Druva CloudRanger allows you to import existing AWS backups into a backup policy. You can now manage all your backups within specified retention schedules to ensure SLA compliance and reduce storage costs. Backups can be imported, regardless of whether they are tagged using specific tags in your AWS environment.
You can also use this feature to delete old AWS snapshots within a preferred schedule, whether the snapshots were created on Druva CloudRanger or not.
π Note
βDruva CloudRanger currently supports import of AMIs as well as snapshots of EBS, RDS, and Redshift instances into a backup policy.
Importing backups
To import existing backups into a backup policy:
On the top navigation bar, click Policies and then select the policy you wish to import.
Click Import Backups.
On the Find Backups tab, specify the criteria to locate specific backups.
Field | Description |
Find Backup Types | Select one or more backup types, for example, AMI and RDS Snapshot. |
In accounts | Select your Druva CloudRanger account(s) to which the backups need to be imported. |
And in regions | Select the AWS regions to which the backup applies. |
Match | Specify the tagging criteria:
4. Click Continue.
5. Review the policy retention on the Retention Review tab and then click Finish.
The resource backups are now imported into the selected backup policy, and the retention criteria for these new backups will be handled by that policy.
To manage tags on existing snapshots, please refer to AWS Management Console - Tag Editor.
Related keywords: how_to_import_existing_backups_into_a_backup_policy_using_tags