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Check list of details required for cloud cache server sizing
Check list of details required for cloud cache server sizing
Updated over a week ago

❗ Important

The CloudCache Server will reach its End of Support (EOS) on June 30, 2024. Learn more.


This article provides information on details Druva technical support needs from customers to be able to calculate the recommended hardware and storage sizing for inSync cloud cache server. Fill out this checklist as you obtain the requirements from customers.


Confirm the following with the customer before calculating the requirement:

  • Why does customer require hardware sizing?

  • Is customer doing a server migration?

Details for hardware sizing

Primary inputs required for hardware sizing for fresh or existing setup:

  • Number of users of Cloud cache:

  • Specify maximum data per user (GB)

  • Perpetual Cache - True/False["This defines if customer is planning to use the CC only for the first backup (False), or forever (True)"]:

Initial deployment time values

Time required to complete initial deployment:

  • Number of users to be restored per day ("This is the number of restores making through this CC"):

  • Upload bandwidth available in off-peak hours:

  • Download bandwidth available in off-peak hours:

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