version is lower than 1.1_55344, the command will fail with unrecognized arguments error.

How can I verify the Creation, Last Modified, and Last Accessed dates of files in the user data downloaded using inSync Direct Download utility?

Based on the OS of the device where you have downloaded the user data, open the file/folder properties of the respective file/folder. The file/folder Creation, Last Modified, and Last Accessed date and time will be displayed along with other file properties.

How should I access file paths greater than 255 characters and folders with names ending with a period (.) on Windows?

Use appropriate tools such as Cygwin. Avoid Windows file explorer for this purpose.

Does the Direct Download utility support SOCKS proxy?


Windows defender shows a malware warning while downloading the data?

During a download of data, the system shows a warning when a temporary database files are created at the download location. Ignore this warning as it has no impact on inSync behavior.

Does the Direct Download utility support inSync On-Premises?

No. Direct Download utility is available only on inSync Cloud. To learn more, see inSync Direct Download utility for Legal Holds.


Download fails on Mac systems with 'Too many open files' error

This error is seen only on Mac systems when it falls short of file descriptors while downloading the user data.

Workaroun: Before running the inSync Direct Download utility, set the ulimit of the Mac system to 1024 using:

ulimit -n 1024

Download fails on Mac systems with 'error setting certificate verify locations'

This error is seen only on Mac systems when it falls short of file descriptors while downloading the user data.

Workaround: Before running the inSync Direct Download utility, set the ulimit of the Mac system to 1024 using:

ulimit -n 1024

System asks to install command line installer tools after initiating the data download

This message is seen only on Mac systems if the installer tools required to run the download command are missing.

Workaround: Install the installer tools as suggested by the message and again initiate the data download using inSync Direct Download utility.

Can you maintain metadata attributes when using the Direct Download Utility to collect data?

Yes, you can maintain the metadata attributes when using the Direct Download Utility to collect data. The metadata attributes for Creation time, Modified time, and Access time that are stored during back up will be restored in the downloaded data.

What are the limitations of using the Direct Download utility to download data?

Files backed up from a Linux device and downloaded on a Windows device, using the Direct Download utility, will not have a file creation timestamp. This metadata attribute is not present in files backed up from Linux devices.

How to download data to retain metadata attributes of the backup content?

When data is downloaded using a browser, the metadata attributes are not retained. Use the Direct Download Utility to download and apply all the metadata attributes to the file after the data is downloaded.

How to process and validate the data if the metadata attribute is intact?

When data is downloaded, all the metadata attributes are stored in a csv file for each device. You can validate the metadata attributes for each downloaded file with the information mentioned in the csv file. Note that some metadata attributes such as 'Access Time' are not easy to validate as their values may change when the file is accessed.

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