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Migrate PBS to Ubuntu 22.04
Updated over 5 months ago

This article describes the steps to migrate PBS from Ubuntu 18 to Ubuntu 22.

Before we begin

  1. Make sure there are no pending backups to be uploaded to Cloud by running the following command:
    ​zfs list -t snapshot

  2. Internet connectivity should be available on PBS.

  3. Stop any RMAN backup scripts running on the oracle servers while an upgrade is in progress.

  4. Run upgrade when no RMAN backups are scheduled.

  5. Perform the following steps before you migrate PBS:

i. Run the following commands to check system health:

         sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt dist-upgrade
sudo apt autoremove

ii. Document installed softwares by running the following command:

dpkg --get-selections | sudo tee installed-software.txt > /dev/null

Copy installed-software.txt to some other local server.


To upgrade from one LTS version of Ubuntu to another LTS version, you must first upgrade to intermediate LTS versions. For example, if you want to upgrade from Ubuntu 18.04 to Ubuntu 22.04, you must first upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04 and then to 22.04.

Steps to migrate PBS to Ubuntu version 20.04

  1. Run the the following commands to upgrade:

    sudo apt install update-manager-core
    sudo do-release-upgrade

  2. Follow the instructions and prompts, and review and approve the proposed changes.

  3. Reboot the PBS VM once the upgrade is complete

  4. Check the version by running the following command:

    lsb_release -a

  5. Run the following commands to check system health:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade
    sudo apt dist-upgrade
    sudo apt autoremove

Steps to migrate PBS to Ubuntu version 22.04

  1. Run the the following commands to upgrade:

    sudo do-release-upgrade

  2. Follow the instructions and prompts, and review and approve the proposed changes.

  3. Reboot the PBS VM once the upgrade is complete

  4. Check the version by running the following command:

    lsb_release -a

  5. Run the following commands to check system health:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt upgrade
    sudo apt dist-upgrade
    sudo apt autoremove

Next Steps

  1. Check PhoenixBackupStore service status by running the following command:

    service PhoenixBackupStore status

  2. If the service is not running, restart the service by running the following command:

service PhoenixBackupStore restart

Service might not start due to the OS version update. The agent running on the PBS has to be upgraded. Download the latest Phoenix Debian package from the Downloads page and install the package.

For any other unexpected problem, contact Support.

Related Keywords

ubuntu migration, ubuntu upgrade, upgrade ubuntu 18, upgrade to ubuntu 22, ubuntu 22 upgrade, steps to upgrade to ubuntu 22

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