This article will help you to get to realize events on the basis of a specific filter parameter.
To generate Access Token and use it for authorization with APIs -
Generate API Credentials, Client ID and Secret Key, from the Druva Cloud Platform Console. For step-by-step instructions, see Manage API Credentials.
Provide Client ID as username and Secret Key as password in this Authorization API.
Copy the Access Token from the response.
Click Try It button for the API which you want to call or explore and provide the copied Access Token in the Authorization text box in the format -
βBearer <Access_Token>
βExample:Bearer Zhdsohdspcnxxxxxx
Once you have the Bearer <Access_token> value
7. Under the Header section, we need to enter the Bearer <Access_token> value
8. Here you will get all the realize event types
9. This output will have all the event type outputs, if you have a requirement to filter this output further you may add the filter parameter value under query params value
For admin login event result, use the following parameter and paste it under filters option
{"event_type_name":"Admin Login"}
For system event result, use the following parameter and paste it under filters option
{"event_type_name":"System Event"}