Restore from Cache
Updated over a week ago

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After user data is successfully backed up to inSync Cloud, you can restore user data at any time. The following table describes the restore process when inSync CloudCache Server is configured in your enterprise environment.



Step 1

Map users to inSync CloudCache Server. If you have already done this for the user whose data you want to restore, you can skip this step.

Step 2

Step 3

Monitor the restore operation progress and wait for the Restore from Cache Status to display Ready for Restore.

Step 4

Prepare users for restore

When users initiate a restore, data is fetched from inSync CloudCache Server instead of the cloud storage, resulting in faster restore operations. Administrators must prepare users for restore operations. When you select users for restore, user data from the cloud storage is temporarily stored in inSync CloudCache Server.


To prepare users for restore

  1. On the inSync Management Console menu bar, click Settingwheel > CloudCache Servers.

  2. Click the link of the inSync CloudCache Server for which you want to prepare users for restore.

  3. Click the Users tab, and then select the check box for the users whom you want to prepare for restore.

  4. Click Restore from Cache, and then click Prepare for Restore.

inSync performs the following actions when you prepare a user for restore:

  1. The latest snapshot of the user data is populated in the Cache.

  2. User's device state is marked as Ready for Restore and the device retains this state until you click Done with Restore. At this point, the device state does not change even if you click Prepare for Restore again, as the last snapshot data is already populated in the Cache.

  3. Data on the Cache Server is marked for de-population once you click Done with Restore.

These actions are repeated every time you prepare a user for restore from Cache.

Monitor restore operations

You can monitor the restore operation progress by viewing the Restore from Cache status. The following table lists different restore status and their description.

Restore from Cache Status


Cache in Progress

When you select users and prepare users for restore the Restore from Cache column displays the status as Cache in Progress. This means that inSync is preparing the user for restore and in the next CloudCache sync schedule with inSync Cloud, inSync CloudCache Server will fetch data for this user and keep the data for restore.

Ready for Restore

When inSync completes fetching restore data from inSync Cloud and the restore data is now available on the inSync CloudCache Server, the Restore from Cache column displays the status as Ready for Restore. You can then inform users that they can now restore their data.

-- (two dashes)

After the restore operation is complete or the restore data is no longer required, the administrator can remove the restore data to free up disk space on inSync CloudCache Server. After the administrator removes restore data from inSync CloudCache Server, the Restore from Cache column displays the status as -- (two dashes).


To view the restore operation status

  1. On the inSync Management Console menu bar, click Settingwheel > CloudCache Servers.

  2. Click the link of the inSync CloudCache Server for which you want to view the restore from cache progress.

  3. Click the Users tab. The Restore from Cache column displays the restore from cache status for each user.

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