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You can audit the status of your tasks from the Tasks Page to troubleshoot any failed jobs and identify pending or completed jobs.


Perform the following steps to view the status of a task.

  1. On the Salesforce App console, click Tasks.

πŸ“ Note

If the Task page is not appearing, ensure you are using the latest Druva Salesforce App package, then clear the browser cache and reload the Tasks page. For more information see, Troubleshooting Issues.

2. Pick a type or state of the task in the Type or State dropdown list to filter tasks. Use the User dropdown list to view another user's tasks.

As per the selection, a table displays the status of tasks.




Describes the type of task. The following are some of the types of tasks:

  • Org Describe

  • Disable Validations

  • Refresh Validations

  • Enable Validations

  • Include Records

  • Data Seeding

  • Data Backup

  • Retrieve Records

  • Retrieve Deleted Records

  • Download Backup Data

  • Metadata Backup Extract Files

  • Metadata Backup Compare

  • Metadata Restore


Provides a short description of the type of task.


Displays the name of the user who created the task.


Displays the status of the task.

Created Date

Displays the creation date of the task.

Completed Date

Displays the completion date of the task.


Provides additional details of a failed task.

Data Seeding Details

The Data Seeding Details page provides the following details.





Describes the data Seeding operation and displays the name of the data template being used.


Displays the name of the user who created the task.


Displays the current stage of the data seeding, which can be either In Progress, Completed, or Failed.

Created At

Displays the date when the data Seeding operation was initiated.


Displays the total record count for the data Seeding task.

Return to Data Template

This link enables you to navigate to the data template being used and make any modifications.

You can exclude fields, add data translations, or manage validations to resolve error messages for failed records.

For more information about Data Templates, see Data Templates.

Retry Failed Records

The Salesforce App stores the record IDs of the records, which failed to copy during a data Seeding task.

The Retry Failed Records option enables you to retry data copies of any failed records shortly or days after a data Seeding task is completed.

You can select all objects to retry or select individual objects.

The Retry Failed Records option replicates the original data Seeding operation for any specified validations. If the original data Seeding did not contain validations, then the retry operation disables them and vice versa.

Export Failed Records

The Export Failed Records option exports all failed records to a CSV file.

Export Completed Records

The Export Completed Records option exports all records that were copied to a CSV file.

Data Archival Status

The Data Archival Details page provides the following details.

Data Archival Staus Success




Describes the data archival operation and displays the name of the archival set being used.


Displays the name of the user who created the task.

Created At

Displays the date when the data archival operation was initiated.

Archival Set

Displays the name of the archival set that was used to create the task.


Displays the current stage of the data archival, which can be either In Progress, Completed, or Failed.

Export Failed Records

The Export Failed Records option exports all failed records to a CSV file.

Export Completed Records

The Export Completed Records option exports all records that were copied to a CSV file.

❗ Important

The archival task involves three stages--Discover, Copy, and Delete. If the Discover or the Copy stage fails, the Archival Task is marked as failed. If the Delete stage fails, the Archival task is marked successful. The failed records can be reviewed by looking at the task details. For more details, see Manage Archival Tasks.

Data Seeding Status

Status Tab

The Status tab displays a progress bar to provide information on the progress of the data Seeding or archival restore tasks.

This tab displays the logs as well. You can see the events from the application during the migration of data to the Salesforce environment.

Completed Tab

The Completed tab displays the copied records in the target organization. The records are divided by object. You can use the Object Name dropdown list to toggle between objects.

The data table displays the field values populated into the target organization. The value in the ID field is the ID within the destination. You can copy and paste this ID into the destination to locate the record.


Column Selection

The Column Selection option lets users change the columns in the data table. The data table displays around 10-20 columns.


The Available Columns display all the available fields for that object. The Selected Columns field displays selected fields to display on the data table.

Click a column and select or deselect it using the directional arrows. Use the directional arrows to determine the order in which the columns are displayed on the data table.

Failed Tab

The Failed tab displays the records that failed to copy during the data Seeding task. The records are divided into object and error codes. You can use the dropdown list to toggle between objects and error codes.

πŸ“ Note

The error messages are the responses returned from Salesforce during the creation of records in the destination.


The table on the bottom-left displays the individual records with their record ID and error message. You can click Detail to populate the table on the right pane.

The table on the right pane provides a comparison between the source field values and the attempted values. The attempted values are the values the application attempted to populate into the destination for the specific record.

Unresolved Tab

The Unresolved tab shows Unresolved records and distinguishes them from Failed records so administrators can identify the number of failed records and start working to resolve them. Once the failed records are resolved, the number of unresolved records will instantly update to reflect the correct number of failed and unresolved records.


The table on the bottom-left displays the individual records with their record ID and error message. You can click Detail to populate the table on the right pane.

The table on the right pane provides a comparison between the source field values and the attempted values. The attempted values are the values the application attempted to populate into the destination for the specific record.

Deploy Validations

The Deploy Validations tab displays the deployment results for the validations applied to the metadata in the target organization during a data Seeding operation.

The following deployment results are displayed in a table.



File Name

Displays the validation file name.

Type Name

Displays the validation type.

Full Name

Displays the full name of the validation.


Displays the status of the validation deployment.

Settings Tab

The Settings tab displays the details of the settings provided during data Seeding or data restore operation. While auditing the status of the tasks the Settings tab provides better visibility and analysis of the options selected during the data Seeding or data restore.

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