Problem description
Oracle backup fails immediately with the error - INTERNAL65535 on the console.
Connecting to database will give you the error - ORA-01090: shutdown in progress – connection is not permitted.
Your /var/log/audit filesystem is full Or does not have any inodes available.
ORA-09817: Write to audit file failed.
Linux-x86_64 Error: 28: No space left on device
stack="failed to parse results: \nORACLE_BASE=/ora/app/oracle\nORACLE_HOME=/ora/app/oracle/product/\nERROR:\nORA-09817:
Write to audit file failed.\nLinux-x86_64 Error: 28: No space left on device\nAdditional information: 12\nORA-01075:
you are currently logged on\n\n\n\\ngoroutine 11 [running]:\nruntime/debug.Stack(0xc000408f30, 0xc0001dcd80,
0x10c)\n\t/usr/local/go/src/runtime/debug/stack.go:24 +0x9f\nphoenix/oraclesbt/client/pkg/logutil.(*loggerImpl).
Note - Please get the help of the Oracle admin.
1. Identify the Oracle mount which has no space left.
$ df -Ph <Mount_point>
2. Go inside the volume ($ cd <mount_point>),then use the commands to locate the largest files.
$ find . -ls | sort -nrk7 | head -10
$ du -S . | sort -nr | head -10
3. Can check the below location/files for clearing the spaces.
audit file location in init.ora file
any old unwanted audit files.
any old trace files.
any large Oracle Net log files.
Moving, compressing, or deleting old archive redo log files.
Removing old installation files or binaries
If you have datafiles with ample free space, consider resizing them to smaller sizes.